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专项训练(二)专项训练(二)阅读提升专项训练阅读提升专项训练一、一、2023 深圳阶段练习深圳阶段练习 完形填空完形填空Kevin had a happy family,but his family was in trouble.His mother got ill and it cost lots of money to see a 1 .What was worse,his father just lost his job.Kevins parents didnt tell anything to him,so he knew nothing about it.()1.A.teacher B.doctor C.friend D.scientist【点拨】由“His mother got ill”可知要看医生。故选B。BKevin was going to be 8 years old,and he was 2 his birthday party.Hed like to have a big party with all his friends.()2.A.asking for B.writing about C.looking forward to D.getting ready for【点拨】根据下一句“Hed like to have a big party with all his friends.”可知Kevin 盼望着他的生日聚会。故选C。CHowever,his parents didnt have much 3 for the party.()3.A.money B.time C.advice D.experience【点拨】结合上文“His mother got ill and it cost lots of money to see.What was worse,his father just lost his job.”可推测出,他的父母没有很多钱来举办聚会。故选A。AThey worried about this,because they didnt want Kevin to be 4 .()4.A.excited B.afraid C.sad D.tired【点拨】根据“They worried about this,because they didnt want Kevin to be.”可推知如果不举办生日聚会,Kevin 会很伤心。故选C。CAfter thinking for several days,they 5 had an idea.()5.A.hardly B.quickly C.carefully D.finally【点拨】根据“After thinking for several days”可知经过几天的思考,他们最终有了一个想法。故选D。DThey asked each of Kevins friends to 6 something.Mark said he would cook sandwiches.Albert would make lemon drinks.()6.A.bring B.show C.buy D.raise【点拨】根据“Mark said he would cook sandwiches.Albert would make lemon drinks.”可知,Kevin 的每个朋友都将会带一些东西来。故选A。AKevins birthday arrived on a Sunday.In the morning,before Kevin opened his eyes,he 7 his parents say“Happy birthday to our big boy!”()7.A.smelt B.heard C.watched D.touched【点拨】根据“Happy birthday to our big boy!”可知这句话是Kevin 听到的。故选B。BThen as Kevin 8 his window,he saw each of his friends holding something in their hands.And they shouted,“Happy birthday,Kevin!”()8.A.got down to B.made fun of C.looked out of D.kept away from【点拨】根据“he saw each of his friends”可知是看向窗外。故选C。CKevins birthday party was just like what he had expected(期待).Kevin was really moved(感动的)after he 9 what his parents and friends had done for him.()9.A.imagined B.knew C.thought D.checked【点拨】根据“Kevin was really moved(感动的)after he.what his parents and friends had done for him.”可知Kevin 知道父母和朋友们为他所做的一切后十分感动。故选B。BHe learnt that it didnt matter how much a birthday 10 cost as long as his loved ones were there.()10.A.party B.card C.surprise D.cake【点拨】根据“Kevins birthday party was just like what he had expected(期待).”和“how much a birthday.cost”可知是生日聚会上花多少钱不要紧。故选A。A
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