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四年级英语期中考试 班级 姓名 分数 第一部分:听力(40分)一:听录音,选出你所听到的单词或词组(10)( )1. A . computer B. wall C. near( )2. A . desk B. chair C. teachers desk( )3. A . Ok . B. Thank you! C. Oh !( )4. A .pencil B. picture C. panda( )5. A . book B. look C. box( )6. A . have B. has C. hat( )7. A . tall B. toy C. teacher( )8. A . bird B. baby C. boy( )9. A . good B. girl C.grape( )10. A . friendly B. fruit C. fan二:听录音,给下面句子编号 (10分)( )1. listen to music ( )2. tall and strong( )3. open the door ( ) 4. turn on the light( )5. close the window 三:听录音,选择你所听到的句子(20分)( )1. A : I like blue B.Its blue( )2. A: Sure,here you are B. Thank you!( )3. A: Its near the window B.Its so big( )4. A: Put up the picture B.draw a picture( )5. A: Clean the classroom B.Clean the teachers office( )6. A: The door is orange B.Open the door( )7. A: An English book B.A Chinese book( )8.A: tall and strong B.short and thin( )9. A: She is friendly B.she is quiet( )10. A: She has long hair B.She has short hair第二部分:笔试(60分)四:单项选择(20分)( )1.- is your seat ? - Its near the window. A . Where B.Who C. What ( )2.We a new classroom. A . has B.have C. is( )3 John? A . Hes B.He is C. Is he ( )4.- Whats in your schoolbag? - Its English book, a math book and a storybook A . a B.an C.the( )5.I have a good friend. Hes tall strong. A . but B.and C. Or( )6.He has hair and small eyes. A .short B.tall C. small( )7.lets me the teachers office. A . to clean B.cleans C: clean( )8.- What color is it? - Its A . new B.blue C.like( )9.Zhangpeng glasses and his shoes are blue. A .have B.has C: haves( )10.Whats your classroom? A .in B.on. C: at五:连词成句(15分)1: and , tall .Hes , thin .2: has , long , hair , she. .3: what, it ,is, color(?) ?4. a , friend , I, new , have . .5: me, help, let , you . .六、 选择正确的答句,并为其连线。(15分)1. Good afternoon. a:Yes, he is.2 .Is he zhangpeng? b: Its a maths book.3. Whats in the schoolbag? c: Good afternoon!4. What color is it? d:Amy is my best friend.5. Whos your best friend? e: Its blue.六:阅读短文,判断对错.正确的填T ,错误的填F.(10分)Look , this is a photo of my family.look! My dad is strong ,my mother is thin. Oh, this is my sister, she is quiet.she is 10.She is a good student. She likes English and sports.The boy is me , I like music and books.( )1.I am a girl .I like music and books.( )2.My dad is tall.( 3.My sister is 10.She is a good student. ( )4.My sister likes English and sports.( )5.They are four members in my family .
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