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冀教版三年级英语下册满分:100分时间:60分钟得分:听力部分一、听录音,选出单词。(10分)()1.A. farmB. farmerC. zoo()2.A. can B. animal C. like()3.A. yesB. no C. not()4.A. aB. anC. the()5.A. amB. isC. are二、听录音,给图片排序。(10分)三、听录音,判断图片与内容是否一致。(10分) 5.四、听录音,选出句子。(10分)()1.A. Monkeys eat bananas. B. Tigers eat meat. ()2.A. A cow lives on a farm. B. A fish lives in a river.()3.A. How many monkeys are there?B. How many elephants are there?()4.A. There are ten ducks. B. There are nine snakes. ()5.A. The bird is small.B. The horse is big. 笔试部分五、选出下列单词中不同类的一项。(10分)()1.A. pandaB. monkeyC. grass()2.A. inB. sixC. on()3.A. birdB. catsC. dogs()4.A. smallB. flyC. long()5.A. farmB. zooC. eight六、选择正确的汉语意思。(10分)()1. a small birdA.多少()2. on a farmB.看()3. under the boxC.一只小鸟()4. look atD.在农场上()5. how manyE.在盒子下面七、看图片,选单词。(10分)()1.A. tigerB. wolfC. bear()2.A. inB. onC. under()3.A. sixB. sevenC. eight()4.A. elephantB. pandaC. horse()5.A. forestB. treeC. river八、选择正确的答案。(10分)()1. How many ducks there?A. amB. isC. are()2. There are five birds the tree. A. onB. inC. fly()3. Can a panda fly? A. Yes, it can.B. No, it cant.C. No, it isnt. ()4. Is it a chicken? A. Yes, it is.B. Yes, it isnt.C. No, it is.()5. Horses can.A. flyB. runC. eat meat()6. can fly. A. CatsB. FishC. Birds()7. There is elephant under the tree. A. anB. aC. two()8. There are many fish the river.A. onB. underC. in()9. eat grass. A. CowsB. CatsC. Monkeys()10. A rabbit can.A. swimB. jumpC. fly九、连词成句。(10分)1. jumpaCanchicken(?)2. animalsflyWhatcan(?)3. fishlivesainAriver(.)4. elephantbigisThe(.)5. animalsmanyareHowthere(?)十、看图,回答问题。(10分)()1. What can you see? I can see three .()2. Where is the book? Its the desk.()3. Whats this? Its a .()4. Where does a pig live? On the .()5. Can a fish swim? , it can.
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