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Unit 7 Its raining!周次: 执笔人:刘婉玲 授课人:教学目标:1学会描述并谈论天气2描述正在发生的事情-学习现在进行时的用法3学会描述在不同的天气背景下能做什么4. 表达自己对天气的喜好并说明原因语言功能:描述天气,描述正在发生的动作语言目标:Hows the weather? Its raining. Hows it going? Its great. Is Aunt Sarah there? Yes, she is. Whats she doing? Shes cooking.语言结构:How 引导的特殊疑问句 Yes/ No 问句及简短回答 现在进行时的用法重点词汇:raining, sunny, cloudy, snowing, windy, cold, hot, cool, warm, humid, cooking, playing, watching, studying学习策略与思维技巧:言语配合,调用已知信息多元智能:人际交往,逻辑表述,肢体表达能力Period 1Step 1. GreetingStep 2. New words(生词): 1. Weather(有关天气): rain, snow, windy, cloudy, sunny, cold, cool, warm, humid 2. Seasons(季节): spring, summer, autumn (fall), winter 3. Countries and cities(国家和城市):Beijing, Shanghai, Moscow, Toronto, Boston,Egypt, CairoRead them aloud and write on their notebooks.Step 3. come to the text. 1a. match the words with the pictures.看图听1b的录音,把地名填入图中的方框里自我练习1c,根据上边的每张图进行问答: A: Hi! Hows the weather in Beijing?B: Its sunny.Step 4. Explain some points.在名词后加-y变成形容词:wind 风windy 有风的cloud 云cloudy 多云的rain 雨rainy 下雨的snow 雪snowy 下雪的shower 阵雨showery 阵雨的drizzle 蒙蒙细雨drizzly (要去掉e)下毛毛雨的sun 太阳sunny (要双写n) 阳光灿烂的fog 雾foggy (要双写g) 多雾的ice 冰icy (要去掉e) 冰冻的Step 5. 天气信息:假设你是1689988信息台的话务员,请为外出的客户提供城际天气信息。Step 6. 我在干嘛?学生轮流进行肢体表述,其他学生猜他/她正在做什么?Step 7. Do some exercises: 单词中英互译: 1. rain _ 2. cloudy _ 3. windy _ 4. sunny _5. snow _ 6. weather _ 7. pretty _ 8. cold _ 9. warm _ 10. humid _ 11. program _ 12. desert _Step 8. summary教后一得:Period 2.Step 1. GreetingStep 2. Go over the words we learned last class.Step 3. Ask and answer like the following:A: Hows the weather today?B: Its windy.A: Whats the weather like in Beijing?B: Its sunny.Step 4. 基本句型 1.Describe the weather(描述天气): Questions 1: “天气怎么样?” 有两种提问方法: 1) Hows the weather? 2) Whats the weather like?Answers: 用It is句式(it 表天气),也有两种表述方式: 1) Its + 动词-ing (用现在进行时表示“天正在”)Its raining. (在下雨)/ snowing(在下雪)/ blowing(在刮风)/ thundering and lightening(雷电交加) 2) Its + 形容词(表示天气状况或温度) Its sunny(晴朗)/ windy(刮风)/ cloudy(多云)/ rainy(下雨)/ snowy(下雪)/ fine(晴朗) /overcast(阴). Its cold(寒冷)/ humid(潮湿)/ warm(温暖)/ hot(热)hot and close(闷热)/ cool(凉爽).Question 2: “你喜欢样的天气吗?”Do you like cold/hot weather? Yes, I do. No, I dont.Step 5. Grammar(语法):The Present Continuous Tense(现在进行时) 1. 表示现在(说话瞬间)正在进行或发生的动作 2. 表示当前一段时间内的活动或现阶段正在进行的动作 现在进行时的动词形式是:助动词be(am/is/are)+动词-ing 例句: 肯定句: Im writing a book this month. He is watching TV now. The students are listening to the teacher. It is raining. 否定句:在助动词的后面加not: Im not writing a book this month, He isnt watching TV now. The students arent listening to the teacher. It isnt raining. 疑问句和回答:将助动词be提前到句首, 回答时亦用be: Are you writing a book this month? Yes, I am. No, Im not. Is he watching TV now? Yes, he is. No, he isnt. Are the students listening to the teacher? Yes, they are. No, they arent. Is it raining? Yes, it is. No, it isnt. 请同学们完成2a,听录音,根据听到的活动顺序给图片编号,从1-4 再听一遍录音,完成2b把人物和活动连接起来 自我练习2c,根据上边的图进行问答:Whats doing? He/She is 听录音、抄写并背诵Grammar FocusStep 6. Say your recent situation(说明近况): Question:Hows it going? 情况怎么样? ( it 表示“情况”) 这是一个新的表示问候的句型。 Answer: 用It is句型: Its great (很棒)/ pretty good(相当好)/ not bad(不坏)/ terrible(很糟糕)/ just so-so(马马虎虎) 请同学们完成3a (match the words fill faces in the box) 打电话给几个朋友练习问答: Hows it going? Its Hows the weather there? ItsWhat are you doing? ImStep 7. summaryPeriod 3.Step 1. GreetingStep 2. Go over the content we learned last class.Step 3. Section B 句型运用 1.这部分是Section A 中三个句型的综合练习,同时扩展了词汇。 请同学们填写1a (match the words with the pictures) 听磁带并试填写2a中的“Hows it going?”部分 再听一遍录音完成2a中的其他部分 Hows it going? Its What are you doing? Im Hows the weather? Its Do you like weather? Yes, I do. No, I dont. 掌握本页的生词和句型 2.lets come to 3a. 这部分是阅读和写作训练。 1)Thank you for +名词/动名词(谢谢你):Thank you for being with us. 2)CCTVs Around The World program (中央电视台环球节目) 3)right now (现在,正当此时) 4)on vacation (在度假) 5)take photos of (给照相) 6)a king of scarf (一种围巾) 7)the city of Cairo (开罗城) 8)five thousand years of history (五千年的历史)9)What (a/an)! (“多么啊!” 感叹句型:What a cute animal! What good weather!) 10)have a good time (过得有意思,玩得高兴)11) the Eiffel Tower (埃菲尔铁塔)下面是3a中的相关内容:词汇课文内容补充内容Egyptdesertpyramidshotcamelsspeak Arab
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