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2020学年人教版英语精品资料Unit 1 Friendship 单元教学目标技能目标GoalsTalk about friends and friendshipPractise talking about agreement and disagreementPractise giving advice and making decisionsUse Direct Speech and Indirect SpeechLearn to write an essay to express and support an opinion.II 目标语言功能句式Talk about friends and friendshipWhat do friends and friendship mean?What should you do to be a good friend?Why do people make friends with one another?Why do you need friends?What do you think a good friend should be like?What else can be your friend besides a person?How do you solve the problems in your daily communication with your friends?How do you make good friends?What are different ways of showing friendship?How do you show friendship to visitors?A friend in need is a friend indeed.Friends are very important to any person.We can live without a brother, but not without a friend.A good thing in life is the encouragement of a friend.I think friendship is more important that anything else in my life.Friendship is one of the greatest pleasures that people can enjoyOne of the best ways to keep friendship is to return it.A life without a friend is a life without a sun.Practise talking about agreement and disagreementI think so. I dont think so.I agree. I dont agree.Thats correct. Thats exactly my opinion.Youre quite right. I dont think you are right.I quite agree with you. Im afraid I dont agree / disagree with you.Of course not. Im afraid not. Do you agree with ones opinion about friends and friendship? Why or why not?What do you think of people from foreign countries? Give your reasons. Choose some proverbs about friends and friendship you agree or disagree with and explain why?Practise giving advice and making decisionsYoud better. I advise you to .I think / In my opinion, you should .If I were you, Id / I wouldnt .I think it might be a good idea to do .How/ What about.? Why dont you / Why not.?As far as I can see, the best thing would be to .Wouldnt it be better if.?We have to make a choice .Give Anne some advice to help her with the problem making a friend with .Learn to write an advising letter as an editor to give your advice to a student .Decide what you would do to solve the problems on friends and friendship.词汇1. 四会词汇add, point, upset, ignore, calm, loose, cheat, reason, list, share, feeling, Netherlands, German, series, outdoors, crazy nature purpose, dare, thunder, entirely, power, according, accordingly, trust, indoors, suffer teenager, advice, questionnaire, quiz, situation, editor, communicate, habit 2. 认读词汇survey, Amsterdam, Jewish, Nazi, Kitty, spellbind, gossip3. 词组add up, calm down, have got to, be concerned about, walk the dog, go through, hide away, set down, a series of, on purpose, in order to, face to face, according to, get along with, fall in love, join in语法Direct Speech and Indirect SpeechFind out the difference between Direct Speech and Indirect Speech. Change the Direct Speech into Indirect Speech and Indirect into Direct.1. Statements“Ill take care of you.” Chuck said.Chuck said he would take care of him.2. Questions“Did you get e-mails from your friends?” she asked.She asked if I had got e-mails from my friends.重点句子1. I wonder if its because I havent been able to be outdoors for so long that Ive grown so crazy about everything to do with nature.2. For example, when it was so warm, I stayed awake on purpose until half past eleven on evening in order to have a good look at the moon for once by myself.3. It was the first time in a year and a half that Id seen the night face to face.4. Or are you afraid that your friend would laugh at you, or just cant understand what you are going through?5. Although I really try to talk to my classmates, I still find it hard to make good friends with them.6. His mother said you will lose them all if you continue to treat them badly.7. Your friend, who doesnt work hard, asks you to help him/her cheat in the exam by looking at your paper.III. 教材分析和教材重组1. 教材分析本单元以Friend和Friendship为话题,旨在通过单元教学使学生通过讨论什么是好朋友,什么是真正的友谊,如何交友和保持友谊等问题,使学生树立正确的交友观。并针对日常交友过程中经常遇到的实际问题,指导学生发表自己的见解和看法,通过进一步讨论提供有效的解决方案。并能就此以编辑的身份写出指导信,对相关谚语写出观点明确、论证有力的短文。1.1 Warming Up以调查问卷的形式,通过对学生在日常交友过程中所遇到的五个问题,展开调查,使学生对是否擅长交友做出评价,激发学生对本单元的中心话题产生兴趣;同时也使教师本单元的授课更具有针对性,从而有效地帮助学生树立正确的交友观。1.2 Pre-Reading通过四个问题引导学生讨论交友的重要性以及自己心目中好朋友的概念和标准,并使学生认识到不仅人与人,人与物(如日记)也可以成为好朋友。继续探究并树立正确交友观,并为阅读作好了准备。1.3 Reading讲述第二次世界大战的纳粹统治时期,犹太人Anne一家过着滇沛流漓,与世隔绝的生活。Anne在孤独中只能以日记Kitty 为友,倾诉衷肠,伴其渡过两年的逃亡生涯。控诉了纳粹党的残暴统治给犹太人民带来了深重的灾难,并以日记的形式表达了以主人公Anne为代表的全世界人民憎恨战争渴望和平的共同心愿。学生学习了新的词汇、句型,提高了阅读水平。文中选用了主人公的一篇日记,使学生进一步感受到了挚友的可贵,对主人公内心世界的描写有了更深刻的理解。1.4 Comprehension 设计了三种题型。其中前两个是考查学生对READING文章细节内容的理解,最后一题是开放性问题,学生可以在更深入理解主人
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