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动词短语Break 的短语1. break down 损坏,分解,瓦解 另有: 1(元气等)受挫,筋疲力尽,(健康)衰弱;2(感情)失控,(因伤心过度而)哭泣; 3分析,分类。2. break in 1强行进入,闯入; 2(on) 打断,插嘴; 3驯服(动物等)。3. break into 1闯入; 2突然打断(话)。4. break off ? 1断绝,结束;? 2中断;? 3绝交,突然停止(工作等),突然脱离。5. break out? 1爆发,突然发生(战争、火灾、事故等);? 2脱逃。6. break through? 1突破(障碍等); 2(太阳)从云中出现。7. break up 1中止,结束? 2打碎,拆散;?3(身体)变虚弱,衰弱;4崩溃,损坏。8. break away (from) 脱离,逃跑 He considered breaking away from the clan. 他考虑同那伙人分道扬镳。bring的短语1. bring about 带来,造成 (=give rise to, lead to, result to )2. bring down 1打倒,挫伤; EG: The wind brought down a number of trees.?2降低; EG: Good Harvest will bring down the price.?3卸下(行李、货物);4使蒙受(责罚等)on; 5继续,持续(记录)to;3. bring forth 1产生; EG:Trees bring forth fruit.2提出 bring forth a question.4. bring forward 1提出; EG: Can you bring forward any proof of what you said ?2(簿记)过次,转入下页; 3(日期等)提早,提前。5. bring out 1使出现,使明显;EG: This essay fully brings out his ability. 这篇论文充分显示出他的才能。2公布,出版。bring out a new book 3把某人(尤其指女孩)引进社交界; 4发挥(才能等)。6. bring to 1使恢复知觉 EG: A glass of water brought him to. 2停船,使停船。7. bring up 教育,培养,使成长 1提出(证据、计划等);2突然停(车等),使(船)停泊; 3引起注意; 4吐出(食物);5继续进一步(说明等)。 8. bring/put into practice 实施,实行Come 短语:1. come off 1实现,成功,奏效;2离开,掉下,脱落;3脱离,退出,断绝关系。 2. come on? 1请,来吧,跟着来,慢点;2进展,发展;?3开始,来临;?4出场上演。3. come out 1出版,刊出;? 2出现,显露,长出; 3结果是,结局是; 4被解出。4. come round /around ? 1来访,前来; 2苏醒,复原。5. come through 经历,脱险6. come to ? 1苏醒,复苏; 2共计,达到。7. come true (梦等)实现,如愿以偿8. come up ? 1走近,上来; 2发生被提出。9. come up to 达到,符合10. come up with 提出,提供11. come /go into effect 生效,实施12. come /go into force 生效,实施13. come /go into operation 开始生效,开始 运转,开工14. come to the point Call 的短语1. call for 1要求,需要; 2邀请,去取(接); Ill call for you at your house. 我将到你家去找你。 3求援。2. call forth 1引起,唤起;The proposals called forth a good deal of hostile criticism. 2振作起,鼓起。call forth all ones energies 全力以赴3. call off? 取消,放弃(cancel) EG: He phoned me and called the appointment off.4. call on/upon ? 1拜访(某人);2要求做(to do);call on him for a speech = call on him to make a speech 3请求。5. call up 1召集,动员;应征入伍; 2使人想起 call up scenes of childhood 3打电话=ring up 6.call out 大声喊叫;出动Carry 的短语1. carry off1夺去;EG: Tom carried off all the school prizes. 2渡过,完成 3勇敢面对,坚持。2. carry on 1继续下去,坚持下去;? 2从事,经营;EG: The baker has carried on business here for years. 面包师傅在此地经营了许多年。 3(口语)出丑,惊慌;4(口语)与调情,调戏;5加油;继续(中断的工作等)。3. carry out 贯彻,执行,实现carry out ones promise 实现承诺 carry out experiments 做实验4. carry /bring into effect 实行,实现=accomplishCatch 的短语1. catch fire =take fire 开始燃烧 2. catch on 1理解,明白;EG: I catch on to the job gradually. 渐渐地我明白这工作怎么做了。 2受欢迎,流行。3. catch ones breath 吓一跳,屏息4. catch ones eye 引人注目5. catch sight of 看到6. catch up with 1追上,赶上;EG: Work hard and you will catch up with your class. Check 的短语1. check in 办理登记手续EG: You must check in at the airport an hour before your plane leaves.2. check out 1结帐后离去? check out of a hotel 2(美)签发支票(银行存款);3(登记)离去,离开。3. check up / (up) on 调查,检查,核对Cut 的短语1. cut across 1走捷径,抄近路; 2超出的范围,超越。2. cut back 1削减,降低; 2修剪(树枝);3(在电影、小说等中)重提前情。3. cut down 1削减,减少(经费等); 2砍倒(树); 3修改(衣服)使变小; 4(人为疾病所)击倒,砍杀。 4. cut in 1(汽车)抢档;2插嘴,打断5. cut out 1割掉,除去;2除掉,删掉(省略); 3抢先(某人),取代(某人);6. cut short 突然停止 EG: He cut short his tour abroad and retained to Paris.7. cut through 1. 抄近路穿过;穿透 We came by cutting through the lanes. 我们是穿过小巷抄近路来的。 2. 克服 He was determined to cut through the difficulties. 他下决心要克服困难。 8. cut off 1.切断,阻碍;使分离,使隔绝 A storm that cut off power to the whole region.2. 切除;切断;中断 I was cut off on my line to London。我打伦敦长途时,电话被切断。3. 使死亡 He was cut off in his prime. 他在壮年过世。9cut up 1. 切开;切碎;使难过 Cut up the carrots before you put them into the pot. 2. 抨击抨击 The article was severely cut up by some critics(批评家). 3牲口等)宰后得肉Fall 的短语1. fall back on 转而依靠,求助于2. fall behind 1落后;2(付款等)逾期。3. fall in love (with) 相爱,爱上EG: I fell in love with her at first sight. 4. fall in with 1符合,与一致; 2碰见(偶然)。5. fall out 1争吵,争执;2发生,变成(的结果),结果是;3(军)离开队伍。6. fall through 落空,失败Get 的短语1. get across 使人了解,使人清楚? The idea got across to all. put across 解释清楚2. get along /on with 1进展(get on);EG: How is your work getting along?2过活,生活(get by);EG: How are you getting along? 3相处融洽。3. get round /around 1走动,旅行; 2(消息)传开。4. get around /round to 找时间做,开始考虑 5. get at 1得到,接近(reach);EG: I cant get at the tool on the shelf.2意思是(mean) EG: What are you getting at ? 你的意思是什么?6. get away 1离开;EG: Im too busy to get away. 2逃脱(break away 强行逃脱)EG: One of the mice got away.7. get better of 胜过,占上风8. get by (get along) 1通过,经过(get along);EG: The pa
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