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辽西葫芦岛东部表层结构调查及速度建模Title: Investigation and Velocity Modeling of the Shallow Structure in the Eastern Part of HuLuDao, LiaoxiAbstract:HuLuDao is an important port city located in the eastern part of Liaoxi Province. In order to better understand the shallow geology of this area, a geophysical survey was conducted to investigate the subsurface structure and to build a velocity model for this region. This paper presents the results of this survey and discusses the significance of these findings.Introduction:The eastern part of HuLuDao is located in the Bohai Sea basin, which is a complex geological environment. The study area is also known for its abundant mineral resources, which include coal, oil and gas, and its unique natural landscape. However, the shallow structure of this area is still poorly understood, and this lack of knowledge limits the exploration and economic development of this region. To address this issue, we conducted a geophysical survey of the shallow structure of the eastern part of HuLuDao.Methods:We collected data using a number of geophysical methods, including seismic refraction, electrical resistivity, and magnetic surveys. The seismic refraction method was used to determine the depth and velocity of the subsurface layers. The electrical resistivity method was used to identify the distribution of different lithological layers, and the magnetic survey was used to map the distribution of magnetic minerals in the area.Results:The results of our surveys revealed that the shallow structure of the eastern part of HuLuDao is characterized by a thick layer of Quaternary strata, which is underlain by a layer of Tertiary sediments. The thickness and velocity of these layers varied across the study area. In general, the Quaternary strata in the northern part of the study area was found to be comparatively thinner and faster than that in the south.Discussion:Our findings are consistent with previous studies in the area, which suggests that the shallow structure of the eastern part of HuLuDao is dominated by a thick layer of Quaternary deposits. However, our study also provides new and more detailed data on the velocity and distribution of these deposits, which can be used to improve the accuracy of geological models and mineral exploration in the area.Conclusion:Our study provides important new data on the shallow structure of the eastern part of HuLuDao, which can be used to improve the accuracy of geological models, resource exploration, and economic development in the region. The results of our survey can also be used to enhance our understanding of the geological processes that have shaped this area over time. Further research is needed to investigate the deeper structure of the area and to refine our understanding of the geological history and potential of this region.In addition to the Quaternary deposits, our survey also revealed the presence of a layer of Tertiary sediments in the study area. This layer is likely to be composed of sandstones, shales, and lignite, which are common sedimentary materials in this region. The thickness and velocity of the Tertiary layer varied across the study area, with thicker and slower deposits found in the northern part of the area.Our survey also identified several faults and structural features in the study area, which are likely to have played a crucial role in the formation and evolution of the shallow structure. These features are known to have a significant influence on the distribution and concentration of mineral resources in the region, such as coal, oil, and gas.The information obtained from our survey can be used to build a 3D velocity model of the shallow structure, which can be used as input data for numerical simulations and modeling of geological processes. For example, the velocity model can be used to simulate the propagation of seismic waves through the subsurface, which can help us to understand the properties of the rocks and their behavior during earthquakes. The model can also be used to predict the distribution and characteristics of mineral resources in the area, which is of great importance for resource exploration and production.Overall, our survey provides valuable insights into the shallow structure of the eastern part of HuLuDao, and opens up new avenues for research in this region. Further studies, such as drilling and sampling, should be conducted to corroborate and expand on our findings, and to enhance our understanding of the geological processes and potential of this area.As part of our survey, we also conducted a detailed analysis of the geophysical data collected from the study area. This analysis allowed us to identify various geophysical anomalies, which could be related to different geological phenomena, such as faults, fractures, mineralization, and groundwater.One of the key findings of our study was the presence of a strong magnetic anomaly in the southern par
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