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PEP小学英语四年级上册Unit 3 My friends B Lets talk教学设计一、教学内容: Unit 3 B Lets talk. 二、教材分析:本课时是PEP教材 Unit3 My friends B部分的第五课时,是有关询问朋友的姓名,描述朋友的外貌特征与爱好。它综合了本单元的三类句型,以串成对话的形式出现,正是本单元的难点。三、学情分析:四年级学生,是小学英语学习的重要时期。学生已经有了一点英语学习基础,并且乐于开口大胆地说英语,但在语言的综合性运用方面还有一定欠缺。需要我们教师创设情境,借助任务型活动的有效开展,发展学生的综合表达能力。四、教学目标:知识目标:1.能够认读本课的单词和句型. Whats hisher name? His Her name is .Shes quiet. She likes music sports. 2.能够吟唱Lets chant 等部分的内容.能力目标:1能够提问和回答别人的姓名: Whats hisher name? His Her name is .Shes quiet. She likes music sports. 2能够听懂Boy or girl ?以及带有or句子。3能吟唱 Lets chant 中的歌谣.情感目标:1、注重培养学生的学习态度和与人交往的能力.2、培养学生的团结合作的能力和助人为乐的精神.运用目标:Whats hisher name? His Her name is .Shes quiet. She likes music sports. 在真实情境中的运用。五、教学方法:运用游戏,小组合作式教学法六、教学重难点:教学重点:Whats his her name? His Her name is .Shes quiet. She likes music sports.教学难点:区分Whats his her name? His Her name is 的用法以及he, she, his, her 的区别.七、教学准备:幸运大转盘、教学课件、教学挂图、录音机、有关本课磁带八、设计理念:本课时教学内容贴近学生的生活实际,便于学以致用,所以在教学过程中,创设符合学生实际的情景,让学生在情境中巩固本课时的句型。因此,设计以询问别人的姓名,描述人的特征、爱好为主题,设计活动,让学生有话可说,有话想说,给学生一个说话的空间、交流的情景、充分展示的机会。九、教学过程:Step1: Warm-up1Greeting.2Sing a song :Friends(播放课件)3Review:lets do 。让孩子们在做做唱唱中复习一节课的学习,既活跃了课堂气氛,同时为本课内容的学习做下铺垫。4 Look and say : who is she/he? (she/he is) Whats does she/he like?( music, sports, paint, science, computer games)(出示大转盘)通过看看说说,激发孩子们学习英语的兴趣的同时,也培养了孩子们仔细观察和用英语思考的能力.还复习了上节课的内容,同时也为本课内容的学习打下牢固的基础. 5They are my friends , my friends.(指着转盘上的人物),通过复习上节课的内容,引出今天的课题Step 2 Presentation and practice1、listen and answer: Ask a student to close his eyes,then invite a boy stand, and ask: Boy or girl ? Whats his name? (板书: whats his name ? His name is )通过这个活动,引入了新知识or 的用法.让学生理解会用. 通过猜猜,引出了本节课的重点句型. 2听听猜猜:I have a friend, do you want to know?,now listen carefully, she is tall and thin, she has short hair, she likes Chinese,she is in our classroom, Guess Whats her name ? Her name is .(板书: whats her name ? her name is )通过听听猜猜,既锻炼了学生的听力和理解力,又引出了本节课的重点句型.)3操练:出示名人照片,师生练习 T:Whats his name ? (s: His name is ) T: He likes.(s: He likessports) ,in the same way ,practice the others. If students are right, lets say rightright, you are right,通过孩子们喜欢的明星,来练习本节课的重点句型,孩子们会非常感兴趣.热情很高涨. 用right, right, you are right.来评价学生,即引出了新的知识点。4、游戏:让一个学生面向黑板,击鼓传花,鼓声停下,传到化的学生发出一种声音,全班学生说:I have a friend .S:Boy or girl ? 全班学生:A boy ,Whos he ?Guess! He is strong. He likes sports . whats his name ? S: His name is .全班学生:You are right .5、听录音(Listen to the tape )Let the students listen to the tape ,look at the pictures.learn Lets talk.6、 Lets sing together.Hello, hello, whats her name? whats her name? whats her name?Hello, hello, whats her name? Her name is Chen Jie.Hello, hello, whats his name? whats his name? whats his name?Hello, hello, whats his name? His name is John.学生喜欢唱歌,表演,在唱唱玩玩中,巩固了本节课的重点句型.7、 出示Chen Jie 的图片,T: Whats her name ? (s: Her name is Chen Jie.) Chen Jie has a friend. Do you want to know? Lets listen. Who is Chen Jies friend? Who is Johns friend?在学生听录音之前,教师提出问题,让学生有目的的去听录音.)8、 Play the tape again, the students listen and follow it.(播放课件)9、Read in pairs.10、Act: Lets talk11、Task work ( Divide the class into two groups). Now, class, do you want to help others? (S: yes). Two children are missing. Their mothers are very worried. Lets help them ,find their children ,OK? (S:OK). Group 1 helpsthe first mother . Group 2 helps the second mother. Now , Lets look.ReportGroup 1Which one is the first mothers child?Group 2Which one is the second mothers child?设计这个活动的目的就是让孩子用学过的知识来解决实际问题.同时培养孩子们乐于助人的高尚品德.12、Learn a chant.a. Play the tape, the children listen. (播放课件)b. The children chant together.Step 3课堂评价(Lets check) Listen to the tape,the students listen carefully, Play the tape again finish Lets check.Step 4 Homework: 某公司要招收业务员,男女不限,请你向他推荐一下你的朋友:I have a friend, she is a girl boy, SheHe is SheHe has. sheHe likes.
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