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小学五年级上评估测试卷(5) Project 1 姓名_ 成绩_ 听力部分(30分)(听两遍).听录音,用数字给下列图片排序。(10分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) .听录音,根据所听句子,选出正确的答句。(10分)( )1. A. Id like ten . B. I have ten . C. There are ten .( )2. A. He likes running . B. She likes running . C. They like running .( )3. A. Yes , I am . B. No , I cant . C. Yes , I do .( )4. A. Its on the desk . B. Its on the second floor . C. Theyre on the second floor .( )5. A. Yes , I do . B. Yes , please . C. Thank you .听录音,将短文补充完整,每空一词。(10分) There are students in our class . They have many hobbies . Some of like football . Some can very well . Some good at pictures . They are happy at school .笔试部分(70分).根据句意及中文提示完成句子。(5分)1. There is some (汤)in the fridge .2. The elephants (耳朵) are so big . 3. My brother likes watching (电影) .4. The bag is too (重的) .5. My cousin is good at (滑冰,溜冰) . .英汉互译。(10分) 1. 在他旁边 2.too soft 3. 在秋千上 4. go and have a look 5. 一条长尾巴 6. between you and me 7. 两只翅膀 8.talk about animal friends 9. 多少把椅子 10.a big hole .单项选择题。(10分)( ) 1. There _ juice in the glass . A. arent any B. isnt any C. isnt some ( ) 2. Im so tired . I want to bed . A. to B. to going C. to go ( ) 3. -_ there two music rooms in the school ? - Yes , there . A. Is ; isnt B. Is ; is C. Are : are ( ) 4. Can I have _ coffee ? A. any B. many C. some( ) 5. _ a nice little panda ! I like it very much .A. How B. What C. Whats( ) 6. My brother _ go to school _ Saturdays . A. doesnt ; in B. doesnt ; on C. dont ; on ( ) 7.We usually play _ _ piano and play football after school .A. the ; the B. / ; the C. the ; / ( ) 8.How many toy bears are there in your bedroom ? - five . very beautiful .A. There are ; There are B. They are ; There are C. There are ; They are ( ) 9.My animal friend has big bodies eyes . It has no arms legs . A. and ; and B. and ; or C. or ; or( ) 10. You can see polar bears in . A. the USA B. Canada C. Australia .连词成句。(10分)1. Millies , tail , legs , and , four , dog , a ,short , has ( . )_2. of , are, parks , in , there , any , front , school , our ( ?)_3.now , arent , students , there , in , any , classroom , the ( . )_4. me , show , let , you , house , my , around ( . )_5.brother , reading , Jacks , stories , like , does (? )_.选择合适的内容完成句子。(6分) just right ; draw nice pictures ; One , the other ; drawing pictures ; in front of ; on the third floor just right ; in front of 1.We like in the park .2. Our teachers office is .3. There are many beautiful flowers the house .4. The soup is .5. I have two new bags . is for you , is for my sister .6. My little brother can .用所给单词的适当形式填空。(6分) 1. -What (be)on the table ? -There (be)some apples . 2. My cat (have) blue eyes .3.Su Yang and Su Hai (swim) every Friday afternoon.4. In spring , we usually go (boat) . 5. My bedroom is on the (one) floor .根据中文提示完成句子,每空一词。(7分) 1.他们的爱好是看电影和阅读。 Their are films and reading .2杯子里没有果汁。但迈克有一些牛奶。 There juice in the glass . But Mike some .3.它的身体是硬的。 Its is .4.-农场里有多少只鸭子? - 仅有一只。 - ducks are there on the farm ? - There only one .5.Goldilocks 又渴又饿。 Goldilocks and .按要求改写句子。(7分) 1. Helen has a lovely panda . (改为一般疑问句) _ Helen_ _ a lovely panda? 2. Is there a Music room here ? (作肯定回答)
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