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一、认真阅读下面两篇短文,每篇短文后有五个问题。根据短文的内容从四个选项中选择一个最佳答案,并将其代码填写在答题纸上。(本大题共10小题,每小题2分,共20分)Passage 1 At Denver there was a flow of passengers into the coaches on the eastbound express. In one coach there sat a very pretty young woman dressed in elegant taste and surrounded by all the comforts of an experienced traveler. Among the newcomers were two young men, one of handsome look with a bold, frank expression; the other heavily built and roughly dressed. The two were handcuffed together. As they passed down the aisle of the coach the only vacant seat offered was the one facing the attractive young woman. Here the linked couple seated themselves. When the young womans glance fell upon them, her face brightened with a lovely smile. “Well, Mr. Easton, if you will make me speak first, I suppose I must. Dont you ever recognize old friends when you meet them in the west?” The young man roused himself sharply at the sound of her voice, seemed to struggle with a slight embarrassment which he threw off instantly, and then clasped her fingers with his left hand. “Its Miss Fairchild,” he said, with a smile. “Ill ask you to excuse the other hand; its otherwise engaged just at present.” He slightly raised his right hand, bound at the wrist by the shining “bracelet” to the left one of his companion. The glad look in the girls eyes slowly changed to a puzzled horror. The glow faded from her cheeks. Easton, with a little laugh, as if amused, was about to speak again when the other stopped him. The heavily-built man said, “Youll excuse me for speaking, miss, but, I see youre acquainted with the marshal here. If youll ask him to speak a word for me when we get to prison hell do it, and itll make things easier for me there. Hes taking me to Leavenworth prison. Its seven years for making fake money.” “Oh!” said the girl, with a deep breath and returning color. “So that is what you are doing out here? A marshal!” The conversation between the girl and Easton carried on happily until the heavily-built man growled, “Say, Mr. Marshal, this isnt quite fair. Im needing a drink, and havent had a smoke all day. Havent you talked long enough? Take me in the smoker now, wont you? Im half dead for a pipe.” When the two men left for the smoker, said one of the passengers near by: “That marshals a good sort of guy. Some of these Western fellows are all right.” “Pretty young to hold an office like that, isnt he?” asked the other. “Young!” exclaimed the first speaker, “WhyOh! didnt you catch on? Saydid you ever know an officer to handcuff a prisoner to his right hand?”21. The train set off from _.A. the east of the United StatesB. the west of the United StatesC. the south of the United StatesD. the middle west of the Untied States22. When the young woman saw the two men, she smiled at them because _.A. she wanted to be polite to the other passengersB. she recognized Easton, who was a friend of hersC. she was glad to have someone to talk to in the coachD. she thought it was funny for two men to be linked together23. When the heavily-built man asked the pretty woman to speak a word for him, he wanted to _.A. save Easton from embarrassmentB. reduce his own suffering in prisonC. strike up a conversation with the attractive womanD. help Easton to carry on the conversation with the woman24. What does the phrase “catch on” in the last paragraph mean?A. Notice his face. B. Understand.C. Listen to the conversation. D. Carry on.25. The conversation between two other passengers at the end of the passage suggests that the heavy-built man is a _.A. prisoner B. bad guyC. friend of Easton D. marshalPassage 2 America has long been considered the land of opportunity by those from other countries. Americans, too, believe that the United States provides almost limitless opportunity for those who want to open businesses on their own. Today, Americans are still fond of trying their hand at becoming small business people, even though only one out of two survives the first two years. Many of these people start their businesses for the wrong reasons: to get away from the paper work of their present jobs or to exchange the responsibility of their present jobs for freer life styles. But more, not less, paper work and responsibility come with ownership of a small business. John Shuttleworth, owner of the recently successful news magazine Mother Earth, reports having had to work sixty hours straight in order to bring out the first issue. John Shuttleworth waited years after thinking about the idea for Mother Earth before he attempted to put out the first issue. During that time, he collected as much information as he could about his plan. He borrowed books about business from the library; he talked to people already established in the field; and he began planning in detail the amount of money and the kinds and numbers of supplies he would need. When he final
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