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2023年自考专业(英语)-外语教学法考试历年高频考点卷摘选版带答案(图片大小可任意调节)第1卷一.综合能力测验(共15题)1.单选题 They will get the preparation done early in May.A.他们五月初就能让别人准备完工作。B.他们五月初就能准备好工作。C.他们早在五月份就能把准备工作做完。D.他们五月初就能把准备工作做完。2.单选题 This is the first time that a woman has been _ to the post.A.grantedB.praisedC.pointedD.appointed3.单选题 The theory of language underlying the Grammar-Translation Method was derived from _ Linguistics.A.AppliedB.Comparative HistoricalC.TraditionalD.Structural4.单选题 Which of the following is NOT emphasized by traditional linguists?A.Correctness.B.The purity of a languageC.Literary excellenceD.Communication5.单选题 They _ extensive and possibly dangerous actual flight training.A.undertakeB.undergoC.underplayD.underuse6.单选题 A man flown to a time zone different by 10 hours will _ eight days to readjust his palm sweat.A. spendB.takeC.costD.pay7.单选题 Which of the following techniques is NOT used in the Grammar-Translation Method?_A.ReadingB.TranslationC.Written workD.Oral presentation8.单选题 Overemphasis on translation will usually make the learner_the first language in the learning of the second language.A. independent ofB.dependent ofC.independent fromD.dependent on9.单选题 _ he has enough money to buy the house, it doesn t mean he s going to do soA.GrantB.Granted thatC.Having Granted thatD.Grant that10.单选题 According to the Grammar-Translation Method, Latin grammar was considered to be the _ grammar.A.best and oldestB.most logical and well-organizedC.most widely learnedD.most popular11.单选题 In the Grammar-Translation Method, grammar analysis and translation proved to be _ in studying foreign culture through literary works.A. ineffective meansB.unaffective meansC.affective meansD.effective means12.单选题 _ Tom has done really amazed everyone in his class.A.WhatB.WhichC.ThatD.Who13.单选题 She _ everything else and concentrated on the task before her.A. set offB.set backC.set asideD.set up14.单选题 Traditional linguists believe that the written form of language is _to the spoken form.A.seniorB.juniorC.inferiorD.superior15.单选题 In the Grammar-Translation Method, understanding and memorization of_were regarded as important means of developing mentality.A.difficult vocabularyB.translation passagesC.complicated grammatical rulesD.written exercises第1卷参考答案一.综合能力测验1.正确答案:D本题解析: 首先需要注意 early in May 表示“五月初”的意思,选项 A “让别人准备完”这种表达是不准确的;此外 get the preparation done 表示的是“把准备工作做完” ,选项 B 的表达不是很准确。 2.正确答案:D本题解析: A 允许、 同意 B 表扬、 赞扬 C 指、指出 D 指定、任命、委任 3.正确答案:B4.正确答案:D5.正确答案:B本题解析: 句意:他们经历了大量的并且可能是危险的实际飞行训练。 6.正确答案:B本题解析: 本题需要填入一个表示 “花时间” 而又能与动词不定式连用的动词。 spend 常用于 spenddoing sth. 的句型中。 cost 一般用于 it cost sb. to do sth. 的句型中,主语不能是人。 pay 表示“花钱”的意思。只有 take 可用于 sb. taketo do sth.的句型中。7.正确答案:D8.正确答案:D9.正确答案:B本题解析: Granted that:尽管,即使。 10.正确答案:B11.正确答案:D12.正确答案:A13.正确答案:C本题解析: A 出发、动身 B 把(某物)置于之后、延迟 C 撇开、取消、废除 D 建立、提出 14.正确答案:D15.正确答案:C第2卷一.综合能力测验(共15题)1.单选题 He has deep love for the people and _ loyalty to the country.A. intenseB.initialC.instantD.imitative2.单选题 _ for a long time, most of the crops in this area died from lacking water.A.Being no rainB.There was no rainC.To be no rainD.There being no rain3.单选题 The newspaper will have to close down if it cannot increase its _ considerably.A.distributionB.contributionC.prescriptionD.circulation4.单选题 _ the first language is used in the teaching of the second language in the Grammar-Translation Method.A.A lot ofB.A little ofC.Little ofD.Not any5.单选题 I ve got the order from the boss that the work _ finished before 5 p.m. today.A. would beB.beC.will have beenD.could be6.单选题 Before the 16th century, Latin was taught and learned for_.A.reading literature in LatinB.spoken and written communicationC.mastering grammarD.learning fine arts7.单选题 We have to stop talking here outside. Listen, _! Hurry up, or well be lateA.There goes the bellB.There does the bell goC.There the bell goesD.Goes the bell there8.单选题 Even with the new development in research, only a tiny _ of all tests are done without using animals.A.varietyB.amountC.plentyD.proportion9.单选题 In our department, every student _ after-school activities.A. go in forB.goes in forC.take partD.takes part10.单选题 It is difficult to understand
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