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下学期江苏省南京外国语学校牛津译林版七年级英语下册期末模拟试题 作者: 日期:南外初一期末考试模拟测试I. Multiple choice1. The dead tree becomes_when it is watered. A.live B.alive C. living D. life2. You should watch out for the dangerous animals when you are in the Safari Park. A. Be careful with B. look forward with C. look out D.watch over3. Which type of dinosaur has triangular plates along its back? A. Protoceratops B.Stegosaurus C.Apatosaurus D.Compsognatnus 4. The Rocky mountains begin near Denver and Canada. A. go the way right up into B.go the way up into right C. go right the way up into D.go right the way into up5. All students should follow the school rules,_the new junior one students. A. include B.included C. including D.except6. In order to improve your English, you_more. A. need practicing B.need to practicing C. must to practice D.can practice7. What isnt a right way to invite your partner somewhere? A. Why dont we go.? B.Would you like to.? C. Please go. D. Shall we go.?8. Many types of plants and animals are extinct ,the same thing_around the world. A.happen B.happened C. is happening D.happens9. The trees discovered at the bottom of the valley by David Nobel looked_? A.funny B.strange C.strangely D.funnily10. The Grand Canyon is over 349km_and more than 1.5km_and 20km_in place. A. Long,deep,high B.length, depth,height C.long,deep,wide D.deep,wide,long11. The Mash Boys concert is _. A.excited B.surprised C.amazed D.noisy12. There was only one continent_Pangaea150 million years. A. call B.name C. Named D.was13. Which step goes before The rain water goes into the ground? A. The water goes into the roots B.The leaves become wet C.The water vapor becomes clouds D.The rain runs down the outside of the tree to the Ground14. Alison hold us_.Would you like to tell us_? A.something interesting, anything else B.something interesting, else anything C.interesting something, anything else D.interesting something, else anything15. Some people said that they saw _UFO in the sky last night. A.a B.an C.the D./16. _will be cut off an hour .Turn off your _computer and _light bulbs. Lets go out for a walk.A. Electric,electricity,electronic B.Electricity, electronic,electricC.Electronic,electric,electricity D.Electricity,electric,electronic 17,Can you hear Eric_the piano in his bedroom at the moment? A.play B.plays C.to play D.playing18. We dont know_. A.what the iceman did with his milk B.What did the iceman do with his milk C. How the iceman did with his milk D.How did the iceman do with his milk19. The teacher was _in the room when I arrived. A.almost B.probably C.sometimes D.already20. -Where is the Mash Boys cassette? Can I hear it at lunchtime ? -_.I will bring it to school tomorrow. A.I forgot it at home B.I dont forget it at home C.I left it at home D.I didnt leave it at home21. Which of the following”-ed“has a different pronunciation ? A.moved B.exchanged C.cooked D.filled22. _knows anything about him,because he never tells us _about him. A.Nobody,something B.Nobody,anything C.Somebody,nothing D.Anybody,something23. The sun is shining_the window. Everything in the room looks so beautiful. A.over B.across C.through D.past24. A kite_in the sky, a moment ago. But it _there now. A.flies, isnt B.flew, isnt C.flew, was D.flied, wasnt25,_weather it is! Lets go out for a picnic. A.What good B.What bad C. How good D.How bad26. Please _who broke the window. A.find B.discover C.find out D.look for27. Let will _you what he saw last night _telescopes. A.told, with B.tell,by C.tell,through D.told,through28. Places _a tropical climate have a lot of _all year_. A.for,rain,around B.with,rainy,round C.with,rain,round D.for,rainy,around29,In the Arctic region the climate is _.It is very cold with strong and dry winds. A.cool temperate B.polar C.mountain D.tundra30.We can make barometer at home, According to our text, just put a cand
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