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Its Time to Rethink TemporaryWe tend to view architecture as permanent,as aspiring to the status of monuments. And that kind of architecture has its place. But so does architecture of a different sort.For most of the first decade of the s,architecture was about the statement building. Whether it was a controversial memorial or an impossibly luxurious condo tower,architectures raison dtre was to make a lasting impression. Architecture has always been synonymous with permanence,but should it be?In the last few years,the opposite may be true. Architectural billings are at an all-time low. Major commissions are few and far between. The architecture thats been making news is fast and fleeting:pop-up shops,food carts,marketplaces,performance spaces. And while many manifestations (临床体现,显示,证明)of the genre (类型,流派,风俗画)have jumped the shark (鲨鱼,骗子。欺诈,诈骗)(i.e.,a Toys R Us pop-up shop),there is undeniable (不可否认,公认)opportunity in the temporary:it is an apt (恰当,有、倾向,敏捷)response to a civilization in flux.(流量,变迁,不稳定,流出)And like many prevailing (普通,最普通,流行,占优势)trends collaborative (合伙,协作)consumption (消费,消耗)(a.k.a.,“sharing”),community gardens,barter and trade “temporary” is so retro (复古,重新流行)that its become radical(激进,彻底,主线).In November,I had the pleasure of moderating(减速,慢化 )Motopia(抱负都市环境),a panel (座谈小组)at University of Southern Californias School of Architecture,with Robert Kronenburg,an architect,professor at University of Liverpool (利物浦)and portable/temporary/mobile guru(领袖,专家). Author of a shelf full of books on the topic,including “Flexible:Architecture that Responds to Change,” “Portable Architecture:Design and Technology” and “Houses in Motion:The Genesis(发生来源),” Kronenburg is a man obsessed.(迷人)Mobility(移动性,机动性) has an innate(先天,固有,与生俱来 )potency(力量,潜力,权势),Kronenburg believes. Movable (动产,可移动,不固定)environments are more dynamic (动态,动力,有活力)than static (静态)ones,so why should architecture be so static?The idea that perhaps all buildings shouldnt aspire(渴望,立志,追求) to permanence represents a huge shift for architecture. Without that burden,architects,designers,builders and developers can take advantage of and implement (实行,执行,实现,生效)current technologies faster. Architecture could be reusable(可再度使用,可重复使用),recyclable and sustainable(可以忍受,足以支撑,养得起). Recast(重铸,彻底改动) in this way,it could better solve seemingly unsolvable problems. And still succeed in creating a sense of place.In his presentation,Kronenburg offered examples of how portable,temporary architecture has been used in every aspect of human activity,including health care (from Florence Nightingales redesigned hospitals to the Airstream(气流) trailers used as mobile medical clinics(诊所) during the Kennedy Administration),housing (from yurts(圆形帐篷) to tents(旅游帐篷,住所) to architect Shigeru Bans post-earthquake paper houses),culture and commerce (贸易,商业)(stage sets and Great Exhibition buildings,centuries-old Bouqinistes along the Seine,(塞纳河 )mobile food,art and music venues (场地)offering everything from the recording of stories to tasty crme (奶油,烈性甜酒)brulees.)Kronenburg made a compelling(引人注目,强制,激发兴趣) argument that the experimentation (实验,实验办法,实验过程)inherent (固有,内在,与生俱来)in such structures (构造,构筑物)challenges preconceived (预想,事先形成)notions(观念,小商品) about what buildings can and should be. The strategy of temporality(俗事,暂时性,俗人,),he explained,“adapts to unpredictable demands,provides more for less(更少),and encourages innovation.(革新,改革,创新,新事物,新创造,新办法,新设施,新制度)” And he stressed that its time for end-users(最后顾客,终端顾客),designers,architects,manufacturers(制造商,厂商) and construction firms to rethink their attitude toward temporary,portable and mobile architecture.This is as true for development and city planning as it is for architecture. City-making may have happened all at once at the desks of master planners like Daniel Burnham or Robert Moses,but thats really not the way things happen today. No single master plan can anticipate (预期,盼望,占先,提前使用)the evolving and varied (多变,各式各样)needs of an increasingly diverse(不同,各种各样,变化多) population or achieve the resiliency(弹性,跳回),responsiveness(响应能力,有同情心) and flexibility that shorter-term,experimental (实验,依照实验,实验性)endeavors (努力,竭力)can. Which is not to say long-term planning doesnt have its place. The two work well hand in hand(联合). Mike Lydon,founding principal(校长,委托人,当事人,资本,主犯) of The Street Plans Collaborative(合伙,协作),argues for injecting(注射) spontaneity (自发性,自然发生)into urban(都市,住在都市) development,and sees these temporary interventions (干预,干涉,处置)(what he calls “tactical (战术,方略,善于方略)urbanism(都市生活,都市集中)”) as short-term actions to effect long-term change.Though theres been tremendous(极大,惊人,巨大) media attention given to quick and cheap projects like San Franciscos Pavement to Parks and New Yorks “gutter (排水沟,槽,贫民区)cafes,” Lydon sees something bigger than fodder (饲料,素材)for the style section. “A lot of these things were not just fun and cool,” he says. “It was not just a bottom-up (自底向上,从细节到总体)effort. Its not D.I.Y. urbanism. It
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