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八年级英语基础检测题 (60min)一 用所给单词的适当形式填空。(10分) King tower ancient mix count1.There is a famous_in this city, There are a lot of tourists every day.2.Marys dream was to become a_in her childhood. But now she is a doctor.3. I always _.English with Spanish. They look the same sometimes4.This kind of custom came from_times. Old people know it very well5._the people, and tell me how many they are.二 根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。(10分)6.The soup tastes too s_.You put too much vinegar(醋)7. My food is done, Have a t_.8.Tony has a s_tooth, he eats lots of chocolate9I am a_I dont like it.10.The panda is one of the animals in d_.三.单项选择(30分,每题 1.5)11.Try to sing some English songs,and youll find it interesting_a foreign language.A.learningB.learnsC.learnD.to learn12.The Yellow River is the second_one in China.A.longB.longerC.longestD.the longest13.Would you like_to drink?Yes,Id like a cup of coffee.A.something elseB.else somethingC.anything elseD.else anything14.We left home at 9 am_we could arrive there on time.A.so muchB.in order toC.so thatD.as a result of15._the population of China?_over 1,300,000,000.A.How many are;They areB.Hows;ItsC.Whats;ItsD.How much is;Its16.My little sister stopped_and played the toy dog.A.to cryB.criesC.criedD.crying17.I think we should work harder than before.I agree_you.A.onB.toC.withD.for18.The sun is shinning,_it isnt warm today.A.orB.andC.becauseD.but19.Who is the man over there?Is it Mr.Li?No,it_be him.Mr.Li is much taller.A. mustntB.may notC.cantD.neednt20. Tim is_ _ boy. He is very lovely. A. a 8-year-old B. an 8-year-old C. a 8-years-old D. an 8-years-old21. Betty, long time no see._? Everything is Ok. Thanks A. Where are you B. What were you doing C. What are you up to D. How is it going22. What do you know about Steve Jobs? He was _ an amazing leader _ the father of the computer. He died on October 5th. A. not ; but B. not ;or C. not only; but also D. either; or23. How much does an iphone 4s _ ? A. spend B. cost C. pay D. pay for24.The children were _ when they heard the _ news.Aexcited; excitingBexciting; excitedCexcited; excited Dexciting; exciting25The necklace looks _ and sells _.Awell; well Bgood, nice Cnice; good Dnice; well26.-Mum , the Chinese medicine tastes so _. I dont want to take it. -But, dear, it is good for you.Agood Bterribly Cterrible Dwell27.The doctor asked me to _ some medicine yesterday. AdrinkBeat Ctake Dbring28.Have you ever been to the Great Wall? .Its great and beautifulA.Yes,I doB.No,I dontC.Yes,I haveD.No,I havent29.Wheres your mother?She the library.A.has goneB.has beenC.has been toD.has gone to30.I _ an interesting book at 9:00 yesterday evening.A. readB. am readingC. was readingD. were reading.四.完形填空(10分).One day a farmer_31_in a field near a forest.A hare ran towards him.It_32_him until it_33_close to him.Then it turned away quickly and ran into a big tree.It_34_its neck against the tree and_35_at once.The farmer was happy because he_36_a good meal.He_37_down his spade(铁锹)and decided_38_near the tree and wait for another one.He waited for a long time,but no more hares_39_.It was getting dark.The farmer was then tired and hungry.He was disappointed for he hadnt got_40_more hares.31.A.was workingB.is workedC.workingD.are working32.A.werent seeB.not seenC.doesnt seeD.didnt see33.A.doB.wereC.wasD.done34 .A.will breakB.brokeC.breaksD.is breaking35.A.diedB.wentC.passedD.through36.A.will haveB.would haveC.hadD.have37.A.putB.gotC.lainD.wrote38.A.standingB.to standC.to be stoodD.to stood39.A.comesB.comeC.cameD.has come40.A.noB.anyC.someD.many.五. 阅读理解(20分)(A)There are only two seasons in some countriesthe dry season and the rainy season.They are India,Vietnam and some countries in Africa.Its never cold there and it doesnt snow.In the dry season it is as warm as it is in the rainy season.When it is the dry season,it doesnt rain at all.Its very,very hot.All grass and leaves in the trees are yellow.Animals and people are very thirsty.It is a very difficult time for them!When it is the rainy season,the rain doesnt stop;it rains day and night.There is a lot of water around!Some animals like it,but some dont.There is a place where there are no seaso
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