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提油辅助作业中主拖作业常用英语短句和词汇油田作业不仅提高了我们航行和船舶操纵技能,也提升了大家英语口语应用水平,各方面都切实得到了锻炼和巩固。我轮经常参加主拖提油轮作业,现将主拖作业过程中常用的英语短句和词汇归纳汇总如下:Lifting/offloading assistance operation 提油辅助作业In what position I will meet you?我船在什么位置与你船汇合?I have ready for delivering messenger line to you. 我已准备好递送引缆给你。Please go to port/starboard of astern deliver messenger line to me.请到我船左/右舷尾部把引缆递给我。Towline is secured. 拖缆带妥。I made fast your towline. 我已绑牢拖缆。Pay out towline. 松出拖缆。Follow me with a velocity of 2kt. 请以2节的速度跟随我。Lower towline 1 meters above water. 松拖缆距水面1米。Keep towline above water. 保持拖缆在水面以上。Keep towline slack.保持缆绳松弛。Keep towline tight.保持缆绳绷紧。Pull me with 30 percent force.请给我30%的拖力。30 percent now. 现在是30%(拖力)。The current is too rough. 流太急。Once soliton come, I will cast off towline immediately. 一旦乱流过来,我将立刻解掉拖缆。Stay at my astern center.请把你船稳定在我船尾部中间位置。I will cast off towline after receive the document. 我将在文件达到后解拖。Stand by for letting go towline.已做好解掉拖缆准备。Let go (cast off) towline. 解掉拖缆。Keep safety distance with me.请与我船保持安全距离。Move away at safety speed. 以安全速度离开。Towline is let go. 拖缆已解。Towline broken. 拖缆已拉断。Slow ahead engine. 慢速前进。Ring up engine. 继续原速。Ring off engine. 主机定速。Put engine slow speed.主机慢速。Engine go out of order. / engine went wrong. 主机故障。Engine worked astern. 主机倒车。词汇:toolbox 工具箱 cargo hose 油管 messenger line 引缆 towing by astern 倒拖 towing by side 横拖 hawser 系泊大缆
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