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Unit2 I think that mooncakes are delicious!Lead-inT: What traditional Chinese festivals can you see in the pictures?S: The Spring Festival, The Mid-Autumn Festival, the Dragon Boat Festival. T: What do you usually do on the Spring Festival?S: We eat dumplings, set off fireworks and visit relatives知识精讲1. steal - 知识梳理 -steal动词,意为“偷;偷窃”。其过去式和过去分词不规则:steal stole stolen。如:A bad man stole the magic medicine when Hou Yi was not home. 当后裔不在的时候,一个坏人偷了这个神药。表示“某东西被偷”时,用was stolen。Her wallet was stolen in the bus. 她的钱包在车上被偷了。例题1) My purse was (偷) by someone. I can not buy the book now.2) The thieves who (偷) much money havent been caught yet.2. lay - 知识梳理 -动词lay表示“放置;安放”时,意思类似于put。近义词:place 放置;set 放置。如: Lay your coat on the table. 把你的外套放在桌上。lay the table 摆桌子lay意为“产(卵);下(蛋)”,常用短语:lay eggs 下蛋注意:lay过去式和过去分词不规则,为:lay-laid-laid;现在分词:lay-laying 短语lay out ,表示“摆开;布置”。 练习1) She out the food in the kitchen and began to cook dinner.A. liedB. layC. lainD. laid2) The boy his bag on the desk after he came in.A. layB. lainC. laidD. lied3. admire - 知识梳理 -admire动词,意为“欣赏;仰慕”,其后既可以接人也可以接物。如: admire the moon 赏月We stopped to admire the beautiful view. 我们驻足欣赏美景。We all admire him for his work. 我们所有人都敬佩他的工作。表示“因而仰慕/钦佩某人” 时,要用admire sb. for sth.。如:We all admire Professor Li for his intelligence and kindness. 我们都因为李教授的才智和友善而钦佩他。其形容词:admiring adj. 欣赏的;钦佩的常用短语:admire the moon 赏月练习1) He caught the thief by himself on the bus. All of us him for his courage.A. admiredB. enjoyedC. imaginedD. expected2) Weusually themoonandsharemooncakeswithfamiliesonMid-AutumnDay.A. admitB. adviseC. admireD. address3) Lu Xun was a great writer that many Chinese people (崇拜) him and respect him.4.lie - 知识梳理 -lie动词,意为“存在;平躺;处于”。如:He lay on the sofa and soon fell asleep. 他躺在沙发上不久睡着啦。(意为“躺”)Behind all these things lies the true meaning of Christmas. 所有的事情背后存在圣诞节的真正意义。(意为“存在”)The small town lies on the east coast of America. 这个小镇位于美国的东海岸。lie和lay含义以及不同形式辨析:含义现在分词过去式过去分词lie撒谎lyingliedlied存在;平躺;处于lyinglaylainlay放置;安放;产卵;下蛋layinglaidlaid练习1) The little girl had a high fever and in bed all night between life and death until her fever was gone.A. liesB. lyingC. layD. lied2) When I went home from work, I saw him on a table.A. was lyingB. lieC. lyingD. lay5.dead - 知识梳理 -dead形容词,意为“死的;失去生命的”,表示一种状态,在句子中常在be动词后作表语或者名词前作定语。如: his dead business partner 他死去的生意伙伴He has been dead for eight years. 他已经死了八年了。注意:句中有段时间,表示“死”时,常用be dead,表达一种“死的”,可延续的状态。注意:段时间一般不跟动词die连用。练习1) Atlast,thepooroldmanwas .Butpeopledidntknowthereasonofhis .A. died; deathB. dead; deathC. dead;dieD. death; dead2) Tomsgrandfather for3years,buthemisseshimverymuch.A. diedB. has diedC. has been deadD. has been died3) She walked around the dog and she found that the dog was (die).4) Because of the waste water, there are many (die) fish in this river.6. warn - 知识梳理 -warn动词,意为“警告;告诫” 。其名词形式: warning n. 警告;警示表示“警告(警示)某人(不)做某事”时,用warn sb. (not) to do sth.。如: She warned me to be careful in the forest. 她警告我在森林中要小心点。He warned me not to play with fire. 他警告我不要玩火。表示“警告某人某事,警告某人有某情况”,用warn sb. of sth.。如:Ive warned you the danger of swimming here. 我警告过你在这游泳的危险。练习1) Myfatherwaswarned .A. not to stay upB. to stay upC. stay upD. not stay up2) Therearesomedangerousfishersintheriver,andIvewarnedJack here.A. not to swimB. to not swimC. swim not to. D. to swim not7.put on - 知识梳理 -课文原句:Ive put on 5 pounds. 我胖了5磅。短语put on是“增加(体重);发胖”的意思。如:She ate too much and has put on ten pounds. 她吃太多了,已经胖了十磅。此外,put on 还有“穿上;上演”的意思。如:She put on her clothes and went out. 她穿上衣服然后出门了。We will put on the short play at the party. 我们将在派对上演一个短剧。关于put的常用短语:put away 放好;收起来;储存put down 放下;记下put off 延期;拖延put out 扑灭;熄灭关于put的常用短语:put away 放好;收起来;储存put down 放下;记下put off 延期;拖延put out 扑灭;熄灭put up 挂起;张贴;举起;抬起;搭起;建立练习1) Rickatealotanddidlittleexercise,sohe 10pounds.A. put upB. put offC. put awayD. put on2) WeeatfivemealsadayandnowIhave fivepounds.A. put offB. put upC. put onD. pull down3) 自从寒假开始以来,我的体重增加了10磅。Ive ten pounds since the winter holiday began.4) 去年我妹妹体重增加了4磅。My sister four pounds last year.8. be similar to - 知识梳理 -课文原句:Its similar to the Water Festival of the Dai people in Yunnan Province. 它类似于云南傣族的泼水节。similar是形容词,意为“近似的;类似的”,其固定搭配be similar to,表示“和相似”。如: My story is one that may be similar to yours. 我的经历很可能跟你们的类似。练习1) Your new shirt is very similar his.A. inB. toC. asD. from2) Its amazing that my opinion on the problem is similar my teachers.A. forB. withC. ofD. to3) 这双鞋与我买的那双鞋类似。This pair of shoes the pair I bought.4) 我的新毛衣和你的那件相似。9
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