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Module10 Unit 1 At the library 教案设计 教师:符彩丽一、教学目标:通过本课学习,使学生进一步掌握祈使句的应用,学会使用“Dont talk in the library. Please be quiet. Please stand in line.”这两个目标语句,同时适当应用祈使句的肯定和否定形式。了解图书馆的规定,培养学生爱护公物,主动遵守公共场所的规章制度,养成良好的行为习惯,增强主人翁责任感。通过小组讨论制定班规让学生爱护班级,自觉维护班级的学习环境。二、 教材分析:本课使用的是外语教学与研究出版社出版的新标准英语三年级起始的第七册Module 10 Unit 1At the Library.的内容。本课教材分为三部分内容,课文、课文中的重点语句、听指令做动作,本课以借书为话题,大明和西蒙去图书馆借书时,要遵守图书馆的规定,通过他们的这次经历来学习祈使句的应用。三、教学重点与难点 1、重点:a.能听懂、会说并能熟练使用单词hurry, rule, line, CD以及词组 library card, in line。b.能听懂、会说并能熟练使用句子Dont talk in the library. Please stand in line.2、难点:能够使用祈使句发出指令,从而要求或制止他人做某事。四、教学方法1、“以学生为主体”。 充分调动学生的积极性,发挥学生主观能动性。让学生主动参与,全员参与,使每个学生都得到发展,成为学习的主人。2、“情境教学” 教师引领学生以“听”、“说”为突破口,为学生创造语言情境,让学生感受语言,激发学习兴趣;以实践活动为桥梁,培养学生的语言综合运用能力。3、“小组合作”让学生以小组为单位为班级制定班规。五、Teaching procedure(教学过程)step1 GreetingsStep2 warm up Sing a song step3 presentationlisten and do T: stand up/ sit down/ clap hands/ stamp feet/ Point to the window/ stand in line/ in line (学习新词)(ask students to hurry)(学习新词) Please hurry.(板书)【教师活动】出示图书馆的图片问学生“What is it?”学生回答“Its a library.”老师板书课题:Step4、New teaching:(板书)Module10 Unit1 At the library并让学生读课题并及时给予表扬和鼓励,帮助学生建立学习英语的自信心。(呈现图书馆的一条标语“请安静”上,)【学生活动】学生用学过知识“Be quiet”来回答。【老师活动】老师说 “Today we are going to talk about the library rules.”(学习新词)(教师尽量使用课堂用语,为学生营造英语学习氛围。)【学生活动】学生认真听老师的引导,了解本课的主要教学内容。1) T: When we go to the library we should take a library card. CD(学习新词)Look, heres my library card. Have you got a library card.Ss: Yes. I have./ No, I havent.2) T: Do you want to go to the library? Can we clap hands/stamp feet/talk in the library?Ss: No, we cant.T: So, Dont clap hands /stamp feet/ talk in the library. (板书)T: Should we be quiet in the library?Ss: Yes.T: So, Please be quiet in the library. (板书)Counclude: T: In the library, dont and please They are library rules. We should obey the rules.StepV Passage1) Listen and answer the questions T: Today, our friend, Daming will go to a place with his cousin, Simon. Lets see where they are going.T: Now lets listen and answer the following questions.1. where they are going? They are going to the library.2.When do they go to the library? At ten to five.3.What does Simon find?He finds a book and a CD.4.What does the man say to Simon? He says “Look at the library rules.”2)listen and circle please and dont.T: Today, our friend, Daming will go to a place with his cousin, Simon. Lets see where they are going. Open your books on page 38. First, listen and circle the words please and dont.And find the library rules.T: What are the library rules?S:(1) Dont talk in the Library. (2) Please be quiet.(3) Please stand in line. 4)Listen, point and repeat T:(小结)祈使句,无主语,只用谓语就可以。表示请求或命令,加上 please表客气。 Stand up是起立,come here来这里。如果变成否定句,Dont开头是规律。Step5 Practise1、出示各种能做和不能做的广告词。运用Please 、Dont . 2、Orders:T: In the library, we have library rules. In the classroom, we also have classroom rules. Lets see and write.Work in a group of four.(Give each group a piece of paper with the classroom rules on it and ask students to choose the words and fill in the blanks.) classroom ruleseat, run,sleep , drink water ,read books,fight,用Please 、Don填空.1、_eat in class.2、_ run in class.3、_ sleep in class.4、_drink water in class.5、 _ read books.6、_fight in class.Share the result.(各组选代表展示.)T: Today, weve known that everything has their own rules, we should obey the rules. Ok?Step5:Summary归纳本节课所学的语言项目。(并评出冠军组)Step6Homework:1. Copy the words and sentences.2. Please find some rules about our school, write them down and discuss them with your classmates.附:板书Module10 Unit 1 At the library Please hurry-Library rules-Dont talk in the library.Please be quiet.Please stand in line. 三亚市河西区金鸡岭小学 附:No litter 不乱丢垃圾No parking 禁止停车No smoking禁止吸烟 教学反思: 本节课的教学内容是:新标准英语三年级起点第七册第十模块第一单元:At the Library。 本课以去图书馆介绍为话题,学习如何运用please和 dont描述图书馆规则,让学生初步学会对“祈使句的正确使用”。因此我以培养学生学习兴趣,提高活动的实效性及培养学生综合语言运用能力为主要目的进行教学设计。通过紧扣主要句型Where are we going?而展开,从而引出新的教学内容Please和 Dont的教授. 在阅读练习和实际动手操练部分,添加了一些其他地点的规章制度,如班级规则,图书馆规则。我设计了让全班孩子都来动手设计“classroom rules“这个环节让该课达到了高潮。通过这个综合性的活动,既能将本节课所学到的知识进行巩固运用,又能将旧的语言点挖掘并激发学生的表达欲望,联系生活实际,使语言表达更真实,极大提高了学生参与的积极性。但是该课也有不足之处:对时间的把握不够准确,使学生对课文的朗读不是很到位,同时我应更关注大多数的学生,在拓展环节让更多的小组来展示他们的小组合作成果。集体活动中,中上程度的学生参与度较高,因为有一定难度,没有办法做到人人参与。
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