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湘少版小学三年级下学期英语连词成句假期专项练习题班级:_ 姓名:_1. is how it (?)2. desk, on, the,Whats (?)3. Mike, is, he, his, friend, my, is, name (. .)4. my is Sam name(.)5. areeyesWhatcolouryour (?)6. to, why, go, so, did, you, bed, late (?) 7. yourisWhatmouthcolour(?)8. 将下列单词按正确顺序排列。1my is Where pencil (?)2it under Is desk the (?)3go home Lets (.)4your desk in Put arm the (.)9. you fromWhere are10. sheIsmotheryour(?)(写序号)11. up, down, and, is, Paul, walking (.)12. Me your Show book (.)13. isnameWhatyour14. aarehappyWefamily (.)15. is, here, cake, your (.)16. at, blackboard, the, look (.)17. aseecanIcake (写序号)_.18. his is head This19. from, are, you, Canada (?)20. yourgrandmasitsbirthday(.)21. 连词成句。1I, my, brother, love (.)2Come, see, and, my, family (.)3is, That, my, grandfather (.)4Is, Amys, grandmother, that (?)5Is, Chen Jies, this, father (?)22. to, go, on, I, school, Mondays(.)23. you, are, how (?)24. She, my, is, sister (.)25. Where, the, is, cake ( ? )26. HerisLynnname (.)27. cat , a , it , is , red (.)28. nose, her, point, to (.)29. have, seventeen, I, kites, (.)30. is colour book what my (?)31. your head Pointandtoyour ear (只填序号)_.32. an, make, lets, ice cream (.)33. I, a, knife, fork, and, am, using, (.)页码 / 总页数
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