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教师李秀梅学校仁化县田家炳小学年级四年级教材:(PEP)四年级英语课题(教学内容): Unit 1 Our School Part A Lets learn Lets do授课时间 2013-3-1一、学生分析 1、本班一共52人,学生总体反映出纯朴,可爱。他们已经学了一年的英语,有一定的英语基础,大部分学生掌握了英语字母表,能听懂一些简单的指令,会做简单的角色扮演。但是也有小部分学生学习兴趣不够浓厚,学习积极性不高,造成本班英语水平参差不齐。 2、学生通过一年英语学习积累,掌握了许多物品,如动物、文具、颜色、食物、人物称呼等名词,但单词量仍不够,应鼓励多说多记。二、教材分析 1、本课时选自(PEP)英语四年级下册的第一单元Unit 1 Our School第一课时,本单元围绕Our School这个话题展开。 2、本课主要学习Lets learn部分的单词,重点学习学校各功能室的名称,分布地点及不同的功能,重点句型是:Where is the? Its on the first floor. 3、本课时的教学难点是:library, playground的发音,句型Where is the canteen? Its on the first floor的掌握和运用。 4、通过学习Lets do 了解一些动作短语。三、教学目标1、能够听,说,认读本课时的主要单词:teachers office ,canteen,garden,playground,library。2、能听懂指示语,并按要求做出相应的动作,如:Go to the garden. Water the flowers.3、能听懂、会说句型:Where is the?Its on the first floor.并能在相应的语境中灵活运用。 4、培养学生热爱校园的美好情感。四、教学策略方法及学法 1、依据新课程标准基本理念:“采用活动途径,倡导体验参与”。 我在本节课教学中采用创设情景,引导探究的教法。重视学生学习过程,让学生亲自动手,动脑,动口,主动探究,合作交流。2、运用多媒体课件、卡片、录音机,让学生初步感知音,形,义。 3、通过游戏教学,小组合作学习,竞赛等方式活跃课堂,组织学生操练新单词及句型。 4、让学生谈谈重返校园的感受,结合学校实际,用英语表达学校各功能室的名称。 5、让学生小组合作,绘出校园分布图,运用重点句型问答。五、教学手段 多媒体课件、图片、录音机辅助教学。六、教学步骤(Teaching procedures)StepsTeachers ActivitiesStudentsActivitiesAimsBrief CommentsStep 1Warming up Greeting to Ss, chant with Ss. Greeting to teacher, chant together.朗诵一首关于学习的歌谣既可以营造英语学习的氛围,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,还可以复习以前所学的单词,同时也能为引入本节课所学的知识做铺垫。Step 2 Presentation1.Leading in the topicCome on boys and girls, Mr Ou will have a meeting in the classroom, because his friend Wendy will visit our schooltomorrow. He has something to say , but where are the other boys and girls? Can we help him?Present their report to teacher利用明天外国朋友来我校参观,班主任欧老师临时召开班级会议,布置一些任务,却发现一些学生不在课室,让我们去找的情景,使学生在一个充满思考的生活语境中学习英语,这样的教学设计既可以调动学生的积极性,又能自然引入本课主题。板书“Our School”2.Present new wordsand sentences (Use the CAI courseware)ask:Lets go and find them.canteen: Where is XuCaifeng? (Do gestures) Where is the canteen?Guide Ss to say: Its on the first floor.teachers office:(Ask 2Ss to hand the homework)Where is LinXin? Is she in the canteen?playground/librayIf you want to playbasketball/read story-books, where to go?garden:There are many flowers and trees,can you guess what it is?Read after meWatch the vedio and answer the questions, read these new words with gestures:canteen, canteen, go to the canteen运用多媒体课件,不同单词用不同的方法呈现,通过教师设疑,竞猜,情景表演等方式,避免教学枯燥单一。这既引发学生说英语的兴趣,又充分调动学生参与课堂活动的积极性。通过他们熟悉的人物教学单词会加深他们对单词的印象,让学生更快速、有效地记住新单词,同时还引出了本课的重点句型,使单词教学与句型教学相结合。板书单词和图片Step 3 Practice1. Leading in our lessonAll the Ss are found.Mr Ou is happy.Do you remember whats in our school?(CAI courseware)Listen to the tape and imitate.Listen to the tape and imitate:Where is the canteen/playground/teachers office/library/garden? Its on the first floor.整体输入新知识,通过教师领读和听音跟读,训练学生正确的语音语调2.Games(1) Get the Ss play a “A turning plate” game to practise the words .Play the game:Read loudly until it stops. 游戏教学不仅引发了学生说英语的兴趣,而且充分调动了学生参与课堂的积极性。大转盘游戏的操作:转盘转的时候,学生一直读单词直到一个学生喊停,如果转盘指向该单词,学生赢了;反之,老师赢了。(2) Get the Ss play a “Whos falling down ” game to practise the words and sentences.Play the game: Speak out the word quickly, when the word or sentence is falling,通过让学生看屏幕上快速闪过的单词和句型,吸引学生的注意力。这个游戏可以使学生积极主动地参与到学习活动中,体验英语学习的快乐。利用小组竞赛的形式,哪个组快为胜者。3.Group work What do you think of our school? Could you draw and make a dialogue by using” Where is the? Its on the first floor. (Go around and help the Ss.)Draw and talk about the picture with their partners.创语言交流机会,以小组合作交流形式,让学生亲自动手、动脑、动口合作探究,培养学生的合作精神及探究能力。4.Lets do first listen to the tape ,guess the meaning ,then follow me, at last do by yourselves.Listen and say,doactionswith gestures.通过TPR教学,让学生学中玩,玩中学,既巩固了单词与句型,又创设轻松愉悦的课堂气氛。Step 4Consolidation1.Set a task. Do a survey according to the courseware(Go around the class and check.)Do a survey according to the courseware.为了考查学生对本课所学单词与句型的掌握程度,我为学生设计一个乡村校园复习所学内容。学生通过竞赛形式展开调查,活跃课堂,满足学生好胜心,从而更好地激发学生的学习兴趣。2.Pair work(Use CAI courseware)What other rooms can you see in the school? S1 is a guide, S2 is a visitor, do a pair work like this.Do pair workA: Hello!Welcome to our school.B: Hello!Where is the?A:Its on the first floor.拓展单词, 再创语言交流机会,以导游和参观者的交流形式,让学生把课本知识运用在生活情景中,真正达到学以致用。情感教育:不管是在乡村还是城市,创设美丽现代化的校园是我们共同的愿望,让我们一起来美化校园,绿化校园,热爱校园。Step 5 Homework1. Visit other schools and talk about your school to your friends.把学生的课堂学习延伸到课外,增强兴趣。2. Copy these new words.Step 6 Blackboard Designing七、评价方法 Unit 1 Our SchoolPart
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