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高三复习导学案 book6 unit5高级词汇及拓展1. _ vt. 任命,委派 _ 某人被任命为 _ n. 约会 _ 和某人有约2. _ vt. 评估,评价 = assess _ n. 评估,评价3. _ vi. (火山等)爆发,突然发生 _ n. 爆发4. _ vt. 配备 _配备有_ n. 设备5. _ adj. 完全的,绝对的 _ adv. 完全地;绝对地6. _ n. 某次,的时候 _ 有一次_ adj. 偶然的,偶尔的 _ adv. 偶然地;有时候7. _ vt. 唤醒,激发 _ 某物激发某人的好奇心arise vi. 发生; 出现;起身8. _ vi. 相异,变化 _ adj. 各种各样的 = diverse _ n. 种类 =diversity _ (短语)各种各样的 9. _ n. 候选人 questionnaire n. _10. _ adj. 失去知觉的;未察觉到的 _ 有只觉的_ n. 意识= awareness _ 增强某人的意识11. wave n. _ vi. _ wave _ sb. _ 冲某人_12. fountain n. _ vi. _13. sweat n. _ wipe the sweat from the face vi. _ sweat heavily_14. tremble n. _ a tremble of fear vi. _ be trembling with fear _15. fantastic adj. _ spectacular adj. _enthusiastic adj. _ precious adj. _ previous adj. _22. last vi. _ lasting adj. _重点单词及其用法1. _ n. 潜能 _ 某人有潜力去做某事adj. 潜在的 _ 潜在的客户/危险 2. _ n. (c.) 保证,担保 sth. be under _ 某物在保质期内vt. 确保;保障 _ 努力学习保障你会成功3. _ vt. 感激,欣赏 _ 如果 我将不胜感激_ n. 感激,欣赏 sb. show little _sth. 某人并不欣赏某物sb. present sth. to sb. _ ones help 赠送某人某物以感激别人的帮助4. panic n. (c. & u.) _ sb. get into (a) panic / sb. be in panic _vt. & vi.(_; _) _ sb. panic at / over sth. _5. anxious adj. _= concerned sb. be anxious about sth. _ _ = desperate sb. be anxious to do sth. _ n. _重点短语1. make up _ She is always makes herself up each day before going to work. _ = account for Girls make up 90% of the students numbers. Are you interested in studying rocks and other things that make up the surface of the earth. _ Nothing can make up for the loss of a child. 2. move out of the way 不再挡路,不再碍事I moved my legs out of the way so that she could get past. _3. _ 前往某地 _ 回家4. _ 某物被焚毁 = sth. be / lay in ruins 5. take no notice _ sth. 没注意到 _ the distance 在远处6. run out of _ He ran out of the house and caught sight of the eruption of the volcano. _ The team members ran out of their energy and failed in the match. 7. sth. take sb. by surprise _ 8. see as a threat _ 9. sp. Be home to sth. _ 10. Vary from to _11. pick up _ He picked up the apple and ran after Otlanta. _ The man picked up English while studying in America. _ He promised to pick me up at the airport and didnt turn up. 12. _ / _ 某人有某方面的天赋13. Sb. be rewarded _ 某人的到的回报 14. sb. bathe in sth. _ sb. have / has a bath _重点句型1. _ (collect and evaluate) the information, I help othe scientists to predict _ lava from the volcano will flow next and _ fast. _ (study) volcanoes now for many years, I am still amazed at their beauty as well as their potential _ (cause) great damage. 2. I was about to go back to sleep _ suddenly my bedroom became as bright as day. 相似句型总结: 3. The other two climbed down into the crater to collect some lava for later study, but this _(be) my first experience, I stayed at the tup and watched them. 同义句转换:When the test was finished, we began our holiday.=_, we began our holiday. If weather permits, we are to visit you tomorrow. =_, we are to visit you tomorrow. 4. _ (据说) this boy, _ had a great gift _ languages and _ (persuade), is the father of the Manchu people. 5. Have you ever considered _ weak humans are _ (compare) with a volcano, hurricane or earthquake?6. _ (无论我们多么弱小), we are not completely powerless. _(不管有多难), wed better not lose heart. 7. _ (hear) a scream, I rushed downstairs only _ (see) my hostess _ (lie) unconscious on the floor, _ (surround) by her guests. 8. However, the attraction _arouses _ greatest appreciation in the reserve _ Tianchi or the lake of Heaven. 学科网(北京)股份有限公司
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