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Unitl How do you study for a test?教材依据:初中人教版Go for it !新目标九年级unitl 1 How do you study for a test ? Period 1设计思路:以听说训练为主线,通过听、说、演练等教学活动,使学生获得基本的英语听说能力,进而对他们的写作能力进行训练;在注重学习知识能力发展的同时,灌输给学生英语学习的方法,培养学生学习英语的良好习惯。教学流程图:复习导入 展示新话题 演练 听力训练 完成调查表 写作训练 小结。教学目标:知识目标:1、掌握句型How do you study for a test? I study by working with groups. 2、掌握一些有关学习方法的短语。技能目标:1、通过课堂活动培养听说技能 2、写作训练重在培养写作能力情感目标:通过对学习方法的探讨和学习,培养学生选用科学恰当的英语学习方法,努力提高英语学习水平。现代化教学手段运用目标:1、使抽象内容直观化,提高学生参与课堂活动的积极性。2、增大课堂容量,提高课堂效率。教学重点:1、掌握“How问by doing答”和学法短语。 2、问答训练教学难点:书面表达的书写教学用具:Multi-media tape-recorder教学过程一、导入(师生问答)1.T:How do you get to school? S1:I get to school by bike/busT:How does S1 get to school?S2:He/She gets to school by bike/bus T says ,“I like getting to school by bike. It,s good for my health. I also like singing songs. And I often learn songs by listening to tapes.” Question: How do you learn songs?Choose volunteers to answer.二、呈现1、展示图片并说明图意Say: Sam will have a test in a faw days.He is studying for the test. He often studies by doing more exercise.Question: How do you study for a test? Choose volunteers to answer.师生问答2、逻列并展示学法短语,然后让学生集体朗读。3、活动a. Pairwork:A/B:How do you study for a test?B/A:I study byThen choose several pairs to act out.b.Groupwork【四人一组A、B、C、D】A:How do you study for a test?B.C.D:I study byA:How does C/D.B/D.B/C study for a test?B/C/D:He/she studies byThen choose two groups to act out.三、听力训练1、教学1b:a.听力预习,说出图中的学习方法,如by making flashcards, by listening to tapes, by asking the for help.b.听对话,写序号,对照答案2、教学2a、2ba.听力预习,自己默读并理解2a、2b中的句子。b.听对话,第一遍选出对话中含2a的句子;第二遍为2a的句子选答语完成2b,对照纠错。四、活动【Do a survey】NameWays of learning EmglishEvaluation评价提示:用 How do you learn English ?what do you think of it ? 在组内做调查,完成调查表。(学生交流时,可给他们提供所需要的帮助;完成后选3个志愿学生口述调查结果)设计意图1、选用简单、贴进学生生活的话题,有利用激发学生课堂参与和积极性。2、些问题与新话题都是询问方式的同类句型。3、通过转换人称,提示学生注意一般现在时人称和数的一致。1、选志愿的学生回答新内容,对其他同学起到促进理解的作用。2、提供学法短语可扩大词汇量,保证学生有话可说。3、Pairwork、Groupwork不但让学生说出自己的方式、而且能用第三人称转述别人的方式,更熟练巩固一般现在时人称与数的一致。4、反复操作有助对学生所说技能的培养。注重听力预习,培养学生良好的听力习惯。让学生进一步巩固新学内容,也可以为下面的写作做好辅垫,体现听说读对写的相互促进作用。五、写作以调查表为提示,写一份自己的调查报告(批阅后选几个学生读作文)六、小结本节课主要学习如何谈论做事方式,总结一句话:“用How问by doing答”Homework: 1、组长收查作文2、Copy and memorize the useful phrases.板书设计:Unit1 How do you study for a test?How do you study for a test?I study byUseful phrases:working with friends reading English every daymaking flashcards studying grammarreading the textbook memorizingmaking vocabulary lists watching English moviesasking the teacher for help reading English magazineslistenimg to tapes reading English newspapersdoing more exercises practicing speaking English
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