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2022年6月英语六级翻译练习题:垃圾分类 随着人民生活水平和消费水平的提高,中国的垃圾问题日益严峻。许多城市被垃圾包围。 面对日益增长的垃圾产量和环境状况的恶化,中国政府正在努力推行垃极分类(Refuse classification)的政策。 垃圾分类是指将垃圾分为可回收利用和不行回收利用两类,要求人们将垃圾投放至不同的垃圾桶(trash can),通过不同的清理、运输和回收方式,使之变成新的资源。 它可以削减垃圾处理量,降低处理本钱,削减土地资源的消耗,对社会、经济、生态三方面都有益。 【参考译文:】 With the improvement of people”s living standards and the increase in consumption level, the garbage problem in China becomes increasingly urgent. Many cities are surrounded by garbage. Confronted with the growing garbage output and deteriorating environment, the Chinese government is implementing the policy of garbage classification with great effort. Garbage classification means dividing garbage into recyclable and unrecyclable, and requires people to put garbage into different trash cans so that it can become new resources through different ways of cleaning, transporting and recycling. It can reduce not only the amount of garbage that needs to be disposed of, but also the deposing cost and the usage of the land, benefiting our society, economy, and environment. 【难点点拨:】 1. 其次句中的“面对日益增长的垃圾产量和环境状况的恶化”,其规律主语是后面的“中国政府”,故此处可采纳过去分词短语作状语,置于句首,译成confronted with the growing garbage output and deteriorating environment。 2.“垃圾分类是指将垃圾分为使之变成新的资源”句子较长,由三个短句组成,第一、其次个短句主语均是“垃圾分类”,因此可用and连接两个谓语“是指”和“要求”。 “要求人们”用require sb.to do构造。“通过方式使之变成新的资源”可看作是“人们将垃圾投放至不同的垃圾桶”的结果,可用so that连接,加强句子规律。 3.最终一句的主干可理解为“它可以削减,降低,削减”,三个谓语动词都可用reduce来翻译,因此可共一个动词,后接不同的宾语,用not only.but also.连接。 “对社会、经济、生态三方面都有益”则可处理成现在分词短语benefiting.,表结果。
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