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摩擦音: f v 3 s z h r f 发音组合:f ph 代表单词:five first life fine fat fail fair fall farm telephone phonetics photo v 发音组合:v 代表单词:vote vine vat vail very vase leave five 发音组合:th 代表单词:think teeth thick theme thank thought both tooth truth fifth mouth cloth faith breath发音组合:th 代表单词:this that these those then than though 发音组合:sh s ss ch代表单词:ship fish sheet sheep dish sure ensure assure machine3发音组合:s代表单词:pleasure usual leisure measure s 发音组合:s c 代表单词:seem set seek say see books dense mouse cups face ice race price z 发音组合:z s代表单词:zoo prize zeal raise knees eyes h 发音组合:h wh 【注意】wh 在元音字母o前才发此音。代表单词:hot home house horse hate high whole who whose whom r 发音组合:r wr代表单词:race red rice rain right road free fry pray wrong write熟读下面这段话,要求背诵。我的数学老师 My maths teacherThe maths teacher of my class is a young man. His name is Jiang Shan. He is tall and fat. We call him the “Big Guy”. When he knows it, he isnt angry and says its lovely. He is easy going and interesting. We can make jokes with him. But about our study, he is serious but patient. We cant be sloppy on our study. When we have questions, we can ask him anytime. He is a good teacher.我们班的数学老师是一位年轻的男老师,他的名字叫江山。他高个子,比较胖,所以我们叫他“大个子”。他知道后,并没有生气,说这个外号很可爱。江山老师很好相处,很有趣,我们可以和他开玩笑。但是关于我们的学习,他很严肃也很有耐心。在学习上我们不能有半点粗心。如果我们有问题,可是随时向他提问。他是一位很好的老师
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