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必修四完成句子复习1. _ that he left without saying goodbye. (astonish) 使我吃惊的是他没说再见就离开了。2. He left without saying goodbye, _. (astonish) 他没说再见就离开了,这使我吃惊。3. _ he left without saying goodbye,. (astonish) 他没说再见就离开了,这使我吃惊。4. _, Harvard is one of the most famous universities in the United States. (found) 建立于400年前,哈佛大学是美国最有名的大学之一。5. Harvard _ is the fact that cant be forgotten. (found) 哈佛建立于400年前是一个不能被人遗忘的事实。6. The girl had stayed in the hospital for three days _ (come). 女孩在医院里待了三天才苏醒过来。7. When _ maths, my head aches. (come) 谈到数学,我的头就疼。8. Not only _ French correctly, but he also speaks it fluently. (speak) 他不仅能准确的说法语,而且法语说得很流利。9. News came that _ Wuhan University. (admit) 消息传来他已经被武汉大学录取了。10. _ Wuhan University, his family was very excited. (admit) 他被武汉大学录取后,一家人都很兴奋。11. _ Wuhan University made his family very excited. (admit)他被武汉大学录取使得一家人都很兴奋。12. Peter always spares some time for his family, _(busy) 彼得无论多么忙,总会给家人抽出一些时间陪伴他们。13. _ will receive a gift. (come) 凡是参加聚会的人都会受到一份礼物。14. _, we put off the sports meeting. (make) 因为没有做好充分的准备,我们把运动会延期了。15. _ the museum, they went back to the hotel. (show) 参观了博物馆后,他们回到旅馆。16. _, everyone is getting more and more excited. (approach) 随着假期日益临近,每个人越来越兴奋。17. As far as I know, _ in learning English is listening. (what) 就我所知,一些人成年人认为在学英语方面很难的是听力。18. Yesterday, another student and I, _, went to the Wuhan Airport to meet some new students. (represent) 昨天,我和另一个学生代表我们学校,到武汉机场去迎接新生。19. _ the terrible crash, the victim burst out crying. (when) 当被问到关于可怕的坠机时,受害者大哭起来。20. He _ rather than gossip with his co-workers in his spare time. (prefer) 空闲时间他不愿与同事聊天,更愿意一人独处。21. We all demanded that the new type of machine _ be put into use as soon as possible. (refer) 我们都要求所提到的这种新型机器尽早的投入使用。22. The person I just _ is not you. (refer) 我刚才指的那个人不是你。 23. He has failed _. (word) 他没有履行诺言。24. _ that I met my old friend yesterday in the street. (chance) 我昨天是偶然在街上遇见老朋友的。25. My father, _ study abroad, later changed his idea. (intend) 我父亲本来打算让我出国学习的,后来改变了注意。26. The dictionary, _children, sells very well. (intend) 这本字典是给小孩子用的,销量非常好。27. Time factor is what we must first _. (take) 时间因素是我们首先必须考虑到的。28. Wherever he is, he _ to run for an hour every day. (rule) 不管到哪里,他都把每天跑步一小时当作规定去执行。29. Dr Yuan is quite satisfied with his life. However, he doesnt care about _ (famous). 袁博士很满意他的生活。但他对自己的成名并不关心。30. You are not _ as you think you are!(clever) 你没有你自己想像的一半聪明!31. We got three times _ as we had expected. (people) 来的人数是我们预料的三倍。32. He went into the bedroom to sleep, _(leave)/ 他到卧室去睡觉,没有锁门。 33. I went to his home _ he was worse off than me. (find) 我去他家一看,结果发现他比我更穷。34. He decided to talk to his teacher _ to give him a higher grade. (hope) 他决定去找老师谈谈,希望说服她给自己提高分数。35. The secretary _, grabbed the file and ran out again. (dash) 秘书飞奔回屋,抓起那个文件,又跑了出去。36. _, he had to make a sharp turn. (avoid) 为了避免被车撞上,他不得不来了个急拐弯。37. He handed her a cup of coffee _. (ease) 他递给她一杯咖啡,让她放松下来。38. Wherever she goes, there are many fans _. (wait) 无论她到哪里,总是有许多影迷等着想见她。39. I sat in my room for a few minutes with _ the ceiling. (fix) 我在房间坐了一会儿,眼睛盯着天花板。 40. With prices_ , we cant afford luxuries. (go)由于物价上涨很快,我们买不起高档商品。With no one_, John felt miserable. (talk)由于没人可以说话的人,约翰感到很悲哀。 1. What astonished me was 2. which astonished me 3. It astonished me that 4. Founded 400 years ago 5. being founded 400 years ago 6. before she came back to life 7. it comes to 8. can he speak 9. he had been admitted to 10. He having been admitted to/ After he was admitted to 11. his being admitted to 12. however / no matter how busy he is 13. Whoever /Anyone who comes to the party 14. Not having made full preparations 15. Having been shown around 16. With the vacation approaching / As the vacation approaches 17. what some adults think difficult 18. representing 19. When asked about 20. prefers to stay alone 21. referred to 22. referred to 23. to keep
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