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问题解决型Currently, there is a heatedly discussed /controversial issue that arouses wide public attention, , to make things worse, (many people addicted to /are indulged in /heavily influenced by ).which contributes to the deterioration of the problem. The existing situation is caused by the following factors: Above all, government fails to play appropriate role in controlling the phenomenon. Relevant laws and regulations are either insufficient or ineffective when facing the problem. Moreover, Public are rather indifferent to what is happening around them. Last but not least, individual citizen lacks initiative to find a way out for the problem. The significance of the issue makes us believe that it is high time that measures were taken to control/to reduce/to relieve the situation. Government needs to pass strict laws to help curtail this phenomenon, if laws are enacted and enforced, the situation can be much improved, if not completely solved, moreover public awareness upon needs to be enhanced, only by the united force of the mass can the problem be solved fundamentally, As a citizen, l am more than happy to shoulder my responsibility, I will more than follow the rules/do it myself, but also call on people around to make their respective contribution. Anyway, Im confident that a bright future is awaiting us when all of us make joint efforts to solve this problem. 观点对立型Currently, there is a heatedly discussed /controversial issue that arouses wide public attention, , just as every coin has two sides, people tend to hold distinct ideas upon this topic, and there are generally two distinct approaches towards this topic. Proponents advocate that advantage Outweighs advantage .The major factors can be attributed to the following things: Above all, it keeps people well informed, enrich peoples life/enhance peoples living standard, enlarge peoples vision ; moreover, finally/last but not least, In contrast, there are people holding opposing idea, their reasons include: it corrupts it distantiates people from each other. It discourages other There are sure some reasons lying in both approaches, but I tend to seek a balance between the two. As far as I am concerned, tilting toward either side too much may bring risks, if not big troubles to the already dilemma situation.My suggestions to it may be summarized as below: / I make some tentative suggestions below: Government needs to pass strict laws to help curtail this phenomenon, if laws are enacted and enforced, the situation can be much improved, if not completely solved moreover public awareness upon needs to be enhanced, only by the united force of the mass can the problem be solved fundamentally, As a citizen, I am more than happy to shoulder my responsibility, I will more than follow the rules/do it myself, but also call on people around to make their respective contribution. Anyway, Im confident that a bright future is awaiting us when all of us make joint efforts to solve this problem. 素 材Currently, there is a heatedly discussed /controversial issue that arouses wide public attention, people tend to hold distinct ideas upon this topic, and there are generally two distinct approaches towards this topic. Proponents advocate that Outweighs .The major factors can be attributed to the following things.Above all, it keeps people well informed, enrich peoples life/enhance peoples living standard, enlarge peoples vision ; moreover, finally/last but not least, In contrast, there are people holding opposing idea, their reasons include: it corrupts It distantiates people from each other. It discourages other There are some reasons lying in both approaches, l tend to seek a balance between the two.my suggestions to it may be summarized as below: / I make some tentative suggestions below:Government needs to pass strict laws to help curtail this phenomenon, if laws are enacted and enforced, the situation can be much improved, if not completely solved moreover public awareness upon needs to be enhanced, only by the united force of the mass can the problem be solved fundamentally, As a citizen, l am more than happy to shoulder my responsibility, I will more than follow the rules/do it myself, but also call on people around to make their respective contribution.Currently, with the development of science and technology is becoming a serious/severe issue. , for example, many people addicted to /are indulged in /heavily influenced by .which contributes to the deterioration of the problem. The existing situation is caused by the following factors: the causes of such phenomenon can be attributed to the following factors:The primary one is that people tend to at any co
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