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中考题库24感叹句选择题1. (2009福州中考) We will build a subway in Fuzhou before 2014. -Wow, _! Will it pass our place?A. what an excited news B. how excited the news isC. what exciting news D. how exciting news【解析】选C2. (2009兰州中考) -Dad, do you like my picture?-_! Its the nicest one Ive ever seen!A. What beautiful B. How careful C. How wonderful D. What wonderful picture【解析】选C。考查how引导的感叹句。修饰形容词时要用how,先排除A;另D选项中picture是可数名词,其前要加不定冠词a,也要排除;结合关键信息“Its the nicest one Ive ever seen!”可舍B选C。3. (2009连云港中考) Look, _ dirty the water is!-Yes, we should really take some actions to deal with it.A. what a B. what C. how D. how a【解析】选C4. (2009山东中考) The 11th National Games will be held in Shandong in October, 2009.-_ exciting news!A. How B. What C. How an D. What an【解析】选D。考查what引导的感叹句。判断感叹句的引导词时,如果主语前有名词就用what;反之,如果主语前没有名词就用how。修饰名词news要用what,先排除A、C二项;另因为news是不可数是名词,所以不能用不定冠词an,故舍D选B。5. (2009施恩中考) Listen! Our music teacher is playing the music of Two Butterflies.-_!A. What a sweet music B. How sweet music C. How a sweet music D. What sweet music 【解析】选D6. (2009锦州中考) _ interesting book it is! I want to read it again.A. What an B. How an C. What D. How 【解析】选A7. (2009兰州中考) -Dad, do you like my picture?-_! Its the nicest one Ive ever seen!A. What beautiful B. How careful C. How wonderful D. What wonderful picture【解析】选C。考查how引导的感叹句。修饰形容词时要用how,先排除A;另D选项中picture是可数名词,其前要加不定冠词a,也要排除;结合关键信息“Its the nicest one Ive ever seen!”可舍B选C。8. (2009新疆生产建设兵团中考) All of you have passed the test!-_ pleasant news you have told us!A. How B. How a C. What D. What a 【解析】选C9. (2009邵阳中考) Liu Qian made Dong Qings ring enter an egg.-_ strange it was!A. How B. What a C. What【解析】选A10. (2009河北中考) Mary got good grades in school. _ excited she is!A. What B. What a C. How D. How a【解析】选C。考查how引导的感叹句。因为主语she前面没有名词,先排除A、B二项;另结合关键词excited可舍D选C。11. (2009湖州中考) Here is a ticket to the magic show, Jason. -Wow! _ gift it is! Its my favourite.A. What a delicious B. What a nice C. How nice D. How delicious 【解析】选B12. (2009沈阳中考) What a funny person _! We all like talking with him. A. is it B. is he C. it is D. he is 【解析】选D13. (2008南通中考) “_ youve made! But you should work still harder,” the teacher said to the boy.A. What a big mistake B. How big mistakes C. What great progress D. How great progress【解析】选C。考查what引导的感叹句。progress是不可数名词,其前不能用a修饰。14. (2008南京中考) _ dangerous it is to ride fast on a busy road !A. What B. What a C. How D. How a 【解析】选C。考查how引导的感叹句。how修饰形容词dangerous。15. (2008贵阳中考) _ interesting books ! I want to buy them.A. What B. How C. What an 【解析】选A。考查what引导的感叹句。“books”是复数名词,因此可以断定本题应该选用A。16. (2008河北中考) _ wonderful movie! We like it very much.A. What B. What a C. How D. How a 【解析】选B。考查what引导的感叹句。由关键词movie可排除C、D;因为movie是可数名词的单数形式,故舍A选B。17. (2007金华中考) - _ city!-Yes. Tourists from all over the world come to visit it every year. A. How lively B. What busy C. How a big D. What a beautiful【解析】选D18. (2007芜湖中考) -_ weather! Its raining! -Bad luck! We cant go climbing today. A. What bad B. What a bad C. How bad D. What fine 【解析】选A。考查what引导的感叹句。分析题干,由名词weather可先排除C;另weather是不可数名词,不能用a修饰,可排除B;结合关键信息“Its raining”和“Bad luck”可舍D选A。
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