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词汇积累词汇积累1.性格特征描写curious,serious,shy,kind,pleasant,inconsiderate,irritating,rude2.情绪、神态、心理描写complain,annoyed,angry,nervous,happy/delighted/overjoyed/pleased/cheerful/joyful,pale,disappointed,excited/trilled词块必记词块必记1.indescribably wild joy 难以形容地开心2.a mixture of excitement and delight 既兴奋又开心3.a rush of/a surge of/a wave of excitement 一阵激动4.a strong sense of loss 强烈的失落感5.a broken spirit 意志消沉6.tears of happiness flow down 流下幸福的泪水7.with tearful eyes and a smile 泪流满面地微笑着8.in the excitement/in ones excitement 某人一时激动佳句背诵佳句背诵1.After hearing this,she felt seized by a burst of sadness;so desperate was she that she couldnt help drowning sadness in wailing.听了这话,她感到一阵悲伤;她是那么绝望以至于忍不住把悲伤淹没在号啕大哭中。2.A sudden rush of panic ruling him,he was frozen to the spot and his heart beat so violently that he felt nearly suffocated.突如其来的一阵恐慌控制了他,他吓得待在原地一动不动,心跳剧烈几乎要窒息了。3.With tears streaming down her face,she offered her heartfelt gratitude,and stepped forward,rubbing her hands tighter again and again,agitated.眼泪顺着她的脸颊流下来,她走上前并表示了衷心的感谢,有点激动地搓着双手。4.The leaves seemed greener,the flowers brighter,and the birds merrier than ever before.She became happy and a gentle smile spread over her face.树叶似乎更绿了,花儿也更鲜艳了,鸟儿都比以前更快乐了。她变得很高兴,脸上露出了温柔的微笑。单句写作单句写作1.眼泪顺着她的脸流下来,她说不出话来。_ _ _ _ _ _,words failed her.2.他用灼热的目光怒视着我。He_ _ _with burning eyes.3.她热泪盈眶,表示衷心的感谢。_ _ _ _,she offered her heartfelt gratitude.4.她的笑容照亮了整个房间。Her smile _ _ the whole room.With tears streaming down her face glared at meTears filling her eyeslit up5.虽然有点失望,他还是勉强露出一丝淡淡的微笑。In spite of his disappointment,he_ _ _ _.6.Alee现在开心了,整张脸洋溢着温和的微笑。Alee became happy now and_ _ _ _ _ _ _.managed a weaksmilea gentle smilespread over her face
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