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牛津小学英语4A unit3 第二课时教案 课题How Many?课型新授教学目标 1、 学生能听懂、会读、会说、会正确拼写:thirteen、fourteen、fifteen、 sixteen、seventeen、eighteen、nineteen2、学生能够熟练掌握、运用句型:How many . do you have? ; I have. 3、学生能够自由对话,会询问对方有多少东西,并敢于发言教学重点难点教学重点:数字thirteennineteen的教授;句型How many . do you have? 的运用教学难点:数字thirteennineteen的发音及拼法教学准备含资料辑录或图表绘制三张“小小数学家”小奖状,三张“小小交际家”小奖状,PPT,光盘 板书设计 Unit 3 How many? thirteen fifteen eighteen fourteen sixteen seventeen nineteen How many . do you have? I have .课外作业设计1、 抄写新单词thirteen、fourteen、fifteen、sixteen、seventeen、 eighteen、nineteen,并且能够默写2.复习所学内容教后记教 和 学 的 过 程内容教师活动学生活动一、复习导入:二、 新知传授三:复习总结四:课外作业1. Greetings教师与学生进行简单对话活跃气氛,鼓励学生开口。T: Good morning,xxx.S1: Good morning.T: Whats this/that?S2: Its a .T: Do you have pencils? How many pencils do you have?S3:Yes, I do. I have 3 pencils.2.教师通过设置问题的方式帮助学生复习第一课时所学课文内容及新单词、句型。T: OK, good. Boys and girls, he/she has 3 pencils, right? Do you still remember what does Mile have?Ss: Toy cars.T: Yes. How many toy cars does he have?S4: Thirteen.T:Yes, very good. The next question:Does Helen have any toy cars?S5: No, she doesnt.T: What does she have and how many?S5: She has fifteen stickers .1.通过语言过渡到下面新的教学T: Yes, you are right. She has fifteen stickers. I think her stickers are very beautiful, so after class, I bought some beautiful stickers, too. Lets see how many stickers can you see. 教师通过PPT展示,巩固单词twelve、thirteen、fourteen、fifteen,然后根据图片教授新单词sixteen、seventeen,让学生试着找找规律,看有什么相同的地方,引导他们猜测19,18,然后给予总结13-19均以teen结尾,除13、15、18有些特殊,其他都是在原来各位数字的基础上加teen。2. 操练数字T:OK,now I will give you 30 seconds to remember these numbers and later we will have a competition.进行“小小数学家”的比赛(见课件),看学生谁的反应快,主要为了让他们对数字进行操练。结束后选出三名获奖者,发奖状,祝贺。3.Fun time(Do a survey)T:Lets congratulate them. Boys and girls, if you dont do well in that game, dont worry, we have another one, this time, try your best and win.进行“小小交际家”的比赛,四人一组看谁完成最快,完成后选出一名代表进行总结。结束后评选出三组优胜者,颁发奖状,予以祝贺。主要让学生练习句型和新词。1.T: OK, everyone has done a very good job. Lets give ourselves a big hand. Next, lets review what we have learned. 复习所学内容(见课件) 2. Checkout timeT:Open your books and turn to page 23. Look at the pictures and fill the blanks.T: OK, who wants to tell us the answers?请学生起来回答,如有错误进行纠正,请4组学生起来朗读。 3. Pair workT: Follow the examples, and white a dialogue with your partner. You can ask about pens, bags, or anything else.请四组学生起来表演,教师对其进行评价。 1、 抄写新单词thirteen、fourteen、fifteen、 sixteen、seventeen、eighteen、nineteen,并且 能够默写2.复习所学内容与教师对话学生回答老师的提问动脑筋,找规律记忆做简单的算术,对数字的反应小组合作回顾所学知识完成书本作业两人配合,完成对话
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