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小升初入学测试一试卷及英语清大教育初一再生入学测试卷学生姓名:满分 100 分时间: 2 小时亲爱的同学:经过小学阶段的学习,你在英语学科方面必然有很大进步。希望你在此次测评中,能够显现自己的水平、能力,看到今后努力的目标、方向。祝你获取优异成绩!一、选出一个与其他三个不同样类的单词(每题1 分,共5 分)ABCD() 1.firstsecondthreefourth() 2.mymineourhis() 3.amisarewas() 4.May DayNational Daya dragon boatChristmas() 5.glassesbooksCDsfilm二、词汇(注意用单词的合适形式填空) (每题 1分,共 10分)(一 ) 依照首字母提示完成单词.last day of the week is S_.7. Miss Gao often tells us aher family.8. Tom p_ basketball with his friends yesterday.9. He is r_ the newspapers now.first class usually b_ at 7:30 .(二 ) 依照中文提示完成单词.11. Do they often_ ( 放) kites on Saturdays.12. How _ ( 美味的 ) the fish is!13. Can I eat some_(面包) Of course!14. Therere some _(瓶 ) of orange juice in the locker.15. Does your father have any _ (照相机)三、你想认识一下自己的学习情况吗,试一试下面的练习,选出最正确答案填入句中(每题1分,共 15分) / ()16. -in the box- There are twelve pencils in it.(A. WhatB. What sC. Are there any pencils)17. Do you go to school _ seven thirtyA. atB. inC. aboutD. Are pencilsD. every()18. Do you have a PE lesson todayNo, we don t. We have _ art lesson today.A. aB. anC. theD. /)19. We often chat _ each other _ lunchtime.A. to; inB. for; atC. with; atD. and, at)20. Do you like your school_.A. I like .B. Yes, I am.C. Yes, I do.D. No, I do)21. The students study _ school _ Monday to Friday .A. in; onB. at; fromC. in; atD. from, to)22. _ you have _ homework to do todayA. Do; anyB. Do; someC. Do; manyD. Does, any)23. What do you want _A. knowB. knowingC. to knowD. knows()24. - Is Sally from America A. America, England C. American, English- No. Sally is angirl, but s he s inB. English, AmericaD. England, Americanow.()25. Bill Gates(比尔 .盖茨A. UN) is from the B. USAC. PRC.()26. - What s in thereading room- Therea teacher, twenty desks and thirty chairs in it.A. amB. isC. areD. be()27. -is this boy in the art room- He s my new friend.A. Who sB. WhatC. HowD. Who() Who s .MrBrown- He sfather.A. Tony and SallyB. Tony s andSallysC. Tony and Sally sD. Tony, Sallys()29.Mrs. Wang is Tom A. cousin s mother. She is my aunt. Tom is my B. twin brother C. son.D. uncle()30. In China, people walk _ of the street.(街道)A. on the leftC. in the middleB. on the rightD. on the left of四、用括号里词的合适形式填空(每题 1 分,共 10 分)can use the(shop) basket in the supermarket.32.My photo is nice, What about(she)33.Are there any(library) in your school34.On the(one) floor, there are ten classes.35.Let(we) help you find it.36.Thanks for(help) me with my homework.37.Miss Fang ,(not take ) the books to the classroom.38.Where can she(buy) teddy bears39.My cousin Andy often(wash) dishes at home40.he and she(have) any comic books五、 Lucy在做变换句子练习时不小心漏了几个词,你能帮她补上吗(每空分,共7分)41. Climb the tree in the park. ( 改成否定句 )the tree in the park.42.The model plane is Nick and Peter s. (对划线部散提问)the model plane43. He gets up at seven every day.(对画线部散提问)does he get up every day44. I have a camera. He has a camera, too. (同义变换 )I have a camera. Hea camera.45. There are sixteen boys and fourteen girls in my class. (同义句)Westudents in my class.46. There are twenty students in the classroom. ( 对划线部散提问 )Howare there in the classroom47.These black shirts are ten dollars. ( 对划线部散提问)are these black shirts六、比比谁认真,找出错误并改正(每题 1分 ,共 5分 ;只选出答案不改正,不得分)()48. Hurry up, it sseven thirty o clock._ABCD()49. It swarm and sun today._ABCD()50. I like play basketball , football, and tennis._ABCD() Who is that man, Peter -Aha, hesmy John uncle._ABCD()52. I mstudy inMiddle School ._ABCD七、 Millie正和 Jill 议论她家周边的一个新公园,你能依照上下文,选择合适的选项将她们的对话补充完满吗(每空1分,共 5分)(M = Millie, J = JillThey are classmates.)M: Hello, Jill!53J:54. Is it very bigM: No, it s not very big ,55J: Well, what sin it Are there any lakesM: Yes, there is a lake.56J: Is there a zooA. but it sbeautiful.B. Oh, thatsnice.
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