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一、词汇积累 形容词striking 引人注目的;显著的nearby 附近的;邻近的dense浓密的rough粗糙的名词ocean 大海;海洋 scent 气味;气息poet 诗人 mountain山;山脉air空气 star星星nature自然 willow柳树branch枝条动词roar 吼叫;咆哮surround 围绕;包围glitter闪烁float漂浮shine闪耀二、词块必记1.a mountain track 山间小路2.a dense forest 茂密的森林3.rough,stony ground 崎岖不平、多石的地面4.the beauty of nature 大自然的美5.stars twinkling their eyes 星星眨眼6.the great sights along the way 沿途的美景7.the countless stars in the curtain of night 夜幕下无数的星星8.the night with fresh air and millions of stars 空气清新、满天繁星的夜晚9.with the sun shining and birds singing阳光灿烂,鸟儿歌唱10.be dotted with点缀着三、佳句背诵1.A gust of wind blew and parted the drooping branches of the willow like a curtain.一阵风吹过,吹起了柳树的低垂枝条,就像卷起的窗帘。2.The sun was beginning to set,glittering red through the rows of buildings.太阳开始落山了,在一排排的建筑物中闪烁出红光。3.On a nearby hill,he could see smoke waving slowly skywards from the chimney of his house.在附近的一座山上,他可以看到烟从他房子的烟囱里慢慢地飘向天空。4.We used to live in a beautiful village,and there were trees and flowers and green grass,and the air was so sweet.我们以前住在一个漂亮的村舍里,那里树很多,还有花花草草,连空气都是甜的。5.Soon the tiny flakes floated softly down,like flocks of little white birds.不久,小小的雪花静悄悄地飘落下来,就像一群白色的小鸟。四、补全句子1.公园里充满了春天的清新和美丽,阳光灿烂,鸟儿歌唱。The park was full of freshness and beauty of spring,_.2.薄雾笼罩的大山点缀着小农场和村庄。Mist-covered mountains _.3.不远处有一条闪闪发光的小溪,在绿色的河岸之间奔流而下。A little way off was a little brook,_.with the sun shiningand birds singing were dotted with small farms and villages rushing and sparkling along betweengreen banks 4.在这之前,他一直住在一个天气暖和的乡村。在那里,阳光洒满美丽的满是橘子的山坡,田野里到处是芳香扑鼻的鲜花。Before this,he had lived in a warm country,_,and fields always sweet with flowers.where the sun shines over the beautiful orange-covered mountains
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