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词汇积累词汇积累形容词/副词angry,annoyed,annoying,angrily名词/动词anger,annoyance词块必记词块必记1.tremble with anger气得发抖2.a burst of anger勃然大怒3.be annoyed at对恼怒4.to ones annoyance令某人恼怒的是5.in anger生气地;愤怒地6.flame with anger气得满脸通红7.stamp ones foot in anger愤怒地跺脚8.run out of the room in a burst of anger怒气冲冲地跑出房间佳句背诵佳句背诵1.Feeling the strong emotions of love,anger,fear and grief in the performance,I could easily recognise the theme of Hamlet.通过从表演中感受到的爱、怒、惧、哀等强烈情感,我很容易就能看出哈姆雷特的主题。2.He could hardly/scarcely contain his anger.他几乎控制不住怒火。3.Cherry felt so angry that her face turned red and glared at us.Cherry非常生气,她的脸变红了,怒视着我们。4.Boiling with anger Tom shook his fist at me.汤姆气疯了,对我挥了挥拳头。单句写作单句写作1.汤姆最近的行为总能让史密斯老师火冒三丈。Toms recent behaviour would always _ _.(名词)2.史密斯老师发现他的作业又没做完,愤怒地大叫了一声,眼里闪烁着恼怒的光芒。Finding his homework was unfinished again,Mr.Smith _ _ _ _ _ _,with his eyes shining with annoyance.(名词)make Mr.Smith burst into anger/burn with anger/explode with angerlet out a cry of anger3.史密斯老师的耐心被消磨光了,他给汤姆的父亲打电话愤怒地抱怨。Mr.Smith,whose patience had worn thin,_ _ _ _ _ _.(副词)4.汤姆垂头不语,这使史密斯老师皱起眉头,气得拉长了脸。(面部表情描写)Tom hung his head and said nothing,which made Mr.Smith frown.He pulled a long face _ _.(in+名词)called Toms father to complain angrilyin anger
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