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四年级下册期中测试卷听力部分一 听句子,选出你所听到的单词。(分)( )1.A.TV room B.computer room C.washroom( )2.A.jeans B.canteen C.gym( )3.A.what B.where C.who( )4.A.you B.a C.your( )5.A.five B.nine C.time( )6.A.ten B.two C.three( )7.A.shorts B.socks C.shoes( )8.A.they B.these C.those( )9.A. red B. dress C. sweater( )10.A. shirt B. skirt C. school二听句子,在题前括号排顺序,题后括号写答案。(分)( )1. Its 9:40. ( )( )2. Its 8:30. ( )( )3. Its 12:00. ( )( )4. Its 10:30. ( )( )5. Its 5:00. ( )A.Its time for go home.B.Its time for lunch.C.Its time for English class.D.Its time for math class.E.Its time for music class.三听句子,看图写序号。(分)1.T-shirt在床上图 2.8点钟图 3.早餐图 ( ) ( ) ( )4.两台风扇图 5.浇花图 6.鞋子在椅子下图 ( ) ( ) ( )7.起床图 8.足球图 9.棕色夹克图 10.牛仔裤图 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )四听音,判断句子是否与录音内容一致,一致的写T,反之写F。(分)( )1.I like white T-shirt.( )2.Those are your pants and these are my shirts.( )3.The teachers office is on the first floor.( )4.Amys dress is black.( )5.Its time for school.五听句子,选答语。(10分)( )1.A.No, she isnt. B.Yes, it is. C. Yes, its not.( )2.A.Its on the first floor. B.Its one oclock. C.I watch TV.( )3.A.Its time for dinner. B.Its four. C.Four clocks.( )4.A.Its white. B.Its five. C.The door is green.( )5.A.Yes, he is. B.This is a picture. C.No, its a map.( )6.A.Its green. B.Theyre new. C.Theyre green.( )7. A.Its my sisters. B. Its my sister. C. Theyre my sisters.( )8. A.Its three. B. Theyre three. C. I have three.( )9.AHes in the are room. B. He likes painting. C. Im in the teachers office.( )10.A. Yes, I have. B. Yes, I do. C. Yes, it is.六 听读短文,判断对(T)错(F)。(分)听第一段录音,回答1-5题。( )1.I have 5 shirts.( )2.Two shirts are red.( )3.I have 4 skirts.( )4.My socks are brown.( )5.My pants are blue.听第二段录音,回答6-10题。( )6.My classroom is on the first floor.( )7.The teachers desk is red.( )8.The computer is black.( )9.I have 6 lights.( )10. The fans are yellow.笔试部分七根据中文或图片提示填写单词。(分)1.What colour is her_? Its _.(绿色的T恤衫)2.Its _.Its _ to get up.(6点半)3.My _ are new. Theyre _.(白色鞋子)4._ (这)is my_(电脑)room. 5._ (那)is _ (你的)TV room.八看图写单词。(5分)毛衣图 操场图 体育课图 花园图 卫生间图( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )1.garden 2. washroom 3.playground 4.sweater 5.P.E. class九补全对话。(分)A:I have a new shirt?B:Really? _A: Its yellow.B:_A:Sure. Here you are.B:Oh! Its very nice!A:_B:_A:Yes, they are.I like the yellow shirt and the black pants.A:_1. May I have a look?2. Me too.3. What colour is it?4. Are they your pants?5. Thank you.十选择题。(5分)1.Its time _ go to school.A.to B.for C.in2.Go to the _ .Read a story-book.A.playground B.library C. canteen3.The sweater _ old.A. are B. is C. am4._ you have a garden? A. Is B. Do. C. Are5.That is _ art room.A.a B. an C. two十一阅读,判断对()错()。(分)Hello! My name is Chen Jie. I am ten. This is my school.The canteen is on the first floor. We can have lunch in the canteen. The music room is on the first floor, too. We sing and dance in it. My classroom is on the second floor. Its big and clean. Its 10:20. Its time for P.E. class. Let me go to the playground.Bye-bye. ( )1.The music room is on the first floor.( )2.Chen Jie has lunch in the canteen.( )3.Chen Jies classroom is small and clean,( )4.Chen Jie is ten.( )5.Chen Jie has P.E. class at 9:20.四年级下册期中测试卷听力部分一听句子,选出你所听到的单词。(分)1.Where is the washroom? Its on the first floor.2.Go to the canteen.Eat some noodles.3.What colour is it?4.Is this your jacket?5.What time is it?6.Its ten.Its time for math class.7.These are my socks.8.Are they your pants?9.I like my yellow dress.10.My school is beautiful.二听句子,在题前括号排顺序,题后括号写答案。(分)A. Its 12:00.Its time for lunch. B. Its 8:30. Its time for music class. C. Its 5:00. Its time to go home. D. Its 9:40. Its time for English class. E. Its 10:30. Its time for math class.三听句子,看图写序号。(分)1.Time for breakfast. Have some bread and milk.2.What time is it? Its 8 oclock.3.Where is my T-shirt? Its on the bed.4.Its time for P.E. class. Lets play football.5.Its 6:30. Its time to get up.6.What colour is your jacket? Its brown.7.Where are my shoes? They are under the chair.8.My jeans are blue.9.How many fans can you see? 2.10.Go to the garden. Water the flowers.四听音,判断句子是否与录音内容一致,一致的写T,反之写F。(分)1.I like white T-shirt.2.These are my pants and those are your shirts.3.The teachers office is on th
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