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品牌定位理论的初步研究-毕业论文 摘要 本文主要以品牌为立足点,吸收借鉴里斯和特劳特在定位与新定位等著作中介绍的定位理论,总结定位论的精髓,形成基本思想和基本法则,并指出企业在品牌定位过程中容易出现的误区,以期望能给正处在激烈的品牌竞争中的企业提供一个有效的竞争手段,提升品牌竞争力。没有一种产品适合所有的消费者,也没有一种理论适应所有品牌,适应所有营销领域, “定位 ”也不例外。我们应坚持的基本原则是:去其糟粕,取其精华;古为今用,洋为中用。 1969年,A?里斯Al Ries和J?特劳特Jack Trout在美国营销杂志广告时代和工业营销上发表了一系列文章,首次提出了“定位”这一概念。70 年代,定位观念日趋成熟,发展成较为完善的理论。1979年,两位大师合作出版了第一本确定定位理论的专著定位 。在我国定位一书,最早是由友谊出版社在1991年出版的,书名为广告攻心战略-品牌定位 。定位理念传入我国,受到营销界人士的热烈拥护,不少企业把定位理论奉为圣经,看作是市场竞争必胜的法宝。 里斯和特劳特有预见性地宣告了定位时代的到来。营销史上先后经历了,产品至上时代、形象至上时代、定位至上时代。在不同的时代,营销理念是不同的,企业在实际的营销活动中也就有了不同的内容。产品至上时代的商规是“坚持独特的卖点” (USP) ,形象至上时代的教条是“增加感性利益,塑造品牌形象” 。营销进入定位时代,品牌的成功已不再倚重于独特的卖点或形象,它讲求的是定位。定位理论的精髓是:全面深入地了解营销的终极战场?消费者的大脑,针对预期消费者大脑中已有的观念,寻找未被其它品牌占据的大脑空间,在众多的品牌信息1 中,选择准确的定位角度,通过定位,使自己捷足先登第一个占据他们的大脑。品牌定位不是你对产品做的事情,而是你对消费者的大脑做的事情。 定位理论经过二十几年的应用与发展已经形成了自己的基本思想和基本法则,在营销实践中有着重要的指导作用。 首先,其基本思想是:消费者头脑中争得第一才是最有效的定位战略;定位是针对消费者的大脑做的事情,而不是对产品做的事情;选准定位角度;针对目标市场,满足该品牌的“关键顾客”,“最有价值的顾客”;不可忽视品牌名称的威力;转移到具有竞争优势的战场上等等。 其次,其基本法则是:只争第一法则,只争第一,而不是更好,不一定是第一个进入市场的,但必须是第一个占据消费者大脑的;竞争导向法则,定位在本质上是一种“对抗性”的营销战略,从竞争角度分析自身以及竞争者的定位策略,可以赢得相对于竞争品牌的比较优势;聚焦法则,舍弃不关键的品牌信息,敢于牺牲某些利益诉求点才能聚焦某一点,成为第一;理念竞争法则,在营销世界中,一定程度上并不存在最好的产品或服务,只有存在于潜在消费者头脑中的理念,市场营销一定程度上是理念的竞争,而不仅仅是产品或服务的竞争;独创性法则,避免定位雷同,当竞争对手已经在顾客头脑中形成某种理念,占据了某一位置时,应寻找市场空子,为自己寻找一个独特的定位理念;占据头脑法则,捷足先登抢先进入潜在顾客的头脑,要胜过抢先进入市场;市场空白法则,寻找市场空白,也就是寻找消费者头脑中不曾被占领的空间,更利于在消费者心目中占据一个独特的位置。 定位理论在营销领域意义重大,应用广泛。定位最初是用于广告领域的,后来用之于实践,由于其对整个营销的重大影响,已经成为与市场细分、目标市场并列的营销战略的基本要素之一,在广告和营销实践2 中发挥着巨大的指导作用。定位论是品牌在激烈的竞争中获胜的法宝,是制定品牌策略的关键,是强有力的策略性营销,是品牌构建的重要内容,也是寻找品牌形象与目标市场结合的有效途径,有助于区分、记忆品牌,有助于提升品牌竞争力。 成功的定位需要始终如一,定位理念一旦确立,就不应轻易改变,所有的营销活动都致力于使该定位理念在消费者心目中留下深刻的印象,占据独特的第一位的位置。但是并不否认在原有的定位已难以适应顾客、市场、未来发展需要的情况下,寻找新的焦点、新的顾客头脑中的“空子” ,为品牌重新定位。企业看不到市场变化、消费者心态的变化,就会失去方向,应关注重新定位。3 Abstract This thesis mostly absorbs the theory about positioning which Al Ries and Jack Trout put forwarded in the books positioning and new positioning, forms basic viewpoints and principles, and points out the misunderstandings about positioning when the enterprises apply the theory to the practice, so that offers the enterprises which face the drastic competition an effective methodNo commodity can satisfies all the consumers demands, similarly, no one theory is suitable to all the brands and can guides all the activities in the field of marketing .The principle we should persist in is to absorb the distillate, abandon the draff of the theory, and apply the foreign theory to the practice in ChinaAl Ries and Jack Trout Published a series of articles in some American magazines, and for the first time made mention of positioning. In 1979, they wrote the first book about positioning. In China, Friendship Public translated this book into Chinese in 1991After this theory was introduced into China, it was warmly welcomed and supported by the enterprises that treated it as a magic weapon to win the other competitorsAl Ries and Jack Trout forecasted the times of positioning was coming .In the history of marketing, it went through three times. In different times, the basic theories on marketing were different. In the times of commodity, the basic principle is to look for unique selling proposition; In the times of image, the basic4 principle is to build a good image; In the times of positioning, the basic principle is how to position. What you should do is to study the consumers brain, look for the space in their brain that is not occupied by the other brands, and make yourself to be the first brand that occupies the consumers brainSince from the birth of the theory of positioning, it was used widely and formed its basic viewpoints and basic principles, which can guide the enterprises in practice. Firstly, its basic viewpoints are as follows: to be the first brand in the consumers brain is the most effective strategy; positioning has noting to do with the commodity itself, but has something to do with the brain; to choose the right angle; dont ignore the importance of the name of the brand, and so on. Secondly, its basic principles are as follows: tries to be the first brand which is remembered deeply by the consumers, that is, whether your brand is the first one which come into the market is not the most important thing, but your brand must be the first one which occupies the brain; focus on one aspect or one advantage of the commodity, and just transmits the most useful and suitable information to the consumers brain in simple words; tries to innovate, not just to imitate the other brands; tries to look for the new opportunity and demand in the market which no enterprise found and satisfied, and so on The theory about positioning plays an important role and is used widely. In the beginning, it was used in advertisement 5 Subsequently, because its influence in the marketing, it together with
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