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Lesson 11: Beats and Wolves教学设计Teaching Aims:教学目标知识目标1. vocabulary: wolf, hippo, bear, ostrich, 2. sentence: Dose a hippo have fur? What else has fur? A monkey, a cat3. Song: Big and Small能力目标通过学习本课知识,学生能够熟练运用句型“Dose a hippo has fur? What else has fur?”,并能用有趣、恰当的动作演唱歌曲“big and small.”,从而培养学生运用英语的能力。Emotional Attitude:培养学习英语的兴趣,能积极的学习英语,养成爱听、爱说英语的习惯。Teaching Key Points:1. Students can listen, speak, read and write the words: bear 2. Students can listen, speak and read the words: hippo, wolf, ostrich3. Students can use the sentences Dose a hippo have fur? What else has fur? A monkey, a cat4. Students can sing the song: “Big and Small.”Teaching Difficulties: Students can use the sentences Dose a hippo have fur? What else has fur? A monkey, a catTeaching Preparation: 教学准备Some pictures, CAI. Teaching Procedure: 教学步骤. Lead in导入1. Greeting.2. Review. 1. sing the song “ big and small” 2. game: the missing gameWhat do you see? I see_. Now, whats missing? . New concepts Step1: wolf hippo, bear, ostrich1. T: What animals has fur?Ss: a cat has fur. A tiger has fur. T: what else has fur?Ss: a monkey 当学生找不到再有什么动物有皮毛的时候,引出 wolfT: look, this is a wolf. 在四线格里板书wolf, 领读并安排学生不同形式的读, 强调“l” 在单词中的发音。 渗透这个单词复数的特殊变法。T: so what else has fur?Ss: a wolf has fur.T: look, who is coming? 引出hippoS: 板书并领读T: what do you see? I see a hippo.T: is it thin? Ss: No. its fat.T: Dose a hippo haves fur?Ss: No.3.Riddle: its brown or black. 学生试着猜一猜。 Its very fat. It has fur.引出bear 板书并领读,生拼读用手盖上字母“b”,帮助学生记忆。4. 露出鸵鸟的头部,让生猜一猜,what is it? S: Its a bird. T: how about the bird?S: It has beak, wings and feathers.T: can it fly?Ss: yesT: no, it can not fly.展示图片, 告诉学生这是世界上最大跑的最快的鸟,但是不能飞。This is an ostrich. T: does an ostrich has fur?S: no, an ostrich has beak, wings and feathers.Step2: practiceGame: 教师准备一组动物的单词条和一组身体部位的单词条,让生分别抽出一个,组成句子,does a _haves _? 如果答语是no, 也、还要追问what animal has _?T: what else has_?(教师引导学生自己问一些问题,开动脑筋,结合以前学过的知识,教师可以提示tail, paws, wings, feathers, beak培养学生综合语言运用能力)Step3: pair work:完成书上的表格,教师先与生做示范。T: does a wolf have 小组合作时,教师监督生用英语交流,培养学生爱说英语的习惯。Step 4. 学习歌曲big and smallHomework:1. 制作其他身体部位的表格,和同学交流。2. 把歌曲唱给同伴或家人。Lesson 13 What Do They Eat?教学目标:知识与能力:能够用Does a _ eat _? What does a _ eat?来讨论动物的饮食,能朗读第二部分的歌谣,掌握单词banana,grass的拼读。过程与方法:设计请客的情景展开教学。情感、态度与价值观:让学生体会学英语的乐趣。教学重难点:运用句型Does a _ eat _? What does a _ eat? 来讨论动物的食物。教具准备:bananas、grass、meat、leaves的词卡及动物的卡片。教学过程:一、开始上课与复习1、师生问好。2、出示动物图片复习学过的动物名称和上节课学过的数词的单词卡片。设计意图:复习学过的内容,为本节课的学习做准备。二、新授1、设置情景:今天,老师邀请了小猴子弟弟、牛伯伯、长颈鹿阿姨、老虎大王会餐,嘉宾门都到齐后请小熊开始给每个来宾分配午餐,把bananas放到了长颈鹿面前,把grass放到了老虎面前,把meat放到牛前面,把leaves放到了猴子的面前。可四位客人都没有吃,而是皱起了眉头。(在黑板上画一个足够大的table )把四个动物的卡片贴在饭桌的周围,像上面的对应关系在饭桌上贴上食物。) 2、以这种情景展开本课教学并提问学生:为什么动物们不吃东西?学生会说小熊把食物分错了!接下来教师和同学展开讨论:Teacher: Does a cow eat meat? Class: No.Teacher: What does a cow eat?Class: Grass.Teacher: Yes. A cow eats grass. Say it, please.Class: A cow eats grass.依次完成其他动物的讨论。设计意图:用情景开展教学可以吸引学生的注意,激发学生的学习兴趣,而且比较形象生动,有利于达到较好的教学效果。三、练习让学生认真听,努力思考,然后回答问题。引导学生进行如下讨论:教师:What does a cow eat?全班:Grass或A cow eats grass.教师:what else eats grass? What else eats grass?全班:(说出如下答案:horse,donkey,sheep,goat,elephant)尽量多的讨论各种动物吃什么。设计意图:在讨论中熟悉、使用本课所学的知识,但不能只局限于课本上的四种动物,要让学生也描述出其他动物的食物。四、Chant:“The Zoo Is Fun”1、听录音让学生不看歌词听录音。让学生认真听并尽力找出他们已知的英语单词。设计意图:练习学生的听力,复习学过的单词。2、看书让学生看着图画和歌词。让他们找出他们刚才在这首歌谣中听到的单词。教学生说几个出现的生词。设计意图:学生进一步熟悉歌谣的内容。3、跟读再次播放录音,学生一起跟读,学习歌谣。4、练习师生互动,采取不同的形式做第二部分的chant练习。如分组说,男女生交换说等。设计意图:使学生能比较熟练地说歌谣。三年级英语下册lesson15The Monkey Judge1教学目标:掌握judge bad silly 能力目标:通过情景表演感知故事 wolf sheep and monkey 之间发生了什么事情。重点:Understand and reading the passage. 过程:一 Greet with the students .二 Review .复习方位词 in , on , under , in front of , behind , inside ,outside 和 动物的名称 ; elephant , tiger ,lion , kangaroo, monkey , wolf. Give word card questions? What is this? Is this a _ or a _? Where is the _? Is the _ in front of the _? 三、New Concept1.学习新单词judge bad silly Play the tape with read and understand the meaning of these words Practice the correct pronunciation of words, the team exercises2.出示图片Discuss the pictureT: What can you see? Do you like the picture?Use images let students see three heroine .3. See illustrations, guess storyline, let students discuss monkeys, sheep and Wolf between what happened. 4. Let the students say he think the story is what 5. The teacher read each painting of sentences, the explanation is next to mean6.领读。7.practice in pairs 8. Discuss story :提出 How dose the sheep help the wolf ? What does the monkey do? Act out the part of the story you like.检查他们对故事的理解
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