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牛津三年级下册英语填空题专项积累练习班级:_ 姓名:_1. 看图片,选单词。1Mr. Smith is a_(teacher/student).2Hello, Im your new_(friend/teacher), Mike.3Jack is a_(girl/boy).4Im from_(China/Canada).5This is an_(egg/apple).2. 根据句子意思选择正确的单词。1She is my_(grandpa/grandma).2This is_(me/ I).3She is_(me/my) sister.4He is my_(brother/sister).5Hes my_(mother/father).6Is_(he/she) your brother?3. 按要求写单词。1go(过去式) 2grow(过去式)3cut(过去式) 4three(序数词)5loud(反义词) 6I(名词性物主代词)7sunny(同类词) 8pear(同音词)4. 选词补全句子。you your1. Whats_favourite food?2. Thank_!5. 根据图示,选择正确的单词、完成英语算式。one two three four five six seven eight nine ten1_+two=_2_+_=five3_+three=_4_+three=_5_+six=_6. 根据提示给下列单词分类,并将单词抄写在横线上。USA panda mouth China eraser UK cat bear bag hand head pencil1身体部位:_2国家:_3动物:_4文具:_7. 根据提示完成下列句子,每空一词。1_(那个) is my book.2They are_(不是我的笔) .3You cant_(带) toys to school.8. 选词填空,将合适答案的代号填在横线上。A.is B.What C.am D.for E.an1_is this? Its a dog.2I_8 years old.3Here is a birthday gift_you.4He_my father.5What is it? Its_elephant.9. 按要求写单词。1shes(完整形式) 2is(复数)3hi(同义词) 4I am(缩写形式)5he(对应词)10. 根据字母发音给单词分类。sevengirlkite five leggift shefour worker he1/f/_ _ 2/i:/_ _3/v/_ _ 4/g/_ _5/k/_ _11. 根据图片选择合适的单词补全句子。tall short fat thin1The panda is_.2The cat is_.3The mother giraffe is_. But the baby giraffe is_.12. 选择正确的单词填空,写在横线上。1There_(is, are) some fish in the river.2There arent_(some, any) children in the photo.3How many_(dog, dogs) do you have?4_(They, There) are_(any, some) toy bears in the room.5Ben and Jiamin_(has, have) five robots. Joan_(have, has) two dolls.6Are there_(any, some) pets in the bag?Yes,_(they, there) are.7There_(is, are)a pen and five books on the desk.13. 看图填空,每格一词。It is Sunday today. It is sunny. The1dont go to school. They are in the2now. Tom likes3a kite on the grass. Kitty likes riding a4. There is a5beside her. What are the children doing? They are playing. Whats behind Tom? There is a6. There are some7on it. How happy they are!123456714. 选择合适的单词补全句子。morning are Bye-bye Im fine1Hello,_Sam.2How_you?3Im_, thank you.4Good_, Amy.5_, Sam.15. 给下列单词分分类。nine red shirt yellow coat twelvetrousers ten green fourteen black shorts1Clothes(服装):_2Numbers(数字):_3Colours(颜色):_16. 根据汉语选择正确的短语补充句子。A. playing the flute B. playing basketballC. making cakes D. eating hamburgers E. listening to music1Im_(听音乐).2Im_(做蛋糕).3They are_(吃汉堡).4Im_(吹笛子).5Im_(打篮球).17. 给下列单词按不同的类别分组。A.grapeB.eighteenC.shortD.watermelonE.twelveF.longG.pearH.bigI.sixteenJ.banana1水果:_2数字:_3形容词:_页码 / 总页数
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