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2022年高中英语 Unit2 People on the move-project精品教案 牛津译林版选修10le about a group of people who are spread out all around the world. This part is designed to give you a chance to practice your English by pleting a project. During the course of the project you will discuss what should be included in your display and how to organize the facts they found. In order to finish the project, you will need to cooperate and to plete each part of the project together. By conducting the activities in this part, you will get some information about different people and the history of their distinct culture.1. Answer the following questions:Do you know that there is a group of people in the world who keep traveling from place to place?Have you ever read some books or watched some films or TV programmes about these people?Do you know who they are and why they are always traveling?2. Read the guidelines and website article. Answer the following questions.1). what does the word wander mean and what does the title the wondering Roma mean?2). What do you think the article is going to tell us after reading the first paragraphs?Answers:1. The word wander means to move about or from place to place without any purpose. From the guidelines, we can know the title refers to the group of people, the Roma, who keep moving from place to place.2. From the first paragraph, we can know that the article is about the history of the Roma including their society and language, and the historical and political reasons for their movement.3. Read the article and find out the information about the history pf the Roma. During World War 10011200 15001800 1930 until 1973 in the 1970sInternational Romani Union recognized by the United NationalLaws passed banning the Roma in most European countriesYoung children taken away form their parents in SwitzerlandLeft India in several wavesOriginally lived in northern IndiaKilled in large numbers by the Nazis4. Read the article once more to point out the two aspects of reasons for the Romas movement. For reference: the historical reasons for their movementThey were nomadic, meaning that they traveled between several locations during the year.The Roma have traditionally resisted making permanent homes. the political reasons for their movementThey objected to being citizens of one country and being forced to vote and pay taxe.They refused to submit to any government regulations, preferring to engage in trade and live peacefully. They had a bad reputation in Europe as liars and witches, and some of the Roma pretended to be religious pilgrims. They have been sent away to other parts of the world because of the collision between European culture and that of Roma.They German Nazi Party plotted to wipe the Roma out because they identified the Roma as a dangerous group. Part B:1. Read the passage again and ask each group to discuss the following questions: 1). What differences are identified in the article that shows the Roma are a distinct cultural group? 2). What examples are given that show Europeans prejudice Against the Roma throughout history?Sample answers:1. The article mentions that the Roma are nomadic and that they had a distinct native language. They also prefer to live in closed groups and dislike making permanent homes and submitting to any government. These differences show that the Roma are a distinct cultural group.2. Many Europeans disliked the Romas appearance as they were often in rags. The Romas traditions, such as fortune telling also caused people to think of them as witches. Some Roma also falsely claimed to be pilgrims in order to get food and many people thought the Roma were liars. Laws were in nearly every European country banning the Roma. During World War, many Roma were killed by the German Nazi party, and in Switzerland Roma children were taken away from their parents until 1973. 2. Group work. Discuss the other six questions of Part B.Homework: 1. Read the passage in project and try to remember something about the Roma.2. Surf the Internet and gain more information about Roma.
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