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一. 单项填空( )1. alotofrain inourhometown insummer.A.Thereis B.There has C.Wehave D.Wehas( )2.There a littlemilkinthe bottle.A. is B.has C.are D. have( )3.There isgoingto aclassmeeting thisafternoon.A. have B.hold C.is D.be( )4.There alot oftraffic atthistimeofa day,so youdbetter morecareful.A. has, be B.have, been C.is,be D.are, are( )5.There somewater inthecup.A. is B.am C.are D. be( )6. there good newsintodaysnewspaper?A.Is B.Are C.Were D.Was( )7.Howmany people in your family?A. doyouhave B.are there C.you had D.thereare( )8.There anapple andten bananasinthe basket.Youcantakeany ofthem.A. is B.are C.has D. have( )9.Howmany teachers therein your school?A. is B.are C.have D.has( )10.There isnt anybreadonthe table, ?A. is there B.isntthere C.has there D.wasthere( )11.There anapple tree near the river.A. is B.am C.are D. be( )12.There a talk aboutAmerican country musicinourschooltonight.A.will have B.is goingtohave C. isgoingto has D.willbe( )13.There anything newin todaysnewspaper.A. isnt B.arent C. hasnt D.havent( )14.There sheepin thefield.A. is small B.aremuch C.areafew D.arealittle( )15.There are inthefield.They are eating grass.A.ahorse B. muchhorse C.many horse D. many horses()16.There is noricein the bag, ?A. is it B.isntit C.is there D.isntthere( )17.There many treeshere twoyearsago.A.was B.is C.are D.were( )18.- ?-There arefive.A.Howmany boxesonthetable B.What arethoseC.Whatsthis D. Howmany boxes are there onthe table( )19. onthetable.A.The penis B.Thereis the pen C. Penis D.Therehasapen( )20.There anew bedand anolddesk intheroom.A. is B.are C.have D. has( )21.There animportantmeeting tomorrow.A.will have B. will be C.isgoing tohave D.isgoingtohas( )22. many treeshere threeyearsago.A.Thereis B.There was C.Thereare D.There were( )23.There thousandsofworkersinthat factory.A.am B.have C.be D.are( )24.There a lotmorepeopleinthisroomthaninthatone.A. is B.am C.have D.are( )25.There amapbetween thetwowindows.A. is B.are C. will be D.was( )26.There abox oforangesintheroom.A. is B.are C.have D.has( )27.If there a“NoSwimming” sign,dont getinto water.A.are B.have C. were D. is( )28.There a lot ofpeople over there. Do youknow whathashappened?A.are B. was C.have D.is( )29.There area few differencesbetweenthem, ?A.are there B.arethey C.arent they D.arentthere( )30.There something new intomorrowsnewspaper.A. is going tohave B.is going tobeC.aregoingto have D.are going tobe( )31. Beijing rainy.And there much wind,too.A.will have,will have B. will be, will haveC.willbe, will be D.will have, will be( )32.Howmany arethere inyour family?A. peoples B.thepeople C.people D.somepeople( )33.The radiosays acold dayinSouthChina tomorrow.A.will be B. willhave C. will get D.there will be( )34.There is littlewaterinthebottle, ?A. isntthere B.is there C.arethere D.isthey( )35.There arefew applesinthefridge, ?A.are there B.arent there C.arentthey D.arethey( )36.There is ateacher and studentsinthe classroom.A.any B. some C.the D.much( )37.-Isthere egginyourbag?-No, there is applein my bag.A.a,a B.a, an C.an,a D.an, an( )38.There twobottles ofmilk onthetable.A. is B.are C. have D. be( ) 39.There aresome onthe beds.A. baby B.babys C.babies D. babyies( )40.There are intheroom.A.amanteacher B.somemanteachersC.somementeachers D.somemansteachers( )41.Howmany students inyour class?A. is there B.are there C.has D. have( )42.-Isthereacatnear thechair?-Yes, .A. itis B.they are C. there is D. thereare( )43.There some intheglass.A. is,milk B.are, milk C. is, milks D.are,milk( )44.There somefoodinthe basket.A. have B.has C.is D.are( )45.Arethere inthe picture?A.aflower B. someflower C. someflowers D. any flowers( )46.-Whatsinthebox? - somebottles ofmilkinit.A.Therehas B.There have C.There is D.Thereare( )47.There ameeting thisafternoon.A. is going tohave B. will have
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