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新概念英语口语第一册 Lesson 57 Feelings 心情A&B:(singing) I”m on the top of the world looking down on creation. A&B:(唱)我站在世界之巅俯瞰众生。 B:Finally, we reach the top of the mountain. I feel great! B:我们最终爬到山项了。我感觉好极了! A:Yes, I feel great too. I feel like I”m on the top of the world. A:是的,我也感觉棒极了,我的心情现在可是好得不得了呢。 B:Me too. B:我也是。 A:Hey! A:嗨! B:Hey, Hey! B:嗨,嗨! A:Oh,there is an echo. It”s great! Hello. A:哦,这儿有回声。太好了!喂。 B:Hello, hello. B:喂,喂。 A:Sunny, you are echoing me. A:桑尼,是你在仿照我的声音, B:No, I didn”t. B:不,我没有。 A:OK,let”s try again. Sunny gives me 1,000 RMB. A:好吧,让我们再试一次。桑尼给我1,000块人民币。 B:You got me. Yeah, I am echoing you. Mario, come and have a look. The people at the foot of the mountain look so small. B:被你发觉了。是的,我是在仿照你。马里奥,过来看,山脚下的人好小哦。 A:Oh, really? I bet the cars and people at the foot of the mountain look like ants. A:哦,真的吗?我确定山脚下的人看上去像蚂蚁一样小。 B:Why don”t you have a look? B:你为什么不过来看呢? A:Oh,no. I feel a bit dizzy. Sunny, I have acrophobia. I am afraid of the height! A:哦,不,我有点头晕。桑尼,我有恐高症。我可怕站在高处。 B:Ah? You should have told me in advance. OK,let”s go. B:啊?那你干吗不早说?好吧,我们离开这儿吧。 王牌句型 1.I felt good in the mornings. 今日早晨心情不错。 2.I felt home to school in the morning. 我怀着欢乐的心情去上学。 3.It is pleasant to walk along country roads. 走在乡村的小路上心情特殊愉悦。 4.I am in a wonderful mood at the moment. 此刻我的心情很愉悦。 5. I was happy as a clam. 我很欢乐! 6.Everyone seemed to be in high spirits. 每个人看起来兴致都很高。 7.I was in a good mood today because I bought a new dress. 今日我的心情很好,由于买了一条新裙子。
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