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Unit 6 Sunshine for all知识点一: support (动词) (支持;赞同;拥护;资助;赡养;供养) +名词总统支持辛勤工作的纽约人。The president supported the hard-working people of New York.中国支持穷人去和敌人抗争。China supports the poor to fight against the enemies.她卖了一切去资助孩子上学。She sold everything she had in order to support her children.Support (不可数名词)支持;帮助;支援;援助在你的帮助下,我克服了困难With your support, i can get over the difficulties.我们希望继续得到她的到支持。We hope to continue to have her close support.知识点二:关于all 的短语In all 总共;总计All in all 总的来说;总而言之At all (多与not 连用)根本不.;一点也不.Above all 首要的是;最重要的是(强调重要性)First of all 首先(强调先后书序)After all 毕竟;终究知识点三:train (动词) 训练(职业性的训练);培训;锻炼;培养(某一种素质或能力)Be trained to do sth 被训练去.TOM 受训成为一名医生。Tom was trained to be a doctor. Train sb to do sth 老师训练我们去参军。My teacher trained us to join the army.Train sb to be +职业Train +名词学英语可以培养我的语言能力Learning English can train my ability on language。Train for +比赛Tom 正在为下个世界杯进行训练。Tom is training for the next World Cup.Train (名词) 火车;A train of .一连串;一系列.(事情;想法)在他停留中国的时间发生了一连串的故事。A train of stories have happened during his stay in China.知识点四: volunteer(动词) 自愿;自告奋勇;主动要求=offer to do sth.Volunteer to do sth 玛丽阿姨主动要求打扫厨房。Mary aunt volunteered to clean up the kitchenVolunteer for +名词他自愿参军。He volunteered for the army.Volunteer +名词 主动提供.(信息)无人主动提供进一步的信息。Nobody volunteered any further information .Volunteer (可数名词)志愿者;志愿兵;义工我们还需要2两名志愿者。We need another two volunteers.知识点五:倒装句:英语正常语序:主语+谓语+.完全倒装:谓语(实义动词)+主语(用于一般现在时和过去时)Here comes the bus.注意:主语是代词,不用倒装 Here you are.副词标志词要位于句首。谓语动词的数要与后面的主语一致Here it is. Here is the book.(倒装)In he comes.In comes the boy.倒装标志词: 表示方位的副词:;in;down;away;off;in;out 等位于句首Out of the room stands a monster. 房间外面有头怪兽。表示时间的副词:then;now 位于句首Now speaks the headmaster.表示地点的副词:here;thereThere stands a woman. 一名女人站在那。部分倒装:助动词/情态动词/ be 动词+主语+实义动词标志词:含有否定意义的副词或否定意义的介词短语位于句首否定副词: few;little;never;not until;seldom,rarelyNever have i seen such a film. 我从未看过那样的电影Seldom did the boy read the book.这个男孩很少看书Not until 位于句首,从句不倒装,主句要倒装。Not until he came in did the teacher started his lesson. 主句倒装Only+副词/状语从句/介词短语,位于句首,句子要倒装Only in this way can you learn English well.Only if you do this can you succeed.只有这样,你才能成功Only when you finished it would i tell you the truth.so ;neither /nor 的部分倒装肯定含义:So +助动词/情态动词+主语 (.也是如此)否定含义:neither/nor+助动词/情态动词+主语(.也不.)注意:倒装句的谓语动词的时态由上一句的时态决定可以把原句变成一般疑问句,找到助动词He likes dogs.-So do I(我也是)He doesnt like dogs. 他不喜欢狗-Neither/ Nor do I 我也不喜欢狗He wont go to school 他不去上学。-So wont she. 她也不去上学I went to school. 我去上学-So did she. 她也去。注意:当表示事实的确如此,不用倒装Its a good film.一部不错的电影-So it is. 的确如此She is a good person.他是一个好人-So he is. 他的确是。知识点六:needNeed (实义动词) need to do sth 需要去做某事Need sth./sb. 需要某人/某事否定与: dont、didnt、doesnt +need to sthNeed (情态动词)+动词原形Need (情态动词)只用用于否定句和疑问句Need(情态动词)问;肯定回答:must/ have to否定回答:neednt/ dont have -Need i finish the task now? 我需要现在完成任务吗?-No, you neednt. 不。你不必现在。He neednt_come_(come) to see me.He doesnt need_to come_(come) to see me.Need doing sth (主动表被动) 需要被.(物作主语)= need to be +p.p自行车需要被修理。The bike needs fixing.=The bike needs to be fixed.知识点七:动词不定式(to do )作后置定语(形容词作用)1. 位于所修饰的名词、不定代词后。2. 与所修饰的名词存在动宾关系3. 动词是不及物动词(vi),固定搭配的介词要加上。I have something to do. 我有一些要做到事。 不定代词 动词不定式动词+宾语的关系: do something 要听的音乐。Music to listen to.被修饰的名词 不定式符号 动词 介词动宾关系: listen to music.Listen to . 固定搭配(to 不能丢)Homeless people dont have their own places to live.(in)介词 in 被省略,且仅限于 所修饰名词为place.其他则不行。No place to live (in)No house to live in (in 不可省略)知识点八:the +形容词=一类人,作主语,动词用复数Disability(可数n.) 残疾;障碍;缺陷(身体、智力,因伤害;疾病造成学习困难)政府已经帮助那些身体残疾的人士。The government has help the people who have disabilities.disabled(形容词):残疾的the disabled 残疾人disable(v.)使.残疾战争让她变成残废。The war disabled her.the deaf 聋人deafness(n.) 失聪blind(n) 窗帘blind(adj.) 盲 的;失明的;瞎的blindness(n) 盲人;失明你如何向盲人解释颜色?How would you explain color to a blind person?The poor 穷人The homeless 无家可归的人The elderly 老年人elder( adj.) 年长的(有血缘关系的哥哥、姐姐)elder (n.) 有威望的长辈;元老elderly (adj.) 年长的(非血缘关系);老掉牙的older (比较级) 年龄较大的知识点九:提供.Provide sth for sb.=provide sb with sth=offer sb sth=offer sth to sb.=give sb sth=give sth to sb.Offer to do sth 主动要求做某事知识点十: 残奥会圆满成功。The Special Olympic Games were successfully held.be +p.p (被动语态)一篇关于志愿者经历的报道A report on the experience of a volunteer.Experience (n) 经历(可数)H e has many interesting travelling abroad experience.experience(n.) 经验(不可数)他是一名经验丰富的老师。He is a teacher with rich teaching experience.他有许多有趣的国外旅行的经历。Experienced(adj.) 有经验的Experience(v) 体验知识点十一: expect (Vt) 期待;预料;预期;指望;希望Expect to do sth. 预计.;期待.(look forward to doing sth.)他们不再期待和平再次回归。They no longer expe
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