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水文学与水文地质学英文术语河流阶地: river terrace面源: area source线源: line source点源: point source非点源: non-point source groundwater 潜水groundwater artery 地下水干道groundwater barrier 地下水堡坝groundwater basin 地下水盆地groundwater capture 地下水袭夺groundwater cascade 地下水小瀑布groundwater cement 潜水泥groundwater dam 地下水坝groundwater discharge 地下水排泄groundwater divide 地下分水界groundwater flow 地下径流groundwater inventory 地下水总量目录groundwater level 地下水位groundwater mound 地下水土丘groundwater province 地下水区groundwater recession 地下水后退groundwater recession curve 地下水后退曲线groundwater reservoir 地下水储集groundwater runoff 地下径流groundwater simulation 地下模拟groundwater spring 潜水泉groundwater table 地下水位group 群exploitable groundwater 地下水可开采量groundwater depression cone 地下水下降漏斗字段名 英文名站码 station code站名 station name站别 station category流域名称 basin name水系名称 hydrometric net code河流名称 river name施测项目码 item code of obervation行政区划码 administration division code水资源分区码 code of water resources regionalization设站年份 year of station establishment设站月份 month of station establishment撤站年份 year of withdrawal of station撤站月份 month of withdrawal of station集水面积 drainage area流入何处 flowing-to至河口距离 distance to river mouth基准基面名称 name of fiducial datum领导机关 leading agency (administration agency)管理单位 administration站址 station location东经 longitude北纬 latitude测站等级 grade of hydrometric station报汛等级 grade of Flood-Reporting Station备注 note站点码 station point code站点名 station point name测流方法 observation method控水目的 purpose of control water project 控水工程类型 control water project type控水工程代码 code of control water project控水工程运行规则 operation regulation of control water project推流参数 parameter of discharge computation引水点名 Location name of pumping排水点名 Location name of surface drainage实际最大灌溉面积 maximum area of practical irrigation上界站站码 station code of upper boundary station至上界站河段长 length of reach to upper bound station下界站站码 code of lower bound station至下界站河段长 length of reach to lower bound station高差基数 base of difference in elevation流域水系码 codes of hydrographic net of a basin调查资料来源单位 office recording investigation data区码 code of zone区名 zone name区类 zone type水体总容量 total capacity of water bodies灌溉水田面积 area of rice paddy irrigated 灌溉面积 irrigation area城市人口 urban population工业总产值 gross industrial output value水库和水闸控制面积 drainage area of reservoir or weir or sluice调查面积 investigation area量算地图比例尺 scale of measured map连通试验可靠等级 reliability rank of connectivity pair test旁证资料可靠等级 reliability level of data witness 面积成果合理性等级 reliability rank of area data 直接上级区名 zone name of prime at first调查报告编号 investigation report number地理包含关系 geography contain relation站点类别 station point category年 year相关站码 correlative station code关系标识 relationship ID关系说明 relationship illustration主断面迁移号 migration numbers of main cross section 断面名称 cross section name断面位置 location of cross section变动年份 changed Year变动月份 changed month变动日 changed day同系列标志 series marker变动情况 changed conditions 水尺名称 gage name水尺型式 gage type水尺质料 material of gage 自记台类型 type of stage recorder水尺位置 location of gage使用情况 use condition河段情况 river reach circumstance图类型 graph type图标题 graph title图 graphMIME类型 MIME type水准点编号 benchmark number水准点类型 benchmark type变动日期 date of Setup or change采用基面名称 adoption datum name冻结或测站基面以上高程 elevation above stationary datum绝对或假定基面以上高程 elevation above absolute or arbitrary datum绝对基面名称 name of absolute or arbitrary datum水准点型式 benchmark style水准点位置 benchmark location 引据水准点编号 number of benchmark from which elevation is measured变动原因 cause of change 工程名称 engineering name工程名称代码 engineering name code开始蓄水年份 begin storing water year开始蓄水月份 begining month of storing water 校核洪水位 check flood stage校核库容 check storage capacity of reservoir设计洪水位 design flood stage设计库容 reservoir capacity corresponding to DSFLZ正常高水位 normal high water level正常库容 Normal reservoir storage死水位 dead pool level死库容 dead reservoir capacity溢洪道号 spillway number竣工年份 completion year竣工月份 completion month溢洪道长度 spillway length溢洪道堰顶高程 elevation of spillway crest溢洪道堰顶宽 width of spillway crest溢洪道设计最大流量 maximum designed discharge of spillway闸组号 gate group number孔型 type of sluice or hole孔数 count of sluice or hole孔高 sluice or hole height孔宽 sluice or hole width设计最大流量 maximum designed discharge of sluice or tunnel翼墙型式 wing wall type墩头型式 type of pier head of sluice or tunnel堰顶闸底形状 shape of weir crest or sluice bed设计灌溉面积 design irrigated area due to sluice or tunnel工程地址 location of engineering控制面积 control area总库容 total reservoir capacity最大实灌面积 actually irrigated area due to sluice or tunnel最大实引排水量 maximum volume of actual diversion or drainage仪器口径 mouth diameter of rain gauge仪器精度 precision of rain gauge记录模式 recording mode获值模式 sensing mode绝对高程 elevation above absolute datum器口离地面高度 instrument height above ground非汛期观测段制 observation regime in no
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