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授课讲义课程名称全能一级课程代码任课教师Smile上课日期及课次11年9月2日第22次Lesson 35 Our village 我们的村庄Lesson 36 Where.? 哪里?生词和短语 new words and expressions1.photographer:摄影师picture:图片drawing:(用铅笔、钢笔画)制图,素描术painting:绘画、油画(指油画、水彩画等上色的画)portrait:肖像、画像;描写sketch:(设计)草图cartoon:卡通片take a picture:照照片a photograph of our village2.village村Our village is in a valley.hill:不高的小山丘mount:名山,专有名词 Mount Taimountain:大型的,高山range:山区,连绵起伏的群山peak:山峰3. another 形容词 1. 又一,再一He drank another glass of beer. 他又喝了一杯啤酒。 2. 另一;另外的Thats another matter. 那是另外一回事。 代词 1. 又一个,再一个The little boy finished his cake and asked for another.小男孩吃完自己的饼后,要求再吃一块。 2. 另一个I dont like anotheranother单数other单数/复数4.wife:妻子/husband:丈夫5.bank:银行;河岸beach:海滩shore:海滨,海岸along the banks of the river6. water 名词 水(不可数名词)/waters 水域7. park 名词 公园 动词 停车:No parking. 不许停车8.into介词 prep. 1. (表示动作的方向)到.里The man walked into the house in the dark. 那人摸黑走进了屋内。 2. (表示时间的推移)进入到He worked late into the night. 他工作到深夜。 3. (表示变化)成,为;转入All the buildings had been turned into hospitals. 所有房子都改成了医院。 9.between介词 prep. 1. (指时间、空间、顺序等)在.之间They planted a lot of trees between the two buildings. 他们在两座建筑物之间栽了许多树。 These books were written between 1736 and 1770. 这些书写于一七三六至一七七零年之间。 2. (指数量、距离、程度等)介乎.之间He is a man between sixty and seventy. 他的年龄约在六十到七十之间。 3. 连接着.;来往于.之间There is a path between the house and the road. 有条小路将房子与出路连接起来。 10.go into(1)走进;进入:He is going into a shop. 他正走进一家商店。(2)进入;介入:Theyre going into the business world. 他们正步入商界。11.sit on(1)坐在上:The children are sitting on the grass. 孩子们正坐在草地上。(2)拖延;压下:They are trying to sit on the bad news as long as possible. 他们正试图尽可能拖延时间不把这个坏消息讲出去。12.run along(1)沿着跑:The dogs are running along the river banks. 豿正沿着河岸奔跑。(2)离开;走开:Its getting dark, we must run along. 天黑了,我们得走了课文详注1.This is a photograph of our village.这是我们村庄的一张照片。句中of是介词,表示“的”。又如: the windows of a room 房间的窗户2. It is between two hills. 我们的村庄坐落在一个山谷之中。句中It指village。between是介词,表示“在(两者)之间”。又如:The man is standing between two policemen. 这个男人正站在两名警察之间。3.along the banks of the river, 沿着河岸。 along为介词,表示“沿着”。4.He is swimming across the river.他正横渡小河。across为介词,表示“通过”某个平面。5.beside a park,位于公园旁边。beside为介词,表示“在旁边”。6. The village is on the river 这里的 on 有“毗邻,靠近”的意思。如:Shanghai is on the sea. 上海市坐落在海边。The town is on the river. 小镇位于河边。7. Some children are coming out the building. out of 表示“从里外出”的动作,或“在-之外”的静止状态。He walked out of the house. 他走出屋子。They are out of the garden. 他们在花园外边。The building stands ten li out of Shanghai. 这座楼位于上海10里路的地方语法Grammar短语动词短语动词通常是指后面常跟一个介词或副词短语的动词,即动词+介词或副词小品词。英语中存在着一种用动词短语代替与其同义的单个动词的强烈趋势。如听到敲门声,我们会说Come in而不会用Enter来表达。最常见的短语动词是由英语中最短小和最简单的动词构成的,这些动词常与表示位置或方向的词组合,如along, down, in, off, on, out, over, under等。例如:The cats are running along the wall. 猫正沿着墙跑。The children are jumping off the branch. 孩子们正从树枝上跳下来。1 动词+介词(Verb + preposition) 这类短语动词的宾语不论是名词还是人称代词,都要放在短语动词的后面。例如: -He wants to check with his secretary before he signs the paper. (在签署该项文件之前,他想跟他的秘书商议一下。) -He has been asked to account for his absence. (已要求他说明缺席的原因。)2 动词+副词(Verb + adverb)-I hope I shall be able to clean off(把清除掉) these black marks. -They were so far away that I couldnt make out their faces clearly. (他们离得那么远,我没法把他们的脸辨认清楚。)语法Grammar 特殊疑问句wherewhere用作疑问副词, 在(往、从)哪里, 在什么地方: Where are you? 你在哪儿? Where did you get the computer (form)? 你从哪儿弄到这台电脑的? Where did you study medicine? 你从哪儿学的医? Practice. 一、 Choose and write in the correct prepositions. 用正确的介词填空。The women are goingthe shop. (on / into)Our house is two villages. (between / beside)The boats are going the bridge. (over / under)The pane is flying the hills. (beside / over)The children are jumpingthe wall. (out of / off)The cat is jumping the tree. (along / out of)二 选择正确的单词填空(who, where, when)1._ is that pretty girl? She is my sister.2._ are Jack and Tom? They are behind you.3._ do you go to school? I go to school from Monday to Friday.4._ has a beautiful flower? John has a beautiful flower.5._ are they? They are my parents.6._ is my mother? She is in the living room.7._ are you going? We are going to the bakery(面包坊).8._ do Jim and Wendy play ball? They play ball in the afternoon.9._ does he jog? He jogs in the park.10._ are you from? Im from Changchun city.三 写出下列动词的-ing形式1. turn _ 2. shine _ 3. run_ 4. take _5. make _ 6. walk _ 7. type _ 8. fly _9. put _ 10. empty _ 11. dust _ 12. cry_13. shave _ 14. shut _15 put_四 Write in a or an: 用a or an:填空My friend John is _ engineer and his wife Susan is _ teacher. They have two daughters, Anna
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