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角斗士电影剧本:GLADIATOR - The Movie*AT THE HEIGHT OF ITS POWER, THE ROMAN EMPIRE WAS VAST, STRETCHING FROM THE DESERTS OF AFRICA TO THE BORDERS OF NORTHERN ENGLAND. OVER ONE QUARTER OF THE WORLDS POPULATION LIVED AND DIED UNDER THE RULE OF THE CAESARS. IN THE WINTER OF 180 A.D. EMPEROR MARCUS AURELIUS TWELVE-YEAR CAMPAIGN AGAINST THE BARBARIAN TRIBES IN GERMANIA WAS DRAWING TO AN END. ONE FINAL STRONGHOLD STANDS IN THE WAY OF ROMAN VICTORY AND THE PROMISE OF PEACE THROUGHOUT THE EMPIRE. * * * * * * * *OPENING SCENE - Close up - a rough weathered hand lightly brushes the tops of wheat as the man walks through the tall wheat towards a woman (his wife) and child (his son). In the background can be heard the faint laughter of a child. The man dressed in Roman soldier uniform, is General Maximus. He quickly leaves this pleasant vision to return to Germania where the armour-suited General stands amidst the mud and burned forest, cloaked in a fur cape that protects him from the cold winter air. The General contemplates the battle that is to take place. Turning to join the troops, a small Robin catches his eye as it sits on a bare twig and then flies away. The General Maximus smiles, watching as though a remembrance of his life as a farmer when life was peaceful and innocent, but he is quickly brought back to the reality of the cold day.and to the soldiers who await his signal to begin the battle.SCENE: Germania - prebattle. As the cavalry rides past Maximus, soldiers are lining up for battle. Maximus walks along the ranks of the army. The soldiers rise as he approaches, looking at him with great respect and admiration. At the top of the hill, overlooking the battle field, sits Caesar Marcus Aurelius atop his horse, surrounded by the Roman Praetorian guards. Back on the battle field, Maximus approaches and addresses Quintus and Valerius.MAXIMUS: Lean and hungry. Still nothing? QUINTUS: Not a sign. MAXIMUS: How long has he been gone? VALERIUS: Nearly 2 hours. VALERIUS: Will they fight, sir? MAXIMUS: We shall know soon enough. Quintus looks over at the soldiers readying the catapults. QUINTUS: Soldier, I ordered you to move those catapults forward, theyre out of range. MAXIMUS: Range is good. QUINTUS: The danger to the cavalry. MAXIMUS interrupts: It is acceptable, agreed? In the distant, the cries of the barbarians can be heard - ihr seid hunde (you are dogs!). A horse rides towards them with a headless horseman on its back. MAXIMUS: They say no. The white and bloodied horse rides within the ranks of the men. A barbarian comes to the forefront of the German lines, waving the horsemans head, tossing it into the mud. GERMAN BARBARIAN: Ihr seid verfluchte hunde! (You are damned dogs!)As the barbarian calls out his cry, his mangy band of barbarians emerge from the forest, shaking and waving their spears and shields, ready to fight. QUINTUS: People should know when theyre conquered. MAXIMUS: Would you, Quintus? Would I? Maximus bends down and picks up a handful of dirt, bringing it to his nose to smell. He looks to the side and sees his WOLF OF ROME eagerly watching him. They steady their gaze as though communicating with each other. Maximus rises and mounts his horse, turning to Quintus and Valerius. MAXIMUS: Strength and honour. QUINTUS: Strength and honour. VALERIUS: Strength and honour.MAXIMUS: At my signal, unleash hell. He rides off. His wolf breaks free from the handler, charges after Maximus, running along side the horse. QUINTUS: Load the catapults; infantry form up for advance, archers ready. CHIEF ARCHER: Archers! CENTURION: Nock! ARCHER: Nock! Maximus rides up into the forest where the cavalry await, his wolf running closely at his side. Maximus stops and addresses the men. MAXIMUS: Fratres., three weeks from now I will be harvesting my crops, imagine where you will be and it will be so. Hold the lines, stay with me. If you find yourself alone riding in green fields with the sun on your face, do not be troubled, for you are in Elysium and youre already dead!. The men laugh. Brothers, what we do in life echoes in eternity. Barely seen, a soldier hands Maximus his helmet. Maximus turns to an archer and nods, giving the signal to unleash hell and a flaming arrow is shot through the sky. Back on the battlefield, the flaming arrow is witnessed and all hell breaks loose. ONAGER CENTURION: Pull, Pull! SHOUT: Cohorts ready sir!1st CENTURION: Archers, ignite! 2nd CENTURION: Ignite! 1st CENTURION: Archers, draw! ONAGER CENTURION: Loose! Scorpions fire, onagers let loose, flaming arrows, defiant cheers from the mob. As Maximus leads the thundering cavalry down through the trees, shouts can be heard from Maximus and his men. MAXIMUS: Hold the line! SOLDIER: Make ready. MAXIMUS: Hold the line! More archer battle scene. MAXIMU
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