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Chapter 5 the human brain1. have a feature about memory 一份关于记忆的特写2. agree to do sth.同意做某事 agree with sb.同意某人的观点 agree on sth 双方取得一致同意 agree to my idea/opinion/suggestion 接受/承认 disagree(v.) 不同意 agreement(n.)同意 agreeable (a.) pleasant agreeable weather agreeably (ad.)3. edit(v.)编辑 editor(n.)编辑人员 edition(n.) 期刊4. memory(n.)记忆,回忆 memorize(v.)=remember记住记住rench(a.) /a.)n(n./a.) dcted to connect=linkrtant5. memories of childhood儿时的回忆 memorable(adj.)值得记忆的6. tell sb. about sth.告诉某人关于某事tell a lie/ a story/a joke/ the truth/ the time7. colourful (adj.) 多彩的 coloured(adj.) 有颜色的8. go wrong 出错 go off 突然响起 go out熄灭 go over 复习 9. be essential for sth/ to sb 对是重要的 essential=necessary=very important必要的10. have an accident= an accident happen(ed) 发生事故11. injure his brain伤害他的头脑 injure:hurt be injured badly 受重伤 injury (n.)子事故中受伤用injured 在战争或争斗中负伤用 wounded e.g. He was seriously wounded by an enemy bullet. 他被敌人的一颗子弹射中,伤势严重。 There were badly injured when their car hit a tree. 他们的汽车撞向一棵树,他们受了重伤。 The injured people were taken to hospital.injurious (a.) Smoking is injurious to health. be injurious to =be harmful to = do harm to =be bad for12. become worse 变更坏 get older变更老keep / stay/ remain/ become/ get/ turn/go/ grow/seem+adj13. in hospital住院 forget(v.)忘记 forgot forgot (forgotten) forgetful(a.)健忘的forgetfully (ad.) forgetfulness (n.)e.g My old aunt has become rather forgetful.unforgettable(a.)难忘的 an unforgettable day14. be angry with sb. 对某人生气 be angry at what one said/ what one did.对某人的言行发火 anger(n.)生气 angrily(ad.)生气地 look angry look angrily at sb15. sad=upset=unhappy (a.)难过的 sadness(n.)伤心 sadly(ad.)难过地 sadder更伤心16. basic(a.)基础的 base(n.)基本,基础 basically(ad.)基本地,根本地 baseball棒球base A on/upon B 基于,以为基础e.g. You should base your opinion on facts , not on hearsay. His ideas are based on the teaching of Buddha 他的思想是以佛祖的教义为基础的。17. improve(v.)提升,促进 improvement(n.)提升18. on the way to在去.的路上 in this way 用这种方法 in the way 挡住路 by the way 顺便问一下 in many ways 在很多方面 way=method方法19. imagine(v.)想象 imagination(n.)想象力 imaginative(a.)富有想象力的20. amazing(a.)=surprising惊人的 amazed(a.)=surprised吃惊的 amazement(n.)=surprise惊讶 amaze (v.) = surprise 使.惊讶amuse(v)娱乐,使开心 amusing(adj.)好笑的, amused (adj.) 觉得好笑 amusement (n)娱乐21. more than=over 超过 less than少于22. Britain(n.)英国 British(a.) 英国的/英国人 France(n.) 法国 French(a.)法国的/法国人a Englishman two Englishmen a Frenchman two Frenchmen23. correct(a./v.)正确的/改正 incorrect(a.)不正确的 uncorrected(a.)未被纠正的in the correct/ incorrect order an uncorrected mistake24. be connected with=be connected to 把.连接起来 connect=link=join连接 connection(n.)25. dramatic(a.)=unusual戏剧性的 drama(n.)戏剧 dramatically(ad.)戏剧性地26. hear of=hear about 听说 hear from sb.=receive/get ones letter from sb 收到某人的来信27. record(n./v.) 记录 keep the record保持记录 break the record 打破纪录 28. east(n.)东方eastern(n./a.)东方人/ 东方的 west(n.)西方 western(n./a.)西方人/ 西方的29. one way of doing sth= one way to do sth 做某事的方法e.g. The way of learning English / the way to learn English 学习英语的方法the way is to do sth. e.g. the way of learning English is to practice more.30. focus (n./v.) 焦点 / 使聚焦 in focus/ out of focus 对准/未对准焦距 Because of his strange clothes, he immediately became of the focus of attention when he entered the room. 他由于服装奇特,刚一走进房间便成为了大家的中心。Alll eyes were focused on him. 大家的目光都集中在他的身上。I must try to focus my mind on work. 我必须努力把思想集中在工作上31. concentrate (v./n.) 集中/浓缩物 concentration (n.) 专心,专注 This book will need all your concentration. 这本书需要全神贯注才能读懂。If you dont concentrate more on your work youll lose your job.Industrial development is being concentrated in the south of the country.工业正在这个国家的南部集中发展。32. get into the habit of / form the habit of/ develop the habit of 养成的习惯33. feel relaxed a way of relaxing / relaxation 重点句型:1. One basic way of improving your memory is to use the link method.2. An easy way to do this is to imagine there is a “mile”between the first letter and the last letter.3. An excellent way to help memory is to link information with pictures.4. More Practice 中出现的大量现在分词做主语的句子e.g. Generally keeping fit and having regular health checks are both important as well.语法if 引导的条件状语从句时态1. 有条件A必有结果B 特别是自然现象 e.g If you cool water, it turns into ice. 从句一般现在时,主句一般现在时2. 有条件A 可能会有结果B e.g If you go to bed earlier, you wont feel tired in the mornings. 从句一般现在时, 主句一般将来时句型互换Study harder, or you will fail in this exam.Study harder, and you will pass this exam.If you study harder, you will pass this exam.Unless you study harder, you will fail in this exam.Lesson 3 Bell and his telephone1. advise sb to do sth e.g. The doctor advised me to take more exercise.advise doing sth e.g I advised waiting till the proper time.adviser/or (n.) 顾问2. desire (v./n.) 渴望 desire to do sth e.g. The mini
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