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合作学习论文:基于网络的合作学习在大学英语写作教学中的应用【中文摘要】作为一项产出技能,英语写作在英语教学中占有非常重要的地位。但长期以来,在大学英语教学实践中,英语写作表达能力一直是听、说、读、写、译五种能力中最难培养的能力之一,写作教学也一直是大学英语教学的最薄弱环节。本研究以合作学习理论为切入点,借助于网络的技术优势与丰富资源,尝试在网络背景下将合作学习应用到大学英语写作教学中,旨在用实证研究的方法具体探索(1)在网络背景下如何将合作学习应用到大学英语写作教学中;(2)基于网络的合作学习教学模式是否比传统的大学英语写作教学模式更能有效地促进非英语专业大学生英语写作表达能力的提高;(3)在网络背景下将合作学习应用到大学英语写作教学过程中会遇到何种问题与困难;(4)针对这些问题与困难,教师可以采取的解决方法与策略有哪些。本研究采取了定性研究与定量研究相结合的方法:首先选取西北农林科技大学信息工程学院09级非英语专业60名本科学生为研究对象,将其分为实验班与控制班,并以测试的方法确保在英语综合能力和英语写作表达能力两方面实验班与控制班之间不存在显著差异;在为期一学期的实验过程中,实验班采用基于网络的合作学习大学英语写作教学模式,而控制班采用传统的大学英语写作教学模式;在实验结束后,还采用问卷访谈等多种研究工具来辅助数据采集,进一步研究基于网络的合作学习在大学英语写作教学中的有效性。研究发现:相比拟于传统的大学英语写作教学模式,基于网络的合作学习应用到大学英语写作教学中有助于加强学生间的互动与合作,提高学生学习英语的主动性、积极性和写作信心,相比拟与传统的大学英语写作教学模式,更能促进学生英语写作水平的提高。因此,基于网络的合作学习能够应用于大学英语写作教学中。此外,研究也发现:网络背景下将合作学习应用到大学英语写作教学的过程中也遇到了一些问题与困难:如何有效管理合作学习小组,面对丰富的网络资源如何识别并充分利用但又不完全依赖等等。对此问题与困难,通过访谈,学生也提出了自已的见解与解决方案。本研究对同类研究具有借鉴意义,同时也可作为大学英语教师写作教学的参考。但由于实验时间,实验样本及评阅学生习作的主观性等主客观条件的影响与制约,本研究的结果具有一定的局限性。【英文摘要】English writing, as one of productive skills, occupies a very important position in English teaching. But the fact is,for a long time it is one of the most difficult skills to cultivate among college students and the weakest part in college English teaching.From the cooperative learning theory,with the help of the technology and resources of the Internet, the research explores 1)the model to apply the web-assisted cooperative learning in college English writing teaching, 2) whether the students under the web-assisted cooperative learning approach can make more progress in English writing than those using the traditional individual pen-and-paper writing model, 3) the possible problems and difficulties which exist when web-assisted cooperative learning is implemented in college English writing teaching, 4)the strategies and solutions that can be adopted to deal with these possible problems to enhance its effectiveness and ensure its success in the college English writing classroom setting.Under the theoretical guidance of cooperative learning and process writing, and the technological support of Internet, the author attempts to apply web-assisted cooperative learning to college English writing teaching, aiming to use an empirical study to prove that the web-assisted cooperative learning is more effective in promoting studentsEnglish writing competence than the traditional individual pen-and-paper writing model.In order to collect valid information and data and ensure the validity of the research results, this research adopts both qualitative and quantitative research methods. Sixty non-English majors from Grade 2021 College of Information Engineering of North-west A&F University are chosen as the subjects and divided into the experiment group and control group, among whom pre-test is used to prove no dramatic difference in both English level and English writing level exists at the beginning of the experiment. During the experiment which lasts for one semester, web-assisted cooperative learning is used in the experiment group and the traditional individual pen-and-paper writing model in the control group. After the experiment post-test, questionnaire, interview and other research tools are used among the experiment group to aid data collection.The research indicates that compared with traditional individual pen-and-paper writing model, using the web-assisted cooperative learning to college English writing teaching can enhance more interaction and cooperation among students, improve the studentsinitiative, enthusiasm and confidence in learning and writing English better, and promote greater improvement of writing skills in English. Therefore, it can be used in college English writing instruction. In addition, the research also finds out the existing problems when web-assisted cooperative learning is applied in college English writing teaching: how to manage cooperative learning group effectively, how to judge and make full use of the abundant Internet resources but not depend completely on them, etc. The subjects who are interviewed put forward their understanding and solutions to these problems.This study may shed light on other similar researches and serve as reference to college English teachers and students. But due to the limitation of experimental time, the chosen samples, objectivity of assessing studentswritings and other conditions, the results of this paper have some restrictions.【关键词】合作学习 网络 写作教学 写作兴趣 写作水平【英文关键词】cooperative learning Internet English writing teaching writing skill writing interest【目录】基于网络的合作学习在大学英语写作教学中的应用摘要5-6ABSTRACT6-7CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION10-141.1 BACKGROUND OF THE RESEARCH10-111.2 SIGNIFICANCE OF THE RESEARCH11-121.3 ORGANIZATION OF THE THESIS12-14CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW14-262.1 INTRODUCTION OF ENGLISH WRITING142.2 REVIEW OF RESEARCH ON ENGLISH WRITING IN CHINA142.3 REVIEW OF RESEARCH ON ENGLISH WRITING TEACHING IN CHINA14-162.4
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