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Unit 6 TV programmes灵山县佛子中学 孙春梅GrammarTeaching aims:To use if-clause to talk about the result of a possible action.To use unless to say that something can only happen or be true in a particular situation.Teaching steps:Step 1 Presentation翻译:1. 如果你是个足球迷,你不会想要错过这周的节目。 If you are a football fan, you will not want to miss this weeks programme.2. 这种情况将会持续下去除非人们停止为了皮毛和骨头而猎杀老虎。 The situation will continue unless humans stop hunting tigers for their fur and bones.3. 如果你很容易被吓坏,别看了。 If you get scared easily, do not watch it.if 可以用来引导条件状语从句,此时,if 通常表示“假如”。 if 引导的从句既可以放在主句之前也可以放在主句之后。当从句位于主句之前时,常用逗号与主句隔开。当一个句子中含有if 引导的条件状语从句时,主、从句的时态有如下情形:e.g. If it doesnt rain, I will go for a picnic.如果从句表示将来要发生的事情,从句通常用_,主句用_,即“主将从现”原则。Keys: 一般现在时 一般将来时If-clause(simple present tense)Main clause(will/may/might/+infinitive)If you are a football fan,you will not want to miss this weeks programme.如果主句中含有will、may、can、might等情态动词时,从句通常用一般现在时。e.g. You can go _. 如果你想去可以去。 Key: if you wantIf-clause(simple present tense)Main clause(will/may/might/+infinitive)If you are an animal-lover,you may feel sad about it.If you enjoy solving mysteries,you might like this film.如果主句是祈使句,从句通常用一般现在时。e.g. PleasecallmeifhecomesnextSunday. 如果他下周日过来请打电话给我。 _ if _. 如果你不完成作业就不要玩电脑游戏。 Keys: Dont play computer games you dont finish your homework如果表示的是客观事实或普遍真理,从句和主句通常都用一般现在时。e.g. If you heat ice, it melts.Pay attention:We put a comma after the if-clause when it is the first part of a sentence.Step 2 Grammar explanationSection A11. Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets. What will happen if . ?Millie is thinking about herself, her friends and TV programmes. Help her choose the correct forms of the verbs in brackets to complete the sentences.1) If I _ (go, will go) to the Reading Club this afternoon, I _( do not have, may not have) any time to watch TV.2) If Simon_(gets, will get) home too late, he _ (misses, will miss) his favourite cartoon.3) If Amy _(completes, will complete) all her homework quickly, she _ (watches, will watch) the chat show.4) If Daniel _ (takes, will take) part in the game show, he _ (wins, might win) a prize.5) If Sandy _(finds, will find) a programme interesting, she _ (introduces, will introduce) it to us.2. Check the answers.go may not have gets will miss completes will watchtakes might win finds will introduce3. Work out the rule!We often use the simple present tense in the if-clause. We use the simple future tense in the main clause.Section A21. Asking about animalsMillie watched a documentary about animals. Help Millie answer her fathers questions with the help of the words in the box. attack catch hunt live protect walkDad: What will a bear do if its in danger?Millie: If a bear (1)_, it (2) _ people.Dad: What will a polar bear do if its hungry?Millie: If a polar bear (3)_, it (4)_ fish from the water.Dad: What will elephants do if theyre thirsty?Millie: If elephants (5)_, they (6)_ until they find a river.Dad: What will tigers do if they live in the wild?Millie: Tigers (7)_ for their own food if they(8) _.Dad: What will tigers do if they have babies?Millie: Tigers (9)_ as a family if they (10)_.Dad: What will male wolves do if theres danger?Millie: Male wolves (11)_ their families if there (12)_.1. Check the answers. is in danger will attack is hungry will catch are thirstywill walk will hunt live in the wild will live have babieswill protect is dangerSection B1. Tell the students : We can use unless to say that something can only happen or be true in a particular situation.Using unlessunless 意为“除非,如果不”,可用来引导条件状语从句。unless 引导的从句既可以放在主句之前也可以放在主句之后。当从句位于主句之前时,常用逗号与主句隔开。e.g. He wont come to the party unless you invite him.2. Explain: Sometimes we can use if . not to replace unless.如果主句是一般将来时态,则unless 引导的从句的时态通常用一般现在时表将来。e.g. The situation will continue unless humans stop hunting them for their fur and bones. The situation will continue if humans do not stop hunting them for their fur and bones.e.g. Unless it rains tomorrow, we are going to play football in the park. If it does not rain tomorrow, we are going to play football in the park.The unless-clause can come first or after the main clause.e.g. Unless you try your best, you will not realize your dream. You will be late unless you leave right now.在unless引导的条件状语从句中,主句也可以含有情态动词或祈使句。e.g. He cannot see clearly unless he wears glasses. 他不戴眼镜就看不清楚。 Dont touc
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