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初中科学拓展课程的开发和实践研究 中 文 摘 要 上海市二期课改在课程标准里设定了以基础型课程、 拓展型课程和研究型课程为主干的课程结构,拓展型课程的开发已经被提到日程上来。 在分析我 校学生 对现有 拓展型课 程实施 意见的 基础上, 提出了 本研究 课题。初中科学拓展课程的开发与实施旨在关注学生的全面发展, 在给学生提供公平学习机会的同时, 最大限度的满足那些在科学学习上有特殊需求的学生, 让他们的个性特长得以发展; 作为校本课程的扩充, 不仅巩固学生对科学知识的理解, 更关注学生科学素养的提高;同时提高教师的能力,促进教师的专业发展。 在学习了相关理论的基础上, 设计了初中科学拓展课程 (生命科学部分) 的框架, 包括适用于七年级的科学拓展必修课程和供六、 七年级部分学生自主选择的科学拓展选修课程。完成科学拓展课 程教材的部分内容的编写和案例设计。 科学拓展课程在我校 (上海市江宁学校) 六年级部分学生和七年级学生中实施。 我校七年级共有三个班级, 学生共有 129 人, 设置其中的1 个班级为对照班,另外2 个班级为实验班。 实验班开设科学拓展课程, 而对照班不开设科学拓展课程 。 实验班和对照班均 由本人任教。 课程开设之初比较实验班和对照班的区级统考成绩, 并设计前测问卷调查学生需求。 课程结束后通过比较实验班和对照班的市级结业考试成绩、 分析后测调查问卷的结果和展示实验班学生的作品, 以此来检验科学拓展课程开发和实施的效果。 通过研究 发现:1、学 生的综合 科学素 养得到 明显提高 。具体 表现在 学生的学习兴趣 和学习 成绩都 有明显提 高 , 学生在 拓 展活动中 的动手 能力、 合作能力、分析能力 、表达 能力等 也有一定 的提高 ;2、 研究过程 贯穿修 正理念 有利于拓展课程的建设;3、 选择课题要有新颖性、 可行性和开放性;4、 拓展课程的顺利实施与教师的指导作用密不可分。本文最后 对如何加强学生想象能力的培养和更好地体现 “多元评价” 的理念进行了反思, 并提出如下建议: 适应学生差异, 改变科学拓展课程的教学组织形式; 综合各种资源, 教师自我培训和提升; 开发更多的研究主题, 建设科学实验室。关 键词 : 初中科学 拓 展课程 教材编写 案例开发 多元评价AbstractThe second phase reform of courses in Shanghai has setup the structure mainly with basic curriculum, expansion curriculum and research curriculum in standard. The developing of expansion curriculum has been on scheduleMy topic is advanced based on analyzing the feedback from the students in our school to the practicing of current expansion curriculum. The developing and practicing of science expansion curriculum in middle school aim to concern the all-round development of students, furthest meet the students special demands in science study while providing the fare studying opportunities, and help the development of their personality and specialty. As the expansion of the school-based courses not only consolidates students understanding of scientific knowledge, but also concerned the increase of the students accomplishment about science. At the same time enhance ability of teachers, to promote the professional development of teachersOn the base of theoretical studies, design the framework for middle school expansion curriculum, part of life sciences, including the scientific development required courses applicable to grade seven, and the scientific development elective courses for part students of grade six or seven to choose independently. Accomplished the writing of part materials of scientific expansion curriculum and the designation of case studyThe scientific expansion curriculum have been practicing in grade six and seven in our middle school, Shanghai Jiangning School. There are three classes in grade seven, total 129 students, two classes is taking scientific expansion curriculum as practices classes, the other class do not take the courses as comparison class. I am teaching these 3 classes at the same periodCompared with the scores of district level examination between practices class and comparison class before the courses, investigated the students demands by pre-test questionnaire, and compared again with the scores of city level examination after the courses, analyzed the results of post-test questionnaire and displayed the students works of practices class, thereby to verify the effects of developing and practicing those scientific development coursesIt is found by study that: 1, the students comprehensive scientific knowledge were improved obviously. concrete manifestations of the students interests and scores of science are improved obviously, and the students ability of hand-on, cooperate, analysis and express in the scientific activities are certainly improving; 2, research process through the amendment concept is good to the construction of the development course; 3, select topics to be a novelty, feasibility and open; 4, to develop the implementation smoothly of the courses connected to the guiding role of teachers intricatelyAt last part of the thesis, reflected on how to strengthen the students ability of envision and better materialized the concept of multiple assessment, and put forward the following suggestions :difference to the students; change the teaching instruction organization of the science courses; combination of resources, teacher training and development of self promotion ;more research and development of science lab Key words: middle school science, expansion curriculum, textbook writing, case carrying out, multiple assessment 目 录 1. 绪论1.1 问 题的 提出1.2 科 学拓 展型 课程 开发 的 意义2. 初中科学拓展型课程的 相关理论综述2.1 拓 展型 课程 的概 述2.1.1 拓展 型课 程的 涵义2.1.2 拓展 型课 程的 定位2.1.3 拓展 型课 程的 功能2.2 科 学课 程的 相关 理念2.2.1 科 学课 程体 系2.2.2 科 学课 程特 征2.3 初 中科 学拓 展课 程开 发 的理论 研究2.3.1 教 育心 理学 理论2.3.2 课 程设 计的 价值 取 向2.3.3 课 程设 计的 类型 和 结构2.3.4 课 程内 容的 组织 原 则2.4 国 内外 研究 现状 分析2.4.1 国 外研 究现 状2.4.2 国 内研 究现 状3. 初中科学拓展课程开发 的实践研究3.1 总 体研 究思 路与 初中 科 学拓展 课程 的框 架3.1.1 总体 研究 思路3.1.2 课程 框架3.2 研 究对 象和 方法3.3 前 期对 学生 需求 的调 查3.3.1 学生 的学 习兴 趣3.3.2 学生 对科 学感 兴趣 的 方面3.3.3 学生 的学 习动 力3.3.4 学生 喜欢 的
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