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附录 拖拉机登记证书内页格式及内容重要提示 一、本证书是拖拉机已办理了登记的证明文件,由农业(农业机械)主管部门农机安全监理机构签发,不随车携带。 二、拖拉机所有人申请办理拖拉机各项登记业务时,均应出具本证书;当登记信息发生变动时,拖拉机所有人应当及时到农机安全监理机构办理相关手续。 三、拖拉机所有权转移时,原拖拉机所有人应当将本证书随车交给现拖拉机所有人。 四、请勿折叠并妥善保管本证书。本证书灭失、丢失或者损坏的,拖拉机所有人应及时向拖拉机管辖地农机安全监理机构申请补发或者换发。 五、本证书由农业部统一印制,任何单位或个人不得擅自印制。Attention1. This certificate, issued by Agricultural Mechanical Safety Supervision Agency of Agricultural (Agricultural Mechanical) Management Department of the public security authority, is a document to prove the registration of a tractor and is not to be taken with the tractor. 2. The tractor owner should produce the certificate while applying for various registration services for the tractor: when the registered information change, the tractor owner should timely go to Agricultural Mechanical Safety Supervision Agency for information updating.3. When the ownership of the tractor is transferred, the certificate should also be transferred with the tractor.4. Do not fold the certificate keep it properly. When the certificate is disappeared, lost or destroyed owner of the tractor should timely apply Agricultural Mechanical Safety Supervision Agency for reissuing or re-certificating of a new one.5. This certificate is printed unitarily by the Ministry of Agriculture, any organization or individual is not allowed to print it without authorization.第6页
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