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小学英语语法教学设计小学英语语法教学设计小学英语语法教学设计Teaching Aims:Knowledge aims: Students will master the sentence structure “what time is it? Its. Its time to .” to know how to ask time and apply them in to practice.Ability aims: Through reading and practice, students can know how to ask time and how to answer and describe future plan.Emotional aims: Students will improve their interest in English by realizing the practical use; Students can experience the politeness of foreign culture and broaden their horizon.Teaching Key Points:Students know the expressions about time and master the sentence structure to lay good foundation for future learning.Teaching Difficult Points:How to apply the structure into daily munication.Teaching Methods:municative teaching method, situational teaching methodTeaching Aids:PPT, Blackboard and so onTeaching Procedures:Step 1 warming-up1. Greetings with students2. Show different symbol of famous cities,such as Eiffel tower, Big Ben, Pyramid, the statue of Liberty then let students talk about the city and tell them in different cities have different time to lead in the topic.Step 2 Presentation1. Game. Match the pictures which show the daily life with the time(such as getting up with 7 oclock, having breakfast with 7:30, having lunch with 11 oclock )2. Present the sentence-What time is it in New York?-It is 7 oclock. Its time to get up. Explain it. We usually use this structure to ask time and answer it.Step 3 Practice1. Work in pairs to read the text and pay attention to the intonation.2. Invite some students to answer my question according to the above pictures such as whats time is it in London? Its 12 oclock. Its time to have lunch.3. Invite some students to practice this structure. One students ask, the other answer.Step 4 Production2. Invite some groups to perform their dialogue.Step 5 Summary and homework1.Make a summary about the main content of this class2.Assign the homework which is to write down their conversation.拓展:小学英语语法教学的原那么1Implicit(隐性原那么)在语法教学方面,外国教育专家提出了两种方法:“Explicit grammarteaching“(显性语法教学) 和“Implicit grammar teaching(隐性语法教学)。前者侧重在教学中直接议论语法规那么,语法教学目的直接明显;后者那么在教学中防止直接议论所学的语法规那么,主要通过情景让学生体验语言,通过对语言的交际性运用归纳出语法规那么“Explicit grammarteaching”需要运用抽象的思维才能,对智力还在开展的孩子采用“Implicit grammarteaching”的方法更为适宜。不少老师的英语课堂枯燥乏味,其中一个重要原因是在稳固所学的语法工程时,采用了过于机械的练习形式(mechanicaldrills),也可以说是采用了过多的“Explicitgrammar teaching”。例如,学习了一般将来时后,让学生做大量类似如下的练习:按照例句改写句子: Model:I am swimming now(tomorrow) I am going toswim tomorrow 1)Jack is dancing now(tomorrow)2)Mary is drawingnow(tomorrow) 此类练习只让孩子重复操练所学的语法工程,并没有提供时机让孩子理解应用这个语言点的情景,容易使所学的语言形式与语言的使用语境、语言的意义脱节,不能很好地达成语法教学的最终目的帮助进步学生语言的交际才能。此外,孩子天性喜欢好玩的东西,过于严肃机械的练习不能引起他们的学习热情。因此,我们应尽可能摒弃直接的、机械的练习,多提供时机让孩子在有意义的、生动有趣的情景中练习和运用所学的新工程。例如我们可以利用讲故事、做游戏、TPR(全身反响法)、念儿歌等“间接”的方法来帮助他们稳固所学的语法。例如,我们可以采用以下的游戏来稳固be going to dosomething这个语法工程:1)老师拿起粉笔,说:“I am going to drawsomething. But what? Can you guess?提示让学生使用句型“You are going to draw”。2)老师每次画一两笔,让学生继续猜:“You are going todraw”,直到他们猜对为止。这个游戏给孩子们提供了一个较真实的情景去使用语言,让他们在玩乐中无意识地训练了所学的语法。当然,为了稳固孩子的语法知识,进步孩子语言的准确性,老师也要在适当时候使用 Explicit grammarteaching“。2Meaninggofirst(意义先行原那么)英国教育专家Jayne Moon(2000)的研究说明,孩子具有”Go formeaning“的天性,即在学习语言时,孩子的注意力通常首先放在语言的意义(meaning)上,他们很少注意到语言形式(form-指vocabulary,pronunciation,grammar structures)或语言规那么。而且,孩子在特定的情景中得悉语言意义的才能很强。由于孩子的关注点在语言的意义上,假如在开场授课时,老师首先议论语法规那么,势必导致他们不感兴趣。在教学中,我们要利用孩子的天性来帮助他们学习语言,才能真正做到“以人为本”。在语法教学上,英国专家提倡采用这样的.教学顺序:首先,让孩子在一个有意义的情景中(meaningful context)理解所教语法工程的意义;然后,提供足够的时机让孩子在较真实的语境中进展交际性活动,运用所学的语法工程;最后,在孩子理解并会运用的根底上,老师把孩子的注意力吸引到语法规那么上来,进一步稳固所学的内容。也就是说,在教学的前面两局部-“meaning”与“use”阶段使用“Implicit grammarteaching“,在最后一局部-“form”阶段才采用“Explicit grammar teaching”。3Economy(适量原那么)除以上两点外,在解释语法工程时还要注意“economy”原那么,即讲解要适时适量,解释清楚就可以了,不要罗嗦,费时费力太多,反而弄巧成拙,导致孩子糊涂及生厌。有些老师认为只有把语法尽可能详尽地解释,才能保证孩子运用的正确性,而且往往把孩子犯的语言错误归因于语法(语言点)讲解不够。其实,学英语就象学计算机或学驾驶汽车一样,太多的理论解释反而适得其反,最关键的是理论、理论、再理论。而且,正如我们上面所说的,孩子的抽象思维才能还没有完全开展,这方面的才能比不上成人,在涉及语法解释时更应特别注意“economy”原那么。新课程标准所倡导的“以人为本”的理念要求老师的教学设计与教学活动都要符合学生的本能与天性。生动有趣、重在理论的语法教学方法有助于营造出一个人性化的教学环境,不仅有利于调动孩子的学习积极性,进步教学效果,还有利于孩子身心、情感的安康开展。第 页 共 页
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