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课题Start Unit1 Good morning!第一课时执教日期9月4号主备人复备人学 习目 标I .Teaching aims and demands1.Knowledge objects(1) To review the letters Aa-Rr;(2) To learn how to pronounce the letters: A, E, I, O (3) Speaking and listening practice(4) Self-check2. Ability objectsTo train students ability of listening and reading.II. Teaching focuses1. To review the letters Aa-Hh;2. To learn the pronunciation of letters A, E, I, O;3. To check the students if they have learned the knowledge in unit 2.III. Teaching difficulties Pronunciation of letters A, E, I, O & Self-checkIV Teaching proceduresStep1 Free talkLet the students make free talk about the things in the classroom.Step 2.RevisionReview the letters Aa-Rr.Step 3.Listening practiceSB page11 Activity3a Play the tape and check the answers.Step 4. PairworkSB page11 Activity3b Fill in the missing letters.Step 5. Listening practiceListen and repeat. Pay attention to the pronunciation of letters A, E, I, O.Step 6. Self-checkReview all the knowledge learned in this unit through doing the exercises in self-check.Step 7. Homework1. Finish off the workbook;2. Preview unit。重点难 点1. 五个元音字母。2. 字母归类表。 课前准 备1、教师准备多媒体课件、单词图片卡,2、学生预习一些常用动词短语的表达和新单词方法应 用 多媒体师 生 活 动复 备 设 计 Teaching Steps Period 1 【导学指导】 温故知新 通过听唱英语歌曲“Good morning!” 开始英语教学。看卡片学习英语名字,八个人名 AlThe Fourth PeriodI .Teaching aims and demands1.Knowledge objects(1) To review the letters Aa-Rr;(2) To learn how to pronounce the letters: A, E, I, O (3) Speaking and listening practice(4) Self-check2. Ability objectsTo train students ability of listening and reading.II. Teaching focuses1. To review the letters Aa-Hh;2. To learn the pronunciation of letters A, E, I, O;3. To check the students if they have learned the knowledge in unit 2.III. Teaching difficulties Pronunciation of letters A, E, I, O & Self-checkIV Teaching proceduresStep1 Free talkLet the students make free talk about the things in the classroom.Step 2.RevisionReview the letters Aa-Rr.Step 3.Listening practiceSB page11 Activity3a Play the tape and check the answers.Step 4. PairworkSB page11 Activity3b Fill in the missing letters.Step 5. Listening practiceListen and repeat. Pay attention to the pronunciation of letters A, E, I, O.Step 6. Self-checkReview all the knowledge learned in this unit through doing the exercises in self-check.Step 7. Homework3. Finish off the workbook;4. Preview unit 3.ice, Bob, Cindy, Dale, Eric, Frank, Grace, Helen 。介绍Hello用于见面时打招呼。Good morning!用于早上见面问好。 自主互助学习 1.观看课本插图,听一听,读一读课本1a 。2.小组练习打招呼,教师巡回指导。A: Hello, Frank!B: Hello, Alice!A: Good morning, Frank!(早上好,Frank)B: Good morning, Alice!( 早上好,Alice) 3.学习字母Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh 的正确发音。Aa /ei/ Bb /bi:/ Cc /si:/ Dd /di:/ Ee /i:/ Ff / ef/ Gg / d3 i: / Hh / ei t1 /4.正确书写字母。 【课堂练习】1.小组训练早上见面打招呼。2.小组表演比赛。3.完成句子。 _(早上好,Helen!)_(嗨,Bob,早上好!)4.写出下列字母的相应大小写字母。A_ b_ C_ D_E_ f_ G_ h_5.写出下列字母相邻的字母。_Bb_ _Cc_ Ee_Gg Ff_Hh_【要点归纳】1.学会早上见面的简单问候。2. 识别和掌握八个人名:Alice, Bob, Cindy, Dale, Eric, Frank, Grace, Helen.3.学会字母AaHh 的正确发音,及正确书写。【拓展练习】1.早上见面主动用英语问好。2.熟悉人名Alice, Bob, Cindy, Dale, Eric, Frank, Grace, Helen .3.查词典为自己找一个喜欢的英语名字。 4._ _ (早上好),Mr. Wang!5. Good morning, Mary. _. A. Good morning B. Good evening C. Good afternoon D. Hello6.根据所给的字母的音标,写出大、小写字母。 1)/si:/_2)/di:/ _ 3)/ef/_ 4)/bi:/_5)/ ei /_ 6)/ ei t1 /_ 7)/i:/_ 8) / d3 i:/ _7.写出下列大字字母的小写字母。1) BEE _ 2)BAG _ 3)BED _ 4)HB _5)CD _ 6)ABC _ 7)AD _ 8)CAAC _.一、写出下列字母左邻右舍 8. _B_ 2. _c _ 3. _f_ 4. _E_ 5. _g _ 9.把与汉语相关的英语规范地写在四线三格中。 1)海伦早上好! 2)早上好,Alice 。二、单选1. Hi, Frank! _.A. Hello, Frank B. Hi, Grace.C. Good morning, Grace 2. 跟同学打招呼,你可以说_ A. Im Grace. B. Hello, Helen. C. My name is Frank. 3.晚饭后你遇到了一位朋友,你应该说: .A. Good night! B. Good morning ! C. Good evening !利用flash播放动画歌曲 把人名和人物相对应,让学生认识这8个人教 学 后 记再 次 复 备
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