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中南大学08级行政管理班新潮大学英语第一册期末考试试题(A)说明:请务必将所有题目的答案做在答卷纸上,交巻时试题和答巻分开交PART I Vocabulary and Structure( 45% )Section A Translate the following phrases into English.(10%)1拒绝,不理睬 _ 2. 突然_ 3. 抓住 _ 4. 使分散、分心_5等等_6. 跟踪,记载_7取得成功_ 8. 占_9顺便来访_ 10. 以免, 免得 _Section B Choose the most appropriate one to complete the following sentences (15%) 11. I have been _ to living in DongGuan. A. accustom B. accustomed C. custom D. customed12. Please _ the bottle with water. A. fill B. full C. filled D. fulled13. He was destined _ lonely in his life. A. be B. to being C. to be D. being14. There are a _ of people in the world. A. vary B. variety C. various D. variously15. What you are learning is _ to clerical administration. A. relevant B. relevance C. relation D. relative16. This afternoon, you have to submit your homework _ the teacher. A. on B. of C. in D. to17. I am _ at playing tennis than at my friend. A. good B. well C. better D. best18. It would not be doing him _ to call him lazy when he is so ill. A. justice B. injustice C. justify D. justification19. I take _ of a house and a lovely car. A. possess B. possesses C. possessed D. possession20. Last night, a burglar _ his house and stole everything. A. break out B. broke into C. broke up D. broke down21.Im fond of _ tennis and cycling. A. to play B. play C. playing D. played22. We should show our _ for our teachers and elderly people. A. respect B. respects C. respective D. respectable23. Although he expressed his idea clearly, I didnt think his remarks were _ To our discussion. A. relevance B. relevant C. relative D. relations24. I wont waste any more of your _ time. A. value B. valuable C. invaluable D. valueless25. How will disabled people escape in an _. A. emerge B. emergence C. emergency D. emergentSection C. Choose the correct word to fit into each sentence, using the proper form, and then translate the sentence into Chinese. (20%) 26. vary variety various variable variation A. The teacher said all students would have a _ period of five days to two weeks to fulfill the program. 中文:_. B. These prices are subject to _.中文:_. C. There is a rich _ of commodities in the big shopping center. 中文:_. D. People hold different ceremonies to celebrate the National Day in _ sections of the country.中文:_. E. The engineer is entitled to _ the treatment according to circumstances.中文:_.27. limit (n.) limit (v.) limited limitation unlimited A. There is a _ to how much I am prepared to spend.中文:_. B. Marys weak ankle was a _ on her walks.中文:_. C. Life has _ possibilities.中文:_. D. Please _ your remarks to the subject under discussion.中文:_. E. Since time is _, I shall touch on the language lab only very briefly.中文:_.PART II Cloze (10%) A gentleman put an advertisement in a newspaper for a boy to work in his office. 28 of nearly fifty persons who came to 29 , the man selected one and dismissed(把打发走) 30 . “ I should like to 31 , ” said a friend, “ the reason you 32 that boy, 33 brought not a single letter, not a single recommendation (推荐信).” “ You are wrong, ” said the gentleman, “ He had 34 great many. He wiped his feet 35 the door and closed the door 36 him, showing that he was 37 He gave his seat immediately 38 that old man, showing that he was kind and 39 . He took off his cap 40 he came in and answered my 41 promptly (敏捷地), showing that he was 42 and gentlemanly.” “All the 43 stepped over the book which I had purposely (故意地) put on the 44 . He picked it up and 45 it on the table; and he waited his turn instead of pushing
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